
Family Conversation Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020
Family Conversation Topics

List of 152 Family Conversation Topics

  1. How do members of a family support each other?
  2. Who do you think has the most power in the family? Why?
  3. Do you agree with the saying “Children should be seen and not heard”? Why do you agree or disagree?
  4. Are good family members or good friends more important? Why?
  5. What problems do parents have to solve as their children grow up?
  6. How close are you to your extended family? (cousins, aunts, great uncles etc.)
  7. What is the perfect number of children a family should have?
  8. What do you think of people who marry and decide not to have children?
  9. How do you think western families and eastern families differ?
  10. What do you think is the most important thing to make a happy family?
  11. Is it better for mothers to stay at home with kids or go to work to earn more money for the family?
  12. Many families send their children to private institutes or daycares for most of the day. Is this good or bad?
  13. How do you define the word “home”? Is it where you live? Where your family lives or where you grew up?
  14. When married people talk about having children they talk about “starting a family”. Can two married people be a family if they don’t have kids?
  15. How do you think family life is changing in your country? (example: wife working, husband cleaning, kids at institutes) Is this change good or bad?
  16. What do you think of gay marriage?
  17. Is spanking or hitting a good way to discipline children? Why or why not?
  18. What age is too young to get married?
  19. Why do people get married?
  20. Are friends more important than family? What do you think?
  21. Are chores assigned to children in your family?
  22. Are you married?
  23. Are you pressured by your family to act in a certain way?
  24. Are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters?
  25. Are your parents strict?
  26. Did you ever meet any of your great grandparents?
  27. Do you get along well with your family?
  28. Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters?
  29. Do you get along well with your in-laws?
  30. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how old are they?
  31. Do you have any children? If yes, what are their names and ages?
  32. Do you have to clean your own room?
  33. Does your mother make you clean your room?
  34. Do you like your family? Why or why not?
  35. Do you live with any of your grandparents?
  36. Do you live with your parents?
  37. Do you look more like your mother or your father?
  38. Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about?
  39. Do you often visit your grandparents?
  40. Do you think people should adopt children from other countries?
  41. Do you usually have any influence on family matters?
  42. Do your parents let you stay out late?
  43. What time do you have to be home?
  44. Do you have a curfew?
  45. How did you get your name?
  46. For whom are you named?
  47. Who are you named after?
  48. How big is your family?
  49. How many (first) cousins do you have?
  50. How many aunts and uncles do you have?
  51. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  52. How many children do you have?
  53. How many members do you have in your family altogether?
  54. How many people are in your (immediate) family?
  55. How many people are in your family?
  56. How often do you see your cousins?
  57. How often do you see your grandparents?
  58. How often is your entire family together?
  59. How old are your brothers and sisters?
  60. How old are your children?
  61. How old are your grandparents?
  62. How old are your parents?
  63. Is spanking a good way to discipline children?
  64. Should people follow the religion of their parents, or should they have the liberty to choose another?
  65. What are some of your fondest memories of childhood?
  66. What are your parents like?
  67. What do you and your family like to do together?
  68. What do you think of married couples who decide not to have any child?
  69. What do your mother and father look like? How about your grandparents?
  70. What do your parents do in their free time?
  71. What are the occupations of your family members?
  72. What does your father do? What’s his job?
  73. What does your mother do?
  74. What is the best memory you have of your family doing something together?
  75. What kind of things do you do with your family?
  76. What will you teach your children? (what values, beliefs, hobbies, skills, etc.)
  77. What would you change about your childhood?
  78. Where do your grandparents live?
  79. Where does your father’s father live?
  80. Where does your mother’s mother live?
  81. Who do you get along better with, your mother or your father?
  82. Who is the black sheep (odd ball) in your family?
  83. Would you get involved in your in-laws’ family problems?
  84. Would you live with your parents after you get married?
  85. Should children help with the housework?
  86. How much or how often should they help?
  87. What kinds of housework is not appropriate for children to do?
  88. Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family?
  89. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family?
  90. What impact has divorce and/or modern day living had on the family?
  91. Is the nanny and/or the day-care centre the third parent?
  92. Where is the best place to raise a family?
  93. Where do you think the best place to raise a family is? Why?
  94. What can make you happy in the long term/ short term? Consider the following: job satisfaction, a loving family, good health, plenty of money, strong religious believes, …
  95. What do you think of your mother and your father?
  96. Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?
  97. What’s the hardest thing you ever had to do?
  98. What was the most important thing your parents taught you?
  99. What’s the best thing about your mom?
  100. If you could have a different number of siblings, what would it be?
  101. Who should take care of old people?
  102. What is the perfect number of children to have?
  103. What’s the best thing about your grandparents?
  104. Should parents give their children an allowance?
  105. How often does your family eat dinner together?
  106. How should parents discipline their children?
  107. After you’re married, should your parents make decisions for you?
  108. What’s the best thing about your dad?
  109. Who is the breadwinner in your family
  110. How is nudity regarded in your family?
  111. Describe the perfect family.
  112. Do your parents get along with each other?
  113. If you are a mother or father, would you allow your son or daughter to listen heavy metal music?
  114. What was the saddest time in your family?
  115. Why do people get married
  116. What to look for in a life long mate
  117. What makes a person a good friend, a friend for life ,, a life mate
  118. What makes a person a bad, traits that irritate and confuse you
  119. What do you think of the budget, what is a budget and how do you make one work?
  120. How do you feel about your parents growing older? If they could no longer care for themselves, would you let them live with you or put them in a nursing home?
  121. Did you help your mother at home?
  122. What household chores do you do?
  123. Can you think of examples of countries that have different cultural values regarding the importance of family?
  124. Do you get along well with your family?
    1. Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters?
    2. Do you get along well with your in-laws?
  125. Do you have to clean your own room?
    1. Does your mother make you clean your room?
  126. Do your parents let you stay out late?
    1. What time do you have to be home?
    2. Do you have a curfew?
  127. How did you get your name?
    1. For whom are you named?
    2. Who are you named after?
  128. What are the occupations of your family members?
    1. What does your father do? What’s his job?
    2. What does your mother do?
  129. Should children help with the housework?
    1. How much or how often should they help?
    2. What kinds of housework is not appropriate for children to do?
  130. Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family?
    1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family?
  131. Where is the best place to raise a family?
    1. Where do you think the best place to raise a family is? Why?
  132. Do you think your parents understand you? Why or why not?
  133. Who does the household work, your father or your mother or both of them?
  134. Have you ever seen your mother (or father) cry? When was that and why?
  135. Who is the breadwinner in your family?
  136. Do your parents trust you?
  137. If you were offered an excellent job opportunity abroad, would you consider leaving your family for an indefinite period of time?
  138. Describe a typical family unit and the importance of family in your country.
  139. If you were offered an excellent job abroad could you leave your family and country for 5 years?

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