Education Capstone Project Ideas
Created: 27.02.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020

List of 90 Education Capstone Project Ideas
- A degree level influences career.
- Academic uses of Social Media Technology in the High School English Classroom
- Advantages and instruments of bilingual education
- Algebra as a civil right
- Assessment tools for education
- Bilingual education
- Bilingual education issues
- Brain-based teaching and learning
- Brain-based teaching: theory, activities, advantages
- Cause and effect essay in a school education
- Challenging elementary science misconceptions
- Character effectiveness education program
- Childhood assessments issues
- Children’s literature and community
- Classroom management and its role in the education process
- Classroom management efficiency in reducing stress of students
- Classroom management impact on behavior of students
- Classroom management: behavioral policies about students’ role
- Classroom motivation theory
- Classroom procedures
- Clinical Teaching as Tutoring: Theory-Driven Clinical Education
- Comparison of traditional and up to date curriculum
- Concept about situated learning
- Concept of quality school
- Critical analysis of Little Kids Curriculum
- Critical literacy in urban schools
- Describe the effect student get from effective classroom management;
- Describe the most effective way of classroom management;
- Describe the most effective way to fight plagiarism;
- Development projects that can increase students’ achievements.
- Differences between traditional and innovative teaching methods;
- Disadvantages and advantages of year-round school
- Distance learning pros and cons
- Distant learning and related issues
- Distant learning theoretical background
- Educating toddlers and infants having learning disability
- Education commercialization: hazards and benefits
- Education roles
- Education systems comparative study in China and US
- Educational models that require changes.
- Educations and inclusions
- Effect of poor education to students
- Effective prevention strategies for bullying
- Effective strategies for leadership among teachers
- Elementary school programs for personal growth.
- How can teachers motivate students to get higher results?
- How to assess student knowledge
- How to engage youth to study more
- How to improve student behavior in classrooms
- How to improve the psychological atmosphere at modern schools?
- How to manage a virtual classroom
- How to motivate students
- How to reduce student’s stress level
- Impact of education to remote areas schools
- Is bilingual education efficient?
- Kindergarten classrooms peculiarities
- Learning branches
- Lesson plan development approaches
- Meeting the needs of Latino students
- Online-based learning developments
- Opportunities and challenges of education
- Plagiarism in universities
- Political issues impact on public education system
- Popular games are the significant part of modern education.
- Practice and theory of educational games to students
- Private schools advantages
- Pros and cons of distant learning;
- School dress code effect
- Schools affirmative action
- Should educational practices be changed?
- Social groups and communication difficulties among students
- Spiral curriculums
- Students consciousness about quality of education
- Students from different social and religious environments: problems of communication, solution suggestions;
- Students from different social groups: communication between them
- Students living abroad versus studying in their home country
- Suggest the most problematic educational dogmas that need to be revised;
- Suggest the most reliable way of motivation for students;
- Teaching curriculums
- The best way of adjusting students’ knowledge;
- The most effective way of reducing stress among young students;
- Theoretical background about distant education
- Theory on constructive learning
- Treatment of teachers to high school students
- Treatment of teachers to high school students
- Ways of reducing the level of stress in schools
- Ways of students motivation
- What is the best education for elementary students
- Why classroom management is essential for students’ behavior?
- Why is distant learning a good option for some students?
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