Law Research Paper Topics
Unfortunately, many students are used to the idea that having to find and choose great Law Research Paper Topics is too much struggle. However, our professional team at Topic Mill online library of titles is here to refute that belief. Law is an incredibly interesting subject, in general, and writing papers and reading literature about it can both make for a perfect grade and help you become a professional in the future. Regardless of the sphere of law you’re required to submit a work on, you will find a great deal of topic titles and ideas for you to study.
All of the Law Research Paper Topics in the list below can inspire you to make the most out of your studies and conduct independent research. What you need to know about a good academic paper is that finding and using the best title will make for an effective argument development. If you feel like some of your assignment tasks require too much struggle, go for the below suggestions and make the most out of your education. By focusing on the suggestions from our team, you will not only learn a lot of useful information but will also spark a new interest in the subject.
List of 150+ Law Research Paper Topics
- Aeronautics and Space
- Age and Crime.
- Aggression and Crime.
- American Journal of International Law
- Capital punishment: pros and cons. When and why it can be justified?
- Citizenship and Crime.
- Classical Criminology and its theories. Shall they be reviewed now?
- Comparative Study of U.S. and (other nation) Libel Law
- Countries with effective legal execution.
- Crime and Law Enforcement
- Crime classification systems in U.S. and worldwide
- Crime prevention: what can the government do to lower crime rate?
- Crime Reports and Statistics in (selected country) throughout 20-21 centuries. The changes
- Cybercrime.
- Cybercrimes: are the laws outdated for this type of crime?
- Disney and the Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act
- Domestic violence: the difference between statistic and the real picture
- Domestic Violence.
- Driving to suicide. From bullying to psychological tortures
- Drug abuse and crimes: can the society break this connection with the help of the laws?
- Education, Family, and Children’s Rights
- Elder Abuse.
- Elections and Campaign Finance
- Employment and Crime.
- Environmental and Wildlife crimes
- Environmental Crime.
- Exotic crimes in different countries. Why they are considered crimes there?
- Experimental Criminology: failures and victories
- Extradition
- False confessions and the way of dealing with them in different countries
- Families and Crime.
- Federal Sentencing Guidelines
- Feminist Criminology: the rising of the new branch.
- Feminist Criminology.
- Field work of the criminologists: from the beginning to the modern world
- Free speech and College Campuses
- Gangs and the special laws dealing with gang crimes
- Gender and Crime.
- Gun Control and Firearm Possession
- Guns and Crime.
- Hate Crime.
- Hate crimes: their nature and the laws connected with them
- Healthcare, Safety, and Bioethics
- Homicide.
- How do prostitution laws differ around the world?
- How does a new adoption law in Russia refuse orphans their chance for happiness?
- How the class system and cast culture are working against the right of equality which is the natural right of a human being?
- Human Trafficking.
- Identity theft: is it a modern crime? The identity theft prevention in post-Internet era
- Identity Theft.
- Immigration and Crime.
- Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship
- Improving America’s Schools Act
- Incarceration Rates in the U.S.
- Indigenous and Cultural Property
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Insanity defence: a loophole for criminals?
- Insanity Defense
- Intellectual Property
- Intelligence and Crime.
- Intelligence, education and types of crime
- International Criminal Court
- International Human Rights Reports
- International Law Practicum
- International Legal Materials
- Is it significant to give equal rights by the law to Diaspora population of a country?
- Judicial Monitor
- Juries
- Jury Nullification
- Justice Scalia’s Free Speech Decisions
- Juvenile courts and juvenile justice: the similarities and differences
- Juvenile Crime and Punishment
- Juvenile Delinquency.
- Labeling and Symbolic Interaction Theories.
- Law of Eminent Domain
- Law of Libel and Slander
- Law of Regulatory Takings
- Legal History, Traditions, and System
- License Plate Free Speech
- License Plate Readers
- Life Course Criminology.
- Local Government Issues
- Local Political Scandals
- Marriage, Divorce, and Estates
- Medical Rights of Youths
- Mental Illness and Crime.
- Mental illnesses and crime in different countries: similarities and differences
- Metropolitan Police Service (London),
- Minority and Human Rights
- Nation at Risk, A
- Neighborhoods and Crime.
- New York International Law Review
- No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
- Nuremberg Trials
- NYLS Guide to International Legal Research
- Offender Classification.
- Offender Reentry.
- Organizational Crime.
- Peers and Crime.
- Plants, Animals, and the Environment
- Plessy v. Ferguson
- Police–Community Relations.
- Policing U.S. Law Enforcement
- Prior Restraint and the 2011 British Super Injunction Scandal
- Prison System.
- Privacy in Internet era. Private data. Blackmailing. Revenge porn
- Privacy Rights and Data Protection
- Private International Law
- Problem-Solving Courts.
- Property and Land Rights
- Prostitution, slavery and human trafficking. The worldwide practices of eliminating it.
- Prostitution.
- Psychological Theories of Crime.
- Psychology and crime. Are some people more prone to break the law than others?
- Public Health and Criminal Justice.
- Quantitative criminology: the subject and the differences from other branches
- Race and Crime.
- Racial Profiling.
- Religion and Crime.
- Religious Laws and Religious Crimes in developing and developed countries
- Robbery.
- Routine Activities Theory.
- Self-control theory versus social control theory
- Self-Control Theory.
- Sex offences. Harassment. #MeToo movement and its legal consequences
- Sex Offenses.
- Should there be a law preventing cyber bullying?
- Social Class and Crime.
- Social Learning Theory.
- Sovereignty of Nations
- Strain Theories.
- Technology and the Justice System
- Terrorism as crime in different countries
- Texas and the libel remedy of Internet removal
- The Criminology of the Future: how science helps to investigate crimes?
- The history of Scotland Yard
- The impact of sociology and statistics on preventing the crime
- The international criminal court: when it comes into play?
- The International Review
- The principles of jury selection and nullification
- The principles of the police interrogation and the human rights
- The role of mass media in investigation: the most prominent cases
- The State of Libel Law in Texas
- The theory of broken windows: the influence of environment on the crime rate
- Theoretical Integration.
- Tort Reform
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- Various laws on abortion around the world.
- Victimization.
- Weather and Crime.
- What initiative and protocols must be launched by the government in their law system to provide equality to the people suffering from social discrimination?
- What rights socially backward castes and tribes are given in different nations and how they are utilized by them?
- What should be done to bring the marginal section of society to the mainstream by the government law on the practical scenario?
- Where is the line between artistic photos and pornography?
- Why the same crime has such a wide range of punishments?
- World Trade Organization cases
- Wrongful convictions: how can the state undo the harm?
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