Marketing Dissertation Topics

Arguably, marketing is one of the most interesting subjects one can major in. However, no matter how interested you are in the sphere, choosing a specific topic for your dissertation may be hard, and we understand that. The topic you opt for should be broad enough for you to research it thoroughly but also not too studied so that you’re able to bring something new to the discussion.
Writing dissertations is way harder than submitting a regular essay assignment online, which is why we want to help you and make your life a little easier and offer you some ideas. Choosing a topic that does not have enough background research may result in you having to start from scratch halfway through the assignment. Below, you’ll find the best marketing dissertation topics, which will help you receive your PhD with not too much struggle. We are sure that among those topics, you’ll find many interesting ones, and a few will speak directly to you.
List of 162 Marketing Dissertation Topics
- A Comprehensive Investigation Of Supermarket Differentiation
- A cross cultural analysis of marketing techniques across cultures.
- A Marketing Plan For A Business Operating In The LGV Driver Agency Sector
- A Strategic Analysis of ASDA
- Advantage of strong marketing mix to firms.
- Advertising and Semiotics as Meaningful Signs
- Amalgamating regional differences within the national culture of marketing.
- Consumers Expectations Towards Smartphones
- Analysis Of Product Innovation On Customer Satisfaction A Case Study Of Starbucks In Qatar Market
- The Role Of Gender Representation In Marketing In Hong Kong
- Supply Chain Negotiation Process
- A Summer Programeventcamp For A Montessori Preschool
- An Analysis Into Strategy Change At Next Plc
- An Analysis into the Impact of Marketing Communications Activities Initiated by the Boots Company on the Behaviour of its Loyal Consumer Base
- An analysis of the perception of consumers through customized products.
- An Exploratory Study Into Attitudes And Behaviour Of Males Aged 18-24 Towards Male Grooming
- An In-Depth Into Advertising Agency From An Indian Perspective
- An Investigation Into The Concept Of Relationship Marketing Within The Company Environ Technologies Ltd
- An investigation of consumer psychology and perceptions.
- An Investigative Study Into Consumer Attitudes And Behaviours Towards Ethical Food
- Analysis Into The Key Diversification Strategies Implemented By TESCO Plc
- Analysis of 4P’s on customer’s attitude.
- Analysis of change in behaviour of customers in offline and online marketing.
- Analysis of change in purchasing by introducing celebrity endorsements.
- Analysis of change in sales due to location and environment.
- Analysis of cultural effect on consumer’s decision.
- Analysis of customer’s attitude towards laptops brands.
- Analysis of packaging of product on buying decision.
- Analysis of sales of customized and personalised products.
- Analysis of social media marketing policies.
- Analysis of the consumer: Comparative analysis between good quality products and brand loyalty.
- Application of marketing mix in a culturally diverse society.
- Are Marketing Methods Becoming Too Intrusive? Focus on Privacy Issues
- Are UK Supermarkets Over Selling And Placing Too Much Focus On Fairtrade Products?
- Brand Identity And Its Affect On Consumer Behaviour
- Brand Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction
- Brand Rejuvenation: An Investigation Into How To Re-Enforce And To Protect A Brand From The Threat Of Consumer Neglection
- Branding Strategies: Impact and application.
- Building relationship with customers through social media.
- Competition and Oligopoly in UK Supermarket Retailing
- Consequences of wrong placement of products.
- Consumer attitude towards in-store shopping and online shopping in Wall-Mart.
- Consumer Loyalty in Retail – An Investigation into Loyalty Schemes
- Consumer perception of social media marketing.
- Consumer perceptions in saving money when purchasing products.
- Consumer response to new products.
- Consumer Retail Loyalty: An Analysis Into Tesco
- Conventional banks and rebranding.
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Management: A case of Nestle.
- Critical analysis of cultural differences and marketing.
- Critically analysing pricing strategies.
- Cross-cultural marketing with specific focus on FMCG.
- Cultural difference and the subsequent effect on super markets across United Kingdom.
- Customer loyalty: a habit, behaviour or an attitude?
- Customer loyalty: An Analysis of the Honda Motor Company.
- Customer satisfaction: the key to success.
- Customer’s attitude towards a specific brand.
- Difference between online and offline promotions.
- Direct Marketing: Effect and implications on consumers.
- Disadvantages of using same marketing tact in different markets.
- Do customers respond differently to direct and digital marketing?
- Do customers trust brands blindly?
- Do leading brands need to introduce innovative products?
- Does brand effect purchase behaviour.
- Does Celebrity Endorsement Influence Consumers Purchasing Decisions?
- Effect of advertising of alcohol on youngsters.
- Effect of branding on consumers of Coke and Pepsi. A comparative analysis.
- Effect of central location and ease of access on customers.
- Effect of internal marketing on customers.
- Effect of premium pricing strategies adopted by good brand. A case of Apple products.
- Effect of unconscious mind on consumer’s shopping style.
- Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Tools on Consumer Decision to take Credit Cards
- Effects of luxury good on buying behaviour and perceptions.
- Elements of branding and brand recognition
- Equality between charged prices and value provided to customers.
- Examination Into Youth Brand Loyalty: The Sportswear Industry
- Factors Affecting Competition & Success in the Athletic Footwear of the Footwear Industry in the United States
- Final Year Marketing Project: Analysis Into Strategic e-Marketing
- Final Year Project: An In Depth Analysis Into Consumer Behaviour
- Final Year Strategic Marketing Management Project: Critical Analysis Of The Strategies Of Easy Jet
- How businesses gather information from social media.
- How can brand equity be maintained?
- How can companies overcome the hate speech of dissatisfied customers?
- How can consumers understand the brand image of an organization?
- How can stores increase loyalty through relationships?
- How consumer thinks about switching cost while leaving a brand
- How Consumers Evaluate Brand Extension And The Role Market Research Plays In Extension Success
- How customers can protect themselves from deceitful direct marketing techniques?
- How direct marketing help the organisations in maintaining good relationship with customers?
- How Do Amendments In The Regulatory Environment Affect Marketing Strategies For Tobacco And Food Companies?
- How does the behaviour of management harm brand equity?
- How does the knowledge of consumer effect the purchase of products
- How Does Zara Sustain Competitive Advantage In Europe Without Advertising?
- How Experiential Marketing can Enhance Traditional Marketing Communications in the Business to Consumer Sector
- How Facebook pages turn into cash inflows for businesses.
- How is customer loyalty affected if the customer goes for online shopping rather than visiting the store?
- How low income households look at luxury brands.
- How loyalty schemes help businesses to sell directly to customers?
- How middle class households perceive luxury goods range.
- How social media marketing helps in acquiring new businesses.
- How to create profitable relationships with consumers.
- Impact of appearance and visual effects for online marketing.
- Impact of belief, religion and values upon business across the world.
- Impact of cultural values in promotional activities.
- Impact of culture on the trading market. A case of General Motors through an analysis of the imports and exports.
- Impact of effective promotion on sales.
- Impact of promotions upon customer’s perception.
- Impact of social marketing on purchases.
- Impact of traditional promotions vs social media promotions.
- Impact on purchasing by introducing cartoon character for children.
- Implications and Application of Online Marketing.
- Importance of location for customers.
- Importance of marketing mix for companies.
- Influence of celebrity endorsement on sale of specific product.
- Influence of social media campaigns upon buying pattern of customers.
- Investigation of importance of brand and reliability in automotive industry, with specific focus on Toyota.
- Is banner advertisement a good idea in social media marketing? A global comparative analysis.
- Loyalty schemes and their relationship with sales.
- Loyalty schemes vs. customer satisfaction.
- Loyalty: behaviour or an attitude.
- Maintaining Customer Relations through Relationship Marketing. A case of ASDA.
- Marketing methods & techniques which changes buying behaviour.
- Organizations and their use of personalized products.
- Pattern of shopping by customers in ASDA.
- Pricing war between competitors.
- Reaction of consumer while accepting innovative product.
- Relationship between brand equity and consumer perception of products.
- Relationship between sales and promotional campaigns.
- Response of consumer to loyalty schemes vs. customer satisfaction.
- Response of consumers to audio guided telemarketer: An analysis of biasness.
- Retail brands and their value offerings in the UK high street
- Selection between substitutes of product with focus on mobile industry.
- Social media marketing vs. traditional marketing.
- Standardisation versus adaptation issues in International Marketing
- Strategic Market Analysis of LA Fitness and its Marketing Activities
- Strategies to motivate people to buy your products.
- The consumer psychology behind reusing old products: a case of an Asian consumer market.
- The Effects of Advertising and Its Impact on the Consumption of Alcohol by Young People
- The Effects Of Internal Marketing In The Indian Hotel Industry
- The Extent Of Strategic Ethical Marketing And The Impact Upon The Consumer
- The factors shaping customer’s wants.
- The family biasness, customer loyalty and marketing,
- The Female Approach To Consumer Decision Making For Traditionally Male Products
- The Impact and Attractiveness of Web Experience on Online Clothes Shopping
- The impact of collectivism and individualism on purchasing of mobile phones.
- The impact of negative publicity on consumer behaviour.
- The Impact of Social Media on Customer Purchase Decisions
- The impact of strong brands on consumers.
- The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behaviour
- The interrelationship between switching costs and resistance of consumers to switch brand loyalty.
- The relationship between the duration of a voice message on the success of tele-marketing? A case of mobile industry.
- The response of organizations to negative marketing on social media.
- The role of Face book as a marketing tool.
- The role of LinkedIn in connecting businesses and people.
- The role of marketing in purified water.
- The role of online marketing in sales.
- The role of online stores in traditional marketing mix.
- The UK Mobile Phone Industry – Delivering Value to the Student Segment of the Market
- The Usefulness of Relationship Marketing: To what extent have organizations incorporated the club style membership schemes for their customer?
- To What Degree Has The Growth Of The Internet Affected Consumer Behaviour In The UK?
- To What Extent Do Cartoon Characters Influence Children And What Implications Does This Have On Parents?
- Understanding psychology of consumers to develop marketing strategies.
- What are the ethics of brand marketing strategies?
- What attributes are preferred by customers for online search, purchasing and comparison?
- What is impact of language on the identity of a brand? A case of Coca-Cola.
- What is role of innovations in managing brand equity?
- Why is there a focus on the use of Face book for marketing rather than other platforms for social media marketing?
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