Debate Topics For Kids

Kids of all age are highly active, curious, vivid and generally hard to keep focused onto one topic for a longer time. They require annimation and entertainment and parents have to find the way to engage them into interesting activities that will simultaneously be educational. It’s hard to keep children’s attention and when it comes to middle grade kids and teens, the topics they are interested in are even more special.
There are many great resources of interesting topics to stimulate your kids to talk, express themselves, develop their imagination, communication skills and oppinions, but using debate topics for kids makes all these processes easy, effortless and fun. Topicsmill provides list of top subjects children are usually interested in and you won’t have any troubles engaging them into discussion about these matters. Most of these topics are mysterious, attractive, challenging, adventurous and require both intellectual and emotional engagement of kids. Debate will improve their eloquence, stimulate their creativity, critical thinking, analytical approach to diverse subjects, expand their horizons and promote many other good traits. Finally, these discussions reflect positivelly onto their education presented in high grades, increased concentration, better verbal and motoric skills, as well as leadership traits.
List of 60 Debate Topics For Kids
- Aliens are not real
- Are beauty pageants more harmful than beneficial?
- Are kids expected to perform chores around the house?
- Are oil and coal bigger threats than a country having nuclear weapons?
- Are school uniforms good or bad idea?
- Are social networking sites harmful?
- Are there aliens? Are we really alone?
- Are vampires real?
- Are video games good for you?
- Are we losing the fight against terror?
- Are Zoos Beneficial to Animals in Any Way?
- Bottled water is harmful
- Can exes still be best friends?
- Can kids go anywhere they wished with their friends?
- Can parents be punished for their kids’ mistakes?
- Can We Replace Teachers With Computers?
- Do we need better role models for our generation?
- Do you consider privacy to be a privilege or right?
- Does beauty or brains get you ahead in life?
- Does There Need to Be A Change in The Age For Voting?
- God: myth or reality
- Grading system should be abolished in schools
- Has Walt Disney done better for mankind than William Shakespeare ever did?
- Homework is good for students
- Is Exploring Space Really Important
- Is it acceptable for society to put someone to death?
- Is it alright to purchase any items you want with your allowance or own money?
- Is marriage an outdated concept? Is co-habitation the new replacement for marriage?
- Is peer pressure beneficial or harmful?
- Is protesting a justified behavior to break the law?
- Is public humiliation an acceptable punishment for criminals?
- Is rap music a means to express one’s individuality?
- Is There A Need to Have Junk Food in The School Cafeteria?
- Is there life after death?
- It’s 2010, is the world going to end in 2012?
- Junk food eating is not good
- Life exists after death
- Mobile phones in school should be banned
- Public school vs Private school
- School uniforms are good or bad
- Should animal testing be legal or illegal?
- Should George W. Bush be re-elected as President?
- Should junk food be banned from schools?
- Should kids be allowed to watch a PG-13 or R-rated movies?
- Should the death penalty be banned across the world?
- Should the school change the hours from morning to 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.?
- Should there be any zoos in the world?
- Should they increase or decrease the age for voting, smoking, and/or drinking?
- Should we stop space exploration?
- Should You Save Your Allowance or Spend It All Away?
- Smoking should be banned
- Social media and students
- Vegetarian food is better than non-vegetarian food
- Video games are not good for children
- Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima justified?
- What is the permissible age for tattoos and piercings?
- What’s the importance of the Olympics?
- What’s the meaning of beauty? Is it only skin deep?
- Which is better, television or books?
- Will computers replace teachers?