Medical Debate Topics

In 2019, medicine has become one of the spheres of social life that is often commonly discussed and debated. Nowadays, the debates regarding certain aspects of the healthcare system have drifted from the traditional academic and scholarly spheres to regular people’s conversations. The ideas regarding various therapeutic and preventive measures have become more widespread, partially because of the accessibility of information. As a result, many students, especially those involved in the medical sphere, engage in debates organized in classes.
If you were interested in reviewing some of the best medical debate topics, we’re here for you. Below, you’ll find an entire list of good suggestions regarding discussions of various aspects of pharmaceutical substances and medicinal practices. Keep in mind that a good academic discussion should be based on scholarly-proven research and not on your personal bias.
List of 92 Medical Debate Topics
- Allopathic & scientifically tested treatments versus Homeopathic & Ayurvedic treatments
- Are ancient medical tools better than modern ones?
- Are expiry dates on cold pills and similar medications meaningless?
- Are Indian doctors in a safe environment while working?
- Are medical advances leading to longer lives in the US?
- Are natural medicines a good alternative to pharmaceuticals?
- Are the private sectors in medical science helpful? Or they are just for making money?
- Artificial intelligence in medicine, a welcome change?
- Boy with epilepsy benefits from cannabis oil: Should we take medical treatments away from children?
- Branded medicines or generic drugs?
- Childhood vaccinations should be compulsory.
- Circumcision is not a form of cosmetic medical procedure, it’s rather a form of “organ damage” by both medical and legal definition
- Commercial surrogacy in poorer countries is exploitative.
- Constant health monitoring: Does more harm than good.
- Could onion soup have medical advantages?
- Cuban lung cancer vaccine receives FDA trial go-ahead: Is the U.S. still a leader in medical research?
- Do you agree with people that do not let their child receive medical treatment for religious reasons
- Doctor Creates Epi-Pen alternative: Should life saving medicine be subject to price controls?
- Doctor-Patient relationship should be improved. Government must take initiatives.
- Does genetic screening of embryos devalue human life?
- Drug addicts should (or should not) be put in hospitals for medical treatment instead of in prisons for punishment.
- Drug trial participant dies: Should private establishments be allowed to conduct clinical trials of oral medications?
- Ecstasy closer to being approved for PTSD treatment: Should all illegal drugs be considered for medicinal purposes?
- Generic medications: Do you prefer name brands over generics?
- Health mandatory medical
- Health workers are giving rise to a different type of Hospital Acquired Pneumonia, which can be prevented.
- In a life and death situation, medical decisions should the doctors be the one to decide or relatives should decide?
- India lacks modern equipments and infrastructure in medical science. Path to solution.
- Is Euthanasia justified?
- Is it correct for a doctor to have emotional relationships with his patients or professional relationships only.
- Is it okay to self medicate?
- Is medical data sharing a threat to privacy?
- Is the Medical Council of India taking enough measures to improve healthcare or is there no improvement at all.
- Is there really any proper medical research going on in India? Or its just limited to certain apex institutes?
- IVF v/s adoption.
- Kids over medicating on ADHD drugs
- Measles eradicated: has medicine advanced far enough?
- Medical cannibis will be legalized nationwide across Australia in November. Will this help patients?
- Medical Malpractice Should have consequences
- Medical Malpractice: Should a surgeon be held legally responsible if he removes the wrong body part during surgery?
- Medical marijuana has been linked with lower refills of prescription drugs: Should medical marijuana be legalized across the nation?
- Medical marijuana: Will medical marijuana be legal in the majority of the world by 2030?
- Modern Medicine has not had a significant effect in third world countries
- MTP should be legalized after 20wks of GA.
- Organ donation and cadaver donation versus disposing a cadaver via religious rituals.
- Planned Parenthood wins suit to block Mississippi law banning Medicaid expenditures to companies that provide abortions: Should states be allowed to block funding to certain health organizations?
- Pro life v/s pro choice in abortions.
- Religious Healers versus Modern Medicine and Diagnosis
- Should alternative medicine be banned in India?
- Should animal experimentation be banned?
- Should experimental drugs not yet approved be allowed for human consumption for medical reasons?
- Should Facebook delete medical marijuana posts?
- Should human genes be patented?
- Should human genome editing be legalized?
- Should it be legal to circumcise infants or small children without medical necessity?
- Should marijuana be legalized both medically and recreationally?
- Should medical cannabis be accepted by the NFL?
- Should medical debt have any bearing on your credit score?
- Should Medical Marijuana be included on Florida Ballot in November?
- Should medical marijuana be legalized nationwide?
- Should Medical Marijuana Be Made Into a Pill?
- Should medical marijuanas be legalized in schools?
- Should medical professionals do more to prevent addiction to painkillers?
- Should medical science always seek to prolong life?
- Should medical supplies be more affordable?
- Should medications be discontinued because of serious side effects and must train/raise/discipline/teach the mentally challenged for life-skills/independence/responsibility/industrious/self-defense/maturity/ingeniousness so they can handle themselves without being supervised?
- Should medications be discontinued due to serious side effects?
- Should Medicinal Cannabis Be Legalized in Every State?
- Should nurses and doctors share equal social respect or not.
- Should Opioid Companies be against medical marijuana?
- Should pregnancy be classified as a medical condition?
- Should psychedelic drugs such as LSD, MDMA and psilocybin be legalized for medical use?
- Should the government provide medicinal marijuans?
- Should we let newborn, That expected to die without heavy medical assistance and will live with crucial disabilities that destroy their lives, To die?
- Should we stop medicine to avoid an overpopulation?
- Should we stop medicine to avoid overpopulation?
- Should woman be the sole decision maker in MTP (Medical Termination of Pregnancy)?
- Stem cell brain injections let people walk again after stroke. Are stem cells the next breakthrough in medicine?
- Strict control over the cost of live saving drugs.
- Surprise medicine makes teeth grow back: Can we ever get rid of cavities?
- The is huge difference in pay scales in different states. Equality is needed.
- The NMC Bill is benificial to the doctor fraternity.
- There should be a maximum upper limit for the cost of any investigation (pathological, radiological, blood and serum)
- Vaccination is necessary or not.
- Was FICO wrong to exclude medical debt from credit scores?
- Weekly working hours of JRs and SRs should be reduced.
- Who are contributing more to medicine? General Physicians versus Surgeons.
- Will Cuba become a medical tourism destination?
- Will the country’s medical standards enhance if the administrative power is given to the private sector instead of the Government bodies.
- William Halsted’s addiction: Should illegal drugs be used for their medicinal properties?
- With primary care increasingly being provided by Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants–professions requiring far less training than traditional physicians–will medical mistakes increase?
- Would you have dropped your medical malpractice lawsuit if the doctor had given you an apology and explaination?