Economic Debate Topics
Created: 17.10.2019
Updated: 07.02.2020

List of 382 Economic Debate Topics
- £100 billion budget black hole: Is Brexit to blame?
- 11 million Americans spend half their income on rent: is this a big problem?
- 30 years of economic policies detract from Generation Y’s financial prospects: Do millenials have the opportunities to be as financially successful as their parents did?
- 300 Dead in Supermarket Fire: Should business owners be required to compensate the families of people who die in accidents on the location of their business?
- 62% of Americans don’t even have $1000 in savings: Is the economy really recovering?
- A Chinese billionaire warns that his country’s real estate is the “biggest bubble in history.” Assuming that is true, does it pose a threat to the world economy?
- A court has found Yelp is not liable for negative rating stars on its site. Should companies be responsible for user input?
- A drugmaker raised the price of acne cream to $10,000 a tube. Do pharmaceutical companies care more about profits than people?
- A glut of expensive homes hits the market: Is a new housing crash on the horizon?
- A greater percentage of Dutch people speak English than Canadians. 90% of Dutch people speak English. Only 85% of Canadians do. Should we trade more with Holland?
- A housing official in Silicon Valley has resigned because she can’t afford to live there. Are housing prices there due for a crash?
- A new Scottish independence bill was published. Will this hurt Scotland’s economy?
- A recent study showed Obama’s tax hikes on the rick didn’t hurt the economy. Is supply side economics “vodoo economics” as George H.W. Bush once said?
- A report has stated the TPP will hurt workers. Do free trade deals do more harm than good?
- A Spanish café begins charging more for coffee if customers are rude. Will customers be turned off by this concept?
- A tilting, sinking San Francisco high-rise raises alarm. Are home builders too greedy?
- A U.S. FDA study showed 90% of more than 100 drugs, prescription and over-the-counter, “were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.” Is the expiration date merely a way for drug companies to increase sales and profits?
- AAPL (Apple) on the rise at over $100. Analysts say ‘buy’. Is this the right move?
- After all ISIS has done, do we Americans feel more willing to have boots on the ground once again?
- Albuquerque officials offer panhandlers $9 per hour to work on city beautification projects: Is this a fair wage?
- Aluminium was once so expensive and cherished that Napoleon III held a banquet where the most honored guests were given aluminium utensils: Ia Aluminium still valuable?
- Amazon Cut by $35 Billion under Trump: Will the economy fare better now that Trump is becoming President?
- America an unhappy country: Is income inequality to blame for America’s low happiness ranking?
- An equity analyst raised his rating to a Buy on American Eagle Outfitters. Do you trust equity analyst ratings?
- Apple was hit with a $118m “back tax” payment in Japan. Will this cause companies to domicile in the U.S.?
- Apprentices get paid during the education period, should students too?
- Are Amazon delivery drivers working illegal hours?
- Are America’s shopping malls dying?
- Are archaic visa policies in the United States a threat to the U.S. tech boom?
- Are banks dangerous to the economy?
- Are big business executives making too much money?
- Are big businesses always looking for tax loopholes?
- Are consumers spending more on Christmas today than they did 30 years ago?
- Are declining gas prices putting oil companies at risk?
- Are domestic drones unconstitutional?
- Are drugs good or bad.
- Are economists overrated?
- Are EPA regulations proven to be implausible and ineffective
- Are falling oil prices a good thing (yes) or a bad thing (no) for the U.S. economy?
- Are green eyed people evil
- Are investors making a good decision in paying up for richly priced stocks?
- Are Labor Day sales worth it?
- Are online banks and currency systems safer than traditional banking?
- Are poor people poor because of their bad habits?
- Are pop-up shops healthy for the overall economy?
- Are supermans and batmans misleading idols
- Are Sweatshops A Necessary Evil?
- Are target-date investments a good idea?
- Are the recent tax cuts inappropriate during the current period of economic expansion?
- Are the Republican Party’s economic plans better than the democrats?
- Are the rising cost of oil prices a cause for concern?
- Are the youth of today capable of running the country?
- Are there any ethical ways to reduce the world population?
- Are tie-in sales anti-competitive?
- Are transgenders mentally ill
- Are U.S. visa requirements going to have a negative effect on the tech industry?
- Are UK credit ratings down after the “Brexit” vote?
- Are unions and high wages to blame for job outsourcing?
- Are USD regulations not strict enough?
- Are Wall Street policies too lax?
- Are we polluting our oceans?
- Are weapons and munitions becoming too costly to use?
- Are white people sensetive
- Are you more satisfied with the economy now than you have been at any point in the last 10 years?
- As machines take more and more jobs, should we allow this? If so, how do we modify society so that people don’t go hungry?
- Asylum seekers in Sweden are allowed to work if they have the proper documents: is it still more difficult for asylum seekers to find jobs?
- AT&T and the FCC: Is AT&T violating net neutrality rules?
- AT&T Denies Low-income Discounts: Should companies be able to decide which goverment assistant programs they accept?
- ATM and overdraft fees: Should banks be limited on the amount of fees they can charge?
- ATMs and automation: Is the fact that ATMs have not eliminated the bank teller occupation a good sign for the future of other jobs in the face of changing technology?
- ATT spying on Americans for profit: Should technology companies be allowed to spy on Americans without a warrant?
- Australia Raises Minimum Wage by 2.4%: Will This Negatively Impact Their Economy?
- Bad environment cause by modern technology.
- Banks begin moving thousands of jobs out of Britain. Will Brexit cause a Depression in the U.K.?
- Barack Obama transfers $500m to Green Climate Fund in attempt to protect Paris deal. Should the US continue to support this project?
- Barbie-maker Mattel CEO out as sales falter: Should a toy maker focus on share price more than entertaining children?
- Barns are painted red because the iron used to make it is plentiful and cheap: Should more people do things based on economics?
- Be it resolved: Should euthanasia be legalized?
- Bear’s Smokehouse in Hartford makes statement with $15 an hour minimum wage: Should a $15 minimum wage be federally mandated?
- Bebo Buyback: Was it worth the founders buying back their company 5 years later for 849 million less than its original sale price?
- Ben and Jerry free cone day: Are long lines for freebies worth your time?
- Biden to Davos: Top 1% “not carrying their weight”. Should the wealthy pay more taxes?
- British pound volatility exceeds Bitcoins: Do you like the concept of virtual currency?
- California raises minimum wage to $10.50 an hour: Is this a good move?
- Can financial problems destroy a nation/country?
- Can Greece’s economy ever recover? If yes, how?
- Can impoverished countries economically benefit from embracing renewable energy?
- Can India be a super power?
- Can Macy’s survive in tough retail environment?
- Can old company logos stand the test of time?
- Can Russian banks save the ruble?
- Can the ruble rebound?
- Canada puts tax on foreign home buyers: Should the U.S. tax foreign home buyers, too?
- Canadian $100 banknote featured an Asian woman on the back using a microscope: Should we stop using paper money altogether?
- Canadian dollar plummets: Is this a sign of bigger problems for the country?
- Changing Food Stamp Laws: Is it okay to crack down on those receiving food stamps that don’t have jobs?
- China jobs: Are jobs going to start returning to the US from China?
- China telecom must allow to operate in the Philippines?
- Chinese billionaire moves manufacturing to U.S. to lower costs: Is American manufacturing going to experience a comeback?
- Christie vetoes a $15 an hour minimum wage bill pushed by N.J. Democrats. Will a higher minimum wage kill jobs?
- Cisco will cut up to 5,500 jobs. Should CEOs receive bonuses when there are mass layoffs?
- Coca-Cola to produce and distribute bottled Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. Will this help grow Coca-Cola’s profits?
- Comcast customers sue over fees that push price above advertised rate. Should cable companies be required to release the total cost of the service?
- Comcast will participate in a Bank of America Merrill Lynch investor conference. Are these conferences unfair to individual investors?
- Cons of selling toys with fast food?
- Could a Trump presidency affect our economy negatively due to bad relations with Mexico?
- Could the currency crisis in Russia have a large impact on the global stock market?
- Could the drastic fall and halt of Chinese stock trading have a severe impact on the American economy?
- Could there be a better alternative to money?
- Cuba confirms the start of direct commercial flights from the U.S. Will this relationship help the U.S. economy?
- Dakota Access pipeline protesters crowdsource for $5,000, get $1 million. Would you donate to the cause?
- Dakota Pipeline Protests Continue: Is the United States too dependent on oil?
- De Beers no longer controls the diamond market and prices are set by market forces after a century long monopoly. Could this have happened earlier?
- Debt-for-nature swaps: Do they work?
- Demand Side Economics (YES) vs Supply Side Economics (NO)
- Did Micheal Brown deserve to be shot?
- Did Ronald Reagan’s Economic Policies Benefit the United States?
- Did the states fully fund prior long-term commitments made for public worker pensions and health care, as well as for education, transportation, and other areas?
- Did Unilever overpay for Dollar Shave Club?
- Did you get an accidental tax return from the IRS?
- Did you take advantage of any Tax Day freebies?
- Disney World is located in and governed by the Reedy Creek Improvement District, a jurisdiction created by Disney that is exempt from all Florida land use laws. Should private companies be allowed to create their own jurisdictions?
- Do business regulations actually help are economy, or do they just eliminate competition by out sourcing small business?
- Do certain jobs require, certain people? (what about the disabled?)
- Do China’s stocks affect global economies?
- Do consumers still benefit from falling oil prices if they cause banks to experience higher credit losses and reduced loan growth?
- Do gig economy workers deserve the same rights as full-time employees?
- Do lemonade stands encourage children to organized crime like behaviour?
- Do people care more about social issues than economic issues?
- Do rich people affect poor people’s wealth?
- Do students have the right to not learn education?
- Do the poor pay a higher percentage of their income on taxes than the top 1%?
- Do the rich care about the poor?
- Do U.S. companies have more money than they are letting on about?
- Do unions and pension programs based on fantasy future earnings destroy ‘state’ economies?
- Do war memorials keep the wars alive?
- Do workers in the United States need more vacation time each year?
- Do you agree that a man gets success in life much more easily than a woman?
- Do you agree with Paul Ryan, that if you were raised poor, you’re just as likely to stay poor?
- Do you agree with Rick Perry that income inequality isn’t a problem in Texas?
- Do you agree? Ben Shapiro : “People who are poor for their entire lives are just bad with money.”
- Do you bank at one of America’s top 5 banks?
- Do you believe “honey laundering” is a real problem?
- Do you believe India’s economy will become more stable than that of China?
- Do you believe that Chinese steel companies laying off 1.8 million steel and coal workers in an effort to become a less export driven economy could be followed by other countries such as the United States?
- Do you believe the gap between the rich and poor is biggest in cities such as Miama, New York City and Los Angeles?
- Do you believe the price of oil could reach $80 a barrel by the end of 2015?
- Do you believe the unemployment is 4.9% or is their a bigger story that’s not being told?
- Do you feel the US economy has recovered enough for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates?
- Do you have sympathy for bullied kids?
- Do You Have The Right To Online Privacy?
- Do you have the worst career? Yes?Explain. No? How did you get a job you love. For me, yes: it’s becoming a pharmacist
- Do you look down at blue collared workers?
- Do you plan to try the new flat white drink at Starbucks?
- Do you support free trade?
- Do you support Small Business Saturday?
- Do you think a background check should prevent you from getting a job?
- Do you think France’s rule regarding different treatment of companies with 49 and fewer employees is fair to the workers?
- Do you think it is right that so much wealth is controlled by just a few?
- Do you think people will be more inclined to buy a farm animal if they see one at the Farmers Exchange?
- Do you think RadioShack is dying?
- Do you think that all major stores overcharge their customers?
- Do you think that an international convention for a progressive global minimum wage, by groups of economically close countries, would be desirable?
- Do you think that eliminating the one-cent coin is going to improve this country’s economy?
- Do you think that helping the poor financially makes them too dependant ?
- Do you think that Mylan’s launch of the first generic Epipen auto injector is enough to boost the company’s stock and deflate criticism?
- Do you think that the collapse of the Russian Ruble is permanent?
- Do you think that the sanction imposed on Theranos by banning its founder will make the company’s value increase?
- Do you think that these wall street bankers who choose not to use e-mails have something to hide?
- Do you think the Keystone Pipeline will create a lot of jobs once it is completed?
- Do you think the stock market will crash soon?
- Do you think the U.S. military proves socialism works, because it is tax funded like my colleague suggests?
- Do you think the United Kingdom and Ireland should close like the rest of the markets in Europe on International Workers’ Day (May 1st)?
- Do you think the US should eliminate the penny from US currency?
- Does a strong U.S. dollar hurt American companies that do business overseas?
- Does an increase in jobs have a significant impact on the economy?
- Does Brexit spell disaster for the world’s economy?
- Does change always mean progress?
- Does Christmas really have an impact on the stock market?
- Does Cyber Monday have better deals than Black Friday?
- Does free trade only benefit a select group of people?
- Does Harley Davidson make the best motorcycles?
- Does illegal immigration help or hurt the economy?
- Does it matter where Lottery winners invest their winnings?
- Does low-income force people to live closer to their parents?
- Does mass immigration lower the average wage in England?
- Does money contributes to happiness
- Does more need to be done to protect creative types from internet piracy.
- Does Saudi Arabia have too much power over the oil industry?
- Does spending more money on the military make a country more powerful?
- Does the existence of the third world facilitate the wealth of the first?
- Does the recent sale of a vintage GM bus bode well for the company’s legacy?
- Does the Sports Authority bankruptcy signal the end for sports retailers?
- Does the Texas economy rely too heavily on the oil industry?
- Does the top 1% pay enough taxes?
- Does the U.S. need another stock market correction?
- Does the World Economic Forum actually help the global economy?
- Does there exist a distinct separation between social and monetary values?
- Does we really need money in the world?
- Does wealth inequality harm democratic ideals?
- Doomsday clock: Will this motivate countries to change their policies involving the environment and nuclear weapons?
- Dow eclipses 19,000 : Is This The Beginning of a Lucky Streak for the Stock Market?
- Dow hits 20,000: Should people care?
- Dow hits record: Will US stocks continue to rise with the announcement of Donald Trump as president?
- Dow Jones hits 20,000: Did ‘Trump Factor’ have any influence?
- Dow Plunges: Will the stock market be strong in 2015?
- DOW reaches all time high: Is this the start of an economic boom?
- Dow stocks drop 300 points following “Brexit”: should investors adjust their portfolios?
- East Bay: Is this the new center of manufacturing industry?
- Economics warn of Trump Presidency: Is this just sour grapes?
- Elizabeth Warren wants Wells Fargo’s CEO “held accountable.” Should he resign?
- Epipen profits soar: Is it wrong to make a profit on drugs people need?
- Equality, Justice, And a respect for (human)rights are not features of the economic system of the USA. True or False?
- Eric Trump is taking over his father’s business. Do second generation family business struggle?
- Estate tax may force early sale of unreleased Prince songs and cut his $250 million estate in half – should changes be made in regard to estate taxes?
- EU drops law to limit cancer-linked chemical in food after industry complaint. Do companies wield too much power?
- EU regulators fine banks over market rigging: Is the U.S. government too lenient toward big banks?
- Euro down after Greece election. Should austerity measures continue?
- Europe hits Apple with $14.6 billion tax bill. Did Europe breach a sovereign country’s ability to tax?
- European Union and the referendum in Italy: Is the recent vote in Italy a sign that the EU will not last?
- European Union regulators who slapped Apple Inc. with a 13 billion-euro ($14.6 billion) tax bill are examining allegations that Ikea dodged at least 1 billion euros in taxes over the past six years. Will companies once again domicile in the U.S.?
- Ex-Wells Fargo employees sue for $2.6 Billion, alleging they were punished for not breaking the law. Does Well Fargo need a major change in leadership?
- Excess of expensive homes go on the market: Is there a housing collapse in the future?
- Exercise is so important: Should people have to document their exercise regime for a tax discount?
- Expansion bill killed: Does AT&T have the customer in mind?
- Experts speculate over November stocks: Will Under Armor stock continue to rise?
- Eyewear Buyout: Is Producing Lenses and Frames a Good Business Model?
- Facebook created 4.5 million jobs in 2014: Is Facebook good for the economy?
- Farm run by robots: Are robots the next step in sustainable agriculture?
- FDIC hack: Is money safe in a bank?
- FedEx raised it quarterly dividend. Is this a positive sign for the overall economy?
- Feds require identities: should the Feds require buyers of luxury Los Angeles properties to reveal their identities?
- Fixing student debt: Will student debt ever end?
- Floods have been caused by human activities
- Food stamps still feed 1 in 7 Americans despite recovery: Are food stamps a waste of American taxpayer dollars?
- Ford moves production of small cars to Mexico: Should US companies export jobs to save costs?
- Former British Prime Minister says TPP is doomed due to lack of support in U.S. Congress: Is it possible to make a trade agreement that would receive congressional support?
- Forty arrested outside Detroit McDonald’s in protest for higher wages: Should the minimum wage be increased?
- France wants EU-US trade talks stopped. Does free trade help economies grow?
- French businesswoman Jacqueline Veyrac was kidnapped in Nice while the President of Cannes’s five-star Grand Hotel was seized from her car . Will fear hurt the French economy?
- Gap’s CEO called the creative directors “false messiahs.” Is he the right person to lead the company?
- German market chain stops using plastic bags: Should markets around the world stop using plastic bags?
- Germany posts budget surplus in 2016: Should Germany cut taxes?
- Germany will not bail out any lenders. Do countries have an obligation to bail out financial firms?
- Global markets are in the “early stages of panic” after a poll puts Donald Trump ahead. Will the global stock market meltdown if Trump wins?
- Global Markets in panic after recent polls indicate Trump pulling ahead in the presidential race: If Trump wins will the Market crash?
- Goldman Sachs used confidential regulatory materials for company gain: Should more stringent laws be passed to regulate banks and investment firms?
- Google Fiber gives free gigabit Internet to poor people: Should governments give free technologies such as the internet to those who can’t afford it?
- Google research finds psychological safety to be the most important factor in creating successful teams: Is psychological safety the number one concern for work group members?
- GoPro has a new action camera, Hero 5 Black. Is it worth the price tag?
- Gotthard tunnel opened in Switzerland. Will it deliver the promised economic benefits?
- Government controls the population.
- Gravity Payments raises minimum annual salary to $70,000: Should CEO wages be reduced to allow for higher employee wages?
- Greg’s dad sells avon
- H-1B visa controversy: Should the University of California San Francisco outsource 49 tech jobs to India?
- Harley Davidson pay $15 million for cheating on emissions: Should a company have to pay fines for after market products not sold on the original bikes?
- Has Chipotle bounced back one year after its E. coli bacteria health crisis?
- Has our government lived up to the ideals in the Declaration of Independence, constitution, bill or rights and etc?
- Has Popular Music Lowered in the Last 50 Years
- Has the Affordable Care Act made it more difficult to file your tax return this year?
- Have the Democrats moved too far to the left?
- Have you invested in the stock market?
- Health insurer stocks soar: Is Obama really bad for corporate America?
- Hong Kong is one of Asia’s worst countries for slavery; 29,500 people out of the 7 million population are trapped in “modern slavery” in one of world’s 10 richest cities. Should the U.S. stop doing business with Hong Kong?
- How could men possibly not be sexist if they are all born sexist?
- HSBC was caught laundering money again: Are big banks too big to jail?
- I want to join Illuminati
- If China was a democracy, would it be allied with the USA and Western Europe?
- If China’s economy collapses would it cause a global recession?
- If oil prices continue to fall, will this help the world economy?
- If the U.S. shale industry shrinks by 30%, will the economy be in trouble?
- If Trump is elected, will you help me raise a fund to buy an island in the pacific to start another country?
- Imperialism is what got Europe to it’s position today.
- In 1954, the CIA deposed a democratically elected Guatemalan president and replaced him with a dictator to save investments in a banana company. Do company interests still dominate foreign policy?
- In 2011, Adobe, Apple, Google, Intel, Intuit, Pixar, and Lucasfilm were found guilty of colluding with each other to repress employee wages. Should these companies be forced to pay a significant fine?
- In 2012, Nestlé used a picture of a bear using Kit Kats as drumsticks to announce their Instagram account. Are animals effective advertising tools?
- In California, Rent control policies do more good than harm.
- In God We Trust was an anti-communist statement: Should we take the words off U.S. money?
- Income Tax or No Income Tax?
- Increase in jobs, decrease in pay: Is this the future of America?
- India’s Richest man offers free 4G internet to billions of people. Should other wealthy people follow suit?
- Insurers worth $1.2 trillion tell G20 to stop funding fossil fuels by 2020. Will this have an impact on renewable energy funding?
- Internet Use Grows in Iceland: Should the Internet be free all over the world?
- Investors are trading on Trump’s tweets: Is this a sound investment strategy?
- Is a 10 year old a tween
- Is a drop in oil prices good (yes) or bad (no) for the economy?
- Is Bestbuy competitive with Amazon?
- Is big Oil to powerful?
- Is billing fraud a growing problem?
- Is capitalism and competition good for ever industry?
- Is capitalism good?
- Is China right to claim Scarborough Shoal,Philippines and many other territories according to their”nine dash line”?
- Is Christmas time a good time to invest in the stock market?
- Is communism superior to capitalism?
- Is comparing the fraud allegations of Wells Fargo to Enron a fair representation?
- Is concern over inequality driven mainly by envy?
- Is deflation a good thing (yes) or a bad thing (no)?
- Is Disney’s policy of taking on new foreign workers damaging to the U.S. economy?
- Is Donald Trump’s plans to deregulate parts of the economy going to fix things?
- Is Donald Trump’s tax plan beneficial only for the wealthy?
- Is economist Paul Krugman right to be scared about China’s economy?
- Is Facebook trying to evade paying taxes?
- Is Ford’s announcement to cancel building a plant in Mexico due to Donald Trump’s victory?
- Is free trade an economically sensible idea?
- Is glass recycling cost effective?
- Is government responsible for solving unemployment ?
- Is Greece economically stable?
- Is Greece’s economy improving?
- Is growing your owe food cost beneficial?
- Is Hillary Clinton, really looking out for the people, or is she a corporatist?
- Is income disparity a real issue?
- Is income equality in the U.S. getting worse?
- Is it a good idea for Amazon to get into the movie business?
- Is it a good idea to invest in Planet Fitness once it goes public?
- Is it a smart move for Zimbabwe to make the Chinese yuan currency legal?
- Is it bad (yes) or good (no) that the price of oil continues to drop?
- Is it fair for people to wait longer for their tax returns because of IRS budget cuts?
- Is it fair that the insurance companies of the Orlando victims are NOT getting billed by the hospital for the victims’ treatment?
- Is it important for big firms to pay their taxes?
- Is it important for regular people to follow the stock market closely?
- Is it okay to get a phone before age ten?
- Is it possible to retire early?
- Is it possible to stop a corruption?
- Is it right for Microsoft to avoid paying £100 million in UK corporation tax by routing its sales through Ireland?
- Is it right to cut some people’s pension benefits to help prevent more pension funds from running out of money?
- Is it smart to buy an SUV just because oil prices are currently low?
- Is it surprising that, Tinder, PlentyOfFish and OKCupid are operated by the same parent company?
- Is it too risky to invest in the stock market?
- Is it too risky to move across the country for a job?
- Is it worth it having a penny?
- Is Judicial Review Constitutional?
- Is Kellogg’s right to pull advertising from Brietbart’s site?
- Is KFC (yes) or Chick-fil-A (no) the better fast food chain?
- Is Laissez-Faire capitalism more effective than regulated capitalism?
- Is Libertarianism Right Wing (Yes) or Left Wing (No)
- Is market socialism better than social democracy (welfare state)?
- Is Money bad
- Is Monsanto hurting farmers?
- Is Net Neutrality Good or Bad?
- Is North Korea truly communist?
- Is Obama and the Middle East working together to deny KXL?
- Is OneCoin a scam?
- Is online customer service enough to satisfy customer needs?
- Is peak oil a more pressing issue than anthropogenic climate change?
- Is playing poker a viable income?
- Is population growth is the reason of degradation of environment?
- Is pure Capitalism good for the average person?
- Is pure Capitalism good for the average person? (people in the middle class)
- Is Rand Paul the most electable republican candidate if he gets the nomination and runs against Hillary (Democrat) and Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
- Is real estate the biggest bubble in history?
- Is Shake Shack a good investment?
- Is socialism more fair than capitalism?
- Is South Korea’s plan for a cashless society a good idea?
- Is South Korea’s shipping industry in trouble?
- Is Switzerland’s economy in trouble?
- Is taxpayer money being misused?
- Is the budget deficit in the U.S. even a problem?
- Is the Bush administration the most to blame for the rise of ISIS?
- Is the Dow finally recovering for good?
- Is the falling price of oil bad for the U.S. stock market?
- Is the improvement in the U.S. job market going to last?
- Is the India public sector too forgiving to terrible employees?
- Is the Irish economy becoming the strongest in the world?
- Is the mindset Americans have towards the income tax wrong?
- Is the Nordic Model Socialism, Or merely a more humane progressive variant of Capitalism?
- Is the oil industry engaged in price fixing?
- Is the penny useful enough to keep in circulation?
- Is the rape victim to blame?
- Is the Saudi Arabian economy in financial turmoil because of falling oil prices?
- Is the stock market in for a bumpy ride?
- Is the Third World’s labour more creative or clever?
- Is the transatlantic trade deal a threat to ordinary citizens?
- Is the USS Zumwalt worth the hefty $4.4 billion price tag?
- Is the wage gap real
- Is there a distinct separation between social and monetary values?
- Is there a separation between social and economic values?
- Is there a way I can make money off global warming?
- Is time and money invested in diet and exercise really worth the trouble for the average person?
- Is Trump ever going to pay the government its $21 trillion they owe?
- Is Uber’s pricing surge scheme fair?
- Is Wells Fargo in trouble?
- Israeli surprised to learn he owes US taxes: Is the US