Research Proposal Topics In Nursing
Created: 06.02.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020

List of Research Proposal Topics In Nursing
- Antibiotics prescribing: when is it justified?
- Antipsychotics: benefits and hazards
- Assess the use of the Braden scale for pressure ulcer risk
- Brain injuries and methods of rehabilitation after them
- Burnout of nurses
- Cardiovascular illnesses and their treatment
- Consider the optimal management strategy for patients with PTSD
- Critical care nursing
- Develop a stress management program for nurses
- Discuss management of patients in intensive care
- Discuss novel ways of treating diabetic feet
- Discuss nursing date in COPD patients
- Discuss nursing measures to control high blood pressure
- Discuss the effects of nurse-led patient education on quality of life in patients with heart disease
- Discuss the reliability of the COPE index
- Discuss the role of nursing in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke
- Discuss the usefulness of smartphone applications in patient self-care regimes
- Discuss ways of caring for patients with chronic pain
- Does exercise improve mental health?
- E-cigarettes as a stage for quitting smoking
- Examine current nursing practices to do with parents with children suffering from cancer
- Examine nursing input in falls prevention behavior
- Examine nursing interventions in the control of infectious diseases
- Examine nursing practices with patients with multiple sclerosis
- Examine the clinical management of patients with prostate cancer
- Examine the coping mechanism used by patients dealing with chronic conditions
- Examine the effects of antenatal education on postnatal depression rates
- Examine the effects of oral hygiene on ventilator-associated pneumonia
- Examine the effects of typical care protocols on the prevention of venous catheter infections
- Examine the effects of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in nurses
- Examine the health care providers role in educating patients about the risk of type 2 diabetes
- Examine the physical quality life of depressed outpatients
- Examine the role of nursing in treating drug dependence
- Examine the use of music therapy and pain relief in children
- Explore the accuracy of depression screening tools in newly admitted patients
- Explore the factors affecting quality of life in palliative care
- Explore the relationship between sleep quality and depression before surgery
- Explore the usefulness of competing discharge planning tools
- Explore ways of safely and effectively handing over at the end of a shift
- Health benefits of whole grains in one’s diet
- Health needs of elderly residents in Charlotte County after Hurricane Charley in 2004
- Healthy diets and their benefits
- HIV, sexual life, birth and breastfeeding
- Home care versus nursing homes
- Identifying the abuse in families where the nurse works
- Investigate the contributions made by nursing students to clinical care
- Legal nursing
- Look at the decision making process in intensive care patients
- Look at the effects of music therapy and chronic disease
- Look into the barriers to self-management of HIV
- Managing chronic illnesses
- Managing fears and anxiety connected with illnesses
- Massage therapy
- Methods of pain relief therapy
- Midwifery and baby care
- Novel genes and brain disorders development
- Nursing patients with Alzheimer disease
- Palliative care and assisted suicide
- Pediatric care
- Pet therapy and pet companions
- Pet therapy with a dog for a 5 year-old autistic child
- Psychological conditions of cancer patients
- Psychotherapy as addition to treatment
- Rehabilitation for brain injuries
- Sex and heart attack mortality rates
- Stress, depression and information overload. Shall they be treated medically?
- Study current practices in end of life care
- Study the effects of a nurse-led management program in a given disease
- Study the effects of nursing care of INR stability time in warfarin treatment
- Take a look at management issues in the care of elderly patients
- Take a look at the link between medication errors and their consequences
- Teaching self-care as a part of the duty of a nurse
- The development of telehealth
- The effects of breastfeeding
- The importance of breast cancer screening
- The main causes and treatments of diabetes
- The peculiarities of ambulatory care
- The peculiarities of sport traumas
- Treating eating disorders
- Treatments approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder
- What are the best treatments for itching (pruritus) in hospitalized patients?
- What are the causes of sprains in athletes?
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