Music Research Paper Topics

The musical research is one of the popular topics for essay writing and it involves a lot of music research and reading of the different topics! The students like to write about these as all students like music and therefore, the ideas for writing are in abundance! Every topic that you will write about will include musical analyses. From classical music to modern sounds – you will learn a lot about music as you explore the different music research paper topics! The paper writing on the musical themes involves a good amount of comparison as you will analyze the different cultures, which means you will update your knowledge on a certain race or ethnicity, depending on what you choose.
The musical study, especially today, involves a lot of technology influence, as using modern technology helps in music creation. If you want to find a good topic to write about, some of the topics below are really cool to investigate! You can write about the development of music with tech influence. In this way, you learn the new technologies but also update your knowledge of music. In the end, you want to show the connection between technology and music and the best way is through the music research paper topics.
List of 90+ Music Research Paper Topics
- A comparative study of 19th century Chinese and Japanese music
- A history of musical style in Europe after World War 2
- An analysis of the plucked string instruments used in early Greek music
- Artificial intelligence and the recognition of music;
- Chamber music and its evolution;
- Chopin and his approach to the education of pianists;
- Country music and its evolution in the U.S.
- Cultural origins of ragtime in the Southern states.
- Different Era’s in music.
- Early Music: a journey from the Roman Empire to the beginnings of Baroque
- Explain the differences between music and poetry.
- Explain the quote: ¨Music soothes the savage beast.¨
- Famous composers.
- Famous musicians.
- Great women in music.
- History. Music has evolved in many ways try to present it’s “map”.
- How did music get started years ago? What was the first known existence of music and what was it made from?
- How do people who are deaf learn about music?
- How does a musician break into the industry and become a professional?
- How does music affect advertising?
- How does music affect dance?
- How does music affect development in children?
- How does music affect fashion?
- How does music affect learning and memorization?
- How does music affect mental health?
- How does music affect physical health?
- How does music have positive or negative effects on our health?
- How has music categorization affected sales?
- How has music changed over the decades?
- How has technology help develop, market, or create the music we love today?
- How is music marketed in other foreign countries when it is in a different language?
- How is music marketed to different age groups?
- How is music used during war time?
- How music is marketed to the general audience? How is the data collected and used to promote, sell and advertise to their intended market?
- How the Roman Catholic Church affected musical development in medieval Europe
- Igor Stravinsky and his use of rhythm. Refer to the Rite of Spring.
- Is there a certain musical era that seems to have the best music content over others? This may include a certain time period and genre. How has music influenced dance moves?
- Jascha Heifetz and his violin-playing technique;
- Jazz: it’s evolution from the basement to the concert hall
- Most influential singer/music writers/ developers of your generation.
- Music from different countries.
- Music from Shakespeare. It’s a classic writer, present it and analyze what it’s being used.
- Music in Commercials. How it’s being used and why, how it affects the viewer, these are all things you should take into consideration.
- Music in Films.
- Music Theory.
- Music Therapy. It’s used around the world since ancient times.
- Musical genres that emerged during the Middle Ages;
- Musical genres that were popular during the Renaissance in Europe.
- Musical improvisation as a means of treating mood disorders;
- Musical memory and recognition: methods of its development.
- Musical memory of children and methods for its development;
- Musicology. Yeah there is a science who is called musicology, fun fact. Make sure you try and research about it and see if it suits you.
- Opera.
- Persia: the music of 1001 nights
- Philosophy of Music. Yeah something like that exists.
- Psychedelic Rock and the Summer of Love: the birth of a new genre
- Psychology of Music. There is an aspect regarding psychology here as well so make sure you write about it if you want an interesting research paper.
- Radio and music: how the introduction of the radio has changed the listener’s taste
- Ragtime and its cultural origins;
- Recording industry: the effects of online technologies.
- Richard Wagner and his contribution to the development of opera;
- Should the term ¨Indie¨ no longer be used in music?
- Teaching music to the younger generation.
- The causes of amusia and the treatment of this disorder;
- The connection between the musical talent and savant syndrome.
- The connection between the savant syndrome and musical talent.
- The development of classical music in the first half of the twentieth century.
- The development of online technologies and their impact on recording industry;
- The effects of background music on attention;
- The effects on the brain. Did you know that listening to music is the only activity that uses all of our brain? This is an interesting fact, and depending on the music, it can become quite a tool.
- The evolution of folk music in the United States;
- The fall of the Berlin Wall and it’s contribution to techno music in Germany
- The history of the piano
- The impact of music on various brain regions;
- The influence of music on people suffering from heart diseases;
- The influence of playing the piano on individuals suffering from communication issues.
- The melodies and texture of the Classical music era in Europe
- The musical instruments of early Indian music
- The origins of Black Music and it’s influence on American pop culture
- The origins of trip-hop and the main features of this musical style;
- The rhythm and pace of sub-Saharan African music
- The separation of church music and secular music during the Baroque period;
- Therapeutic effects of music;
- Trace the evolution of rap and how it affects culture.
- Tribal music and transcendental states: how ancient tribes used music to cure mental diseases
- Trip-hop as a musical style: the main features and its history of origin.
- Using music for education. This will appeal greatly to the younger generation. They can’t learn a lesson in a hour, but if they hear a song for two or three times, they already know it all. So this might be a good and useful tool for any teacher that has the courage to “sing his lessons”.
- Verdi’s La Traviata and its instrumentation.
- What are the most lucrative careers for musicians?
- What has happened to jazz?
- What has impacted music more: classical music or rock and roll?
- What is the difference (or comparison) between people who like to listen to rock and roll verse rap, hip-hop and rhythm and blues (R&B)?
- What is the future of the ¨album¨?
- What makes music ¨classical¨?
- Who are the most influential musicians in an era?
- Why are there so many tribute bands?
- Why is it so hard for new musical talent to get their song played on the radio?
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