Proposal Essay Topics

If your assignment requires you to write a proposal essay, do not panic. Be a little strategic, and you will be able to write a good proposal essay. It is not a good idea at all to choose something randomly. A few important things should be considered when picking proposal essay topics.
First of all, your assignment details should be reviewed properly. If you have a clear idea of the requirements of your assignments, you will find it easy to do your research.
The next step is to brainstorm ideas. Great writing is possible only when you have great ideas. If you have debates and arguments with your friends, you will be able to consolidate ideas. It will also help you write your paper in an interesting way.
Many students choose subjects that they do not like and therefore end up writing poor quality essays. If it excites you, you will remain enthusiastic throughout the process. Modern education system requires students to write on issues they are passionate about.
Choosing a topic you really love
Once you have chosen a few subjects to write about, conduct research on them. Choose something you can work with, and talk to your teacher and parents about it.
See this list for some good ideas. We hope this list will help you find a suitable topic for your paper.
List of Proposal Essay Topics
- America at War: In what ways can we learn from US behavior during battle?
- American Presidents and private indiscretions: What history indicates about selecting a leader.
- An inexperienced worker: How to find your way after college.
- Animal communication: the most effective ways to communicate with the furry creatures around you.
- Are there any progressive ways to combine religion, psychology, and science on the curriculum?
- Are there ways ordinary people can reduce a global warming threatening?
- Art and cinema: how teachers can use more artistic supporting materials in class.
- Best ways to handle overbearing parents.
- Breaking up: How to get out of a bad relationship.
- Can parents let their children do whatever they want? The discipline in ‘freedom.’
- Can teachers tell small kids about the negative aspects of life?
- Can we pick the length of our education at university?
- Debates about health: Are they to be banned from schools for being too subjective?
- Do healthy nutrition basics have to be taught at schools?
- Do schools need any physical activity on the curriculum?
- Do schools need to ban typing lectures?
- Do we have to return to the same-sex classes to improve students’ performance?
- Do we need drug tests in college sports teams?
- Do we still need grades at school? Other ways to monitor and improve students’ performance.
- Do we still need to bother about environmental protection? What can we change?
- Ending the debate over the second amendment: the best solution for handling guns in America.
- Exerting influence: how to impact the mind and behavior of those around you.
- Fashion for Women: How to make it more comfortable and affordable.
- Female involvement in STEM majors: How to fix the gap.
- Gender inequality: What its origins can tell us about how to fix it.
- Getting People to care about global warming: How to drastically improve the environment in under a year.
- Happiness is in your head: The psychological tricks to become happier.
- How art therapy heals the subconscious.
- How can parents motivate their children not to postpone important tasks?
- How can parents teach their children to use the Internet at the best value?
- How can students make their contact sports experience at college beneficial for the future life?
- How can students make their schools more successful?
- How can teachers ‘protect’ their students from procrastinating?
- How can teachers help their students overcome the psychological pressure in class?
- How can teachers raise their students’ self-esteem and what are the reasons to do so?
- How can we better understand and develop telepathic and psychic skills?
- How can we combine fun and healthy lifestyle?
- How can we control the information we get from the Internet?
- How can we help men and women communicate better with one another?
- How can we learn from other people’s mistakes?
- How can we motivate others to save the planet?
- How can you help a friend in depression?
- How do animals help us become better people?
- How does art reflect the climate of its time?
- How does the paranormal field need to improve in order to gain more acceptance?
- How parents can bring out the best in their children.
- How should corporations reward the employees, apart from paying money?
- How should students be taught to take a failure?
- How should students respond to cyberbullying?
- How should the government regulate book prices to make people read more?
- How teachers can make classes more fun and increase student engagement.
- How the problem of resistance to change can be solved at the workplace.
- How to become a better reader? What can we really learn from books?
- How to become less responsive without getting an emotional block.
- How to build a corporate ethical policy?
- How to choose your sleep pattern?
- How to come to terms with the fact that perfectionism is wrong and destructive?
- How to cultivate the most productive sleep pattern for your needs.
- How to fix underperforming public schools in America’s inner city.
- How to improve sexual education at school.
- How to improve the medical insurance policy. Does it serve patients, hospitals or both?
- How to lower the divorce rate through matchmaking.
- How to make genetic engineering work for, not against, us?
- How to make the home study more effective.
- How to make your driving safer?
- How to make your marriage affair-proof
- How to make your outfit reflect your individuality without being controversial?
- How to prevent an emotional breakdown during the exams.
- How to promote positive body image in youths.
- How to protect animal rights without becoming too radical.
- How to see the truth in the Internet headlines: The lessons of information wars
- How to spot and interpret social media dishonesty.
- How to teach kids about winning and losing in sports and life.
- How to visualize your future right?
- Identifying a bad relationship: best ways to spot the signs that its over.
- If your friend got a problem: What can we do to prevent drug and alcohol addiction.
- Improving public education in America: The ultimate solution.
- In what way the educational system can be improved by the government?
- In what ways can female involvement in politics be remedied?
- In what ways can more self-confidence improve your life?
- In what ways can the lessons of the civil rights movement help us improve modern day race relations?
- In what ways do commercials/advertising reflect the anxieties of a society?
- Is it reasonable to exclude the theory of evolution from the curriculum?
- Is money a good motivator? How to look forward to your future without being terrified about your income.
- Is the client always right? How to be a good customer.
- Is the student-teacher communication in social media ethical?
- Is there any useless knowledge we get at school?
- Is there still need for the capital punishment?
- Junk food in your diet: how to still eat it and be healthy.
- Kicking a drug habit: One foolproof method.
- Kids and the Internet: the best way to regulate usage and amount.
- Media and women: how to get the media to portray women with realistic beauty.
- Most effective ways for dealing with jealous friends.
- Not my kid: how to prevent your child from being bullied or being the bully.
- Open marriages: How to make them work
- Overcoming psychological scars: Best ways to survive a painful childhood.
- Peace in the Middle East: The most constructive role America can play.
- Physical punishment at home: How can the society liquidate it completely?
- Preserving the death penalty: the three specific times its necessary.
- Race relations in America: Fixing the legacy slavery left.
- Real life espionage: how to incorporate spy maneuvers in your daily life.
- Should children be rewarded for good performance at school?
- Should government control the birth rate?
- Should organizers and activists be punished for flash mobs?
- Should parents pay children for doing household chores? What are other ways to motivate children?
- Should religious studies be a part of the curriculum? How to make it work for all the confessions?
- Should students be allowed to choose courses in their curriculum? Are there any negative consequences of this freedom?
- Should students be tested regularly?
- Should subcultures be monitored by educational institutions? The benefits of diversity.
- Should there be any responsibility for taking pictures and videos of people without their permission?
- Should we ban children from watching TV?
- Should we ban human genetic engineering?
- Social media and self: how to use social media to feel better about yourself.
- Teaching evolution in public schools: Compelling science offers support.
- The best methods for handling manipulative people.
- The best ways to accept the society and make it accept you.
- The best ways to benefit from a course you don’t like.
- The best ways to set your company mission.
- The effective ways to convince a child to choose a healthy lifestyle.
- The lessons of censoring the Internet in other countries: Is there something we can adopt?
- The objective reason why parents blame schools for spoiling their children. The ways to share responsibility.
- The problem of smoking among the youth: Can we stop it once and for all?
- The reasons to include happiness studies to the curriculum.
- The safest ways for students to improve their health without medication.
- The studying techniques that should be banned from school.
- The studying techniques useful for both students and teachers.
- The ways of estimating student physical activity at school.
- The ways parents can influence their children without pushing.
- The ways students should be taught about their health.
- The ways to be more responsible for your pets.
- The ways to improve corporate responsibility of a company.
- The ways to improve economic situation without limiting immigration.
- The ways to increase the social responsibility of students.
- The ways to influence corporate policies acceptable to students.
- The ways to prevent cyber crimes.
- The ways to succeed in studies without being exhausted.
- The ways to talk about sexual education without making anyone uncomfortable.
- The ways to understand the bureaucracy? What are the benefits of this concept?
- The ways to use social media to increase students’ productivity.
- Understanding motivation: how to motivate those around you.
- Understanding teenage risk-taking: How to prevent dangerous behavior in youths.
- What are the best ways to rest during the studying semester?
- What are the healthy alternatives to caffeine?
- What are the ways the country can help orphans find new families?
- What can schools do to reduce the number of suicides among students?
- What can students do to make their schools a safer place?
- What can we do to make our cities cleaner?
- What can we do to make reading more popular?
- What example should parents set to make their children more successful in life?
- What is the best alternative to punishing children?
- What is the best way to raise respectful teenagers?
- What is wrong with today’s attitude towards disabled people? Is there anything left to change?
- What newest trends of psychology should teachers use to improve the class performance.
- What should students do to be more tolerant of others?
- Why do we often underestimate the experience of the past? How to become more mindful on the level of society?
- Why does educational process depend equally on students and teachers? How can both parties make it more effective?
- Why has feminism returned? How to prevent sexism at school.
- Why should we stop discussing marijuana legalization?
- Why we take misunderstanding for hatred: The ways to overcome excessively strong emotions in parent-children relationships.
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Hello, I’m going to take part in a scientific competition, but I still can’t find an interesting topic. These topics are good, but it’s hard for me to understand, because I only study in high school (first year). Can anyone help me please ???