Argumentative Speech Topics
Created: 23.07.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020

List of 406 Argumentative Speech Topics
- 9/11 was an excuse for continuous war.
- A college education needs to be about preparing for the world of work.
- A student organization should be formed to rescue and care for the feral cats on campus.
- A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat.
- Abused children grow up to be abusers
- Adoptive parents should be legally bound to allow biological parents access to their children.
- Advantages and disadvantages of giving international aid to poor countries.
- Advertising of prescription drugs should not be allowed.
- Advertising: Information Or Manipulation?
- Aids is the forgotten disease now that it affects mainly African countries
- All citizens should be required by law to vote.
- All citizens should dedicate an hour a week to community service.
- All citizens should speak a second language.
- All citizens under the age of 21 should be required to pass a driving education course before receiving a license to drive.
- All forms of government welfare should be abolished.
- All immigrants to English speaking countries should pass a test before being allowed rights to settle and be re-tested after 10 years.
- All men and women should complete a year of civil service.
- All motor vehicles should be pushed towards electric power.
- All people should be allowed to strike.
- All phobias can be cured
- All states should gain equal representation in elections.
- All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language.
- Alternative energy and hybrid vehicles can help save our planet.
- America is seen as a safe haven for victims of persecution from all over the world
- American football is better than rugby.
- Americans should have more holidays and longer vacation.
- An emphasis on sport in college should be removed.
- Any citizen who does not have a criminal record should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon.
- Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college.
- Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college.
- Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
- Are Americans sexual prudes?
- Are beauty pageants exploitive?
- Are cell phones dangerous?
- Are CEOs paid too much?
- Are colleges and schools just for either all girls or all boys fair or are they sexist?
- Are conflicts necessary for healthy relationships?
- Are early marriages more likely to end in divorces?
- Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?
- Are fast food chains killing people?
- Are girls too mean to each other?
- Are humans solely responsible for GlobalWarming?
- Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
- Are optimism and success infectious?
- Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet?
- Are some TV ads objects of art?
- Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?
- Are there any alternatives to evolution?
- Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school?
- Are vampires real or only in the novels characters?
- Are we too dependent on foreign oil?
- Are women better parents than men?
- Are zoos necessary for education?
- At the end of each term, student evaluations of faculty should be posted online.
- Average workplace hours are too long.
- Banning burkhas or other religious clothing is against human rights.
- Banning some books and movies can help society.
- Beauty pageants are exploitative
- Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.
- Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.
- Breastfeeding is one of the most important things a mother can do for a child.
- Britain should adopt a new voting system
- Britain should exit the EU and concentrate on its special relationship with America
- Brothels should be legalised.
- Can businesses learn from their customers’ complaints?
- Can college athletes be smart?
- Can diamonds be girls’ best friends?
- Can listening to favorite music heal?
- Can virtual reality be dangerous for kids?
- Can we call any war ‘a peacemaking operation’?
- Capitalism is another name for evil.
- Celebrities adopting multi-racial kids is merely another cog in their publicity wheel
- Censorship is sometimes justified.
- CEOS of public service industries are paid too much
- Cheating helps children learn.
- Cheating on an examination should be a criminal offense.
- Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it.
- Children should never be educated at home by their parents.
- Chivalry has no place in modern society.
- Churches should be required to pay taxes.
- Cigarettes will never be banned completely because Governments couldn’t work without the income they generate
- Citizens should be taxed a percentage to send towards medical research.
- College athletes should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.
- College students in the U.S. should be offered financial incentives to graduate in three years rather than four.
- College students should have complete freedom to choose their own courses.
- College students should have the freedom to choose their own courses.
- Community service isn’t a punishment.
- Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future?
- Condoms should be dispensed free in high schools
- Convicted prisoners have a better life in prison than out
- Corruption in society is an unstoppable force.
- Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living.
- Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living.
- Decreasing the wealth tax is good for the economy.
- Democracy is the best form of government.
- Destruction of the world’s forest is justified by human need for land and food.
- Dieting does more harm than good.
- Dieting Does Not Help People Lose Weight
- Dieting makes people fat.
- Divorced parents should always share custody of their children
- Do colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores?
- Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
- Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
- Do elderly people receive better care in retirement homes than with family members?
- Do innovations really make us lazier?
- Do modern schools depend too much on technology?
- Do online students have better chances to cheat?
- Do SOPA and PIPA make pirates more skilful?
- Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties?
- Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
- Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?
- Do we have a fair taxation system?
- Do we have a throw-away society?
- Doctors should learn about religion before practicing.
- Does access to condoms lead to irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior?
- Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
- Does adding school days really improve learning?
- Does age matter in relationships?
- Does Beavis and Butthead have a negative impact on youth?
- Does boredom lead to trouble?
- Does foreign aid helps donor countries more than the recipients?
- Does participation in sports keep teens out of trouble?
- Does religion cause war?
- Does smoking help make acquaintances?
- Does state wide testing like TAKS/STAAR test in Texas really increase student knowledge?
- Does the ‘old boy network’ still exist?
- Does the English language need to be simpler?
- Does the government have the right to tax its citizens?
- Does travel help to promote understanding and communication between countries?
- Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offence.
- Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country.
- Elderly people shouldn’t drive.
- Essays are not an accurate reflection of a student’s ability.
- Every family with children filing for divorce must go through a mandatory ‘cooling off’ period.
- Fast food advertisements and promotions should be banned.
- File-sharing programs on the Internet should/ not be banned.
- Financial aid shouldn’t be given to people with a criminal record.
- Financial incentives should be offered to high school students who perform well on standardizing tests.
- Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten.
- Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten.
- Free meals should be provided in every school.
- Freshmen should not be required to purchase a meal plan from the college.
- Global warming is just a phase in the planet’s life cycle
- GMOs are bad for health and should be avoided at any cost.
- Government aid for students should be based purely on academic performance.
- Government and military personnel should have the right to strike.
- Government financial aid for students should be based solely on merit.
- Government spying on personal communication is an infringement of civil liberty
- Government welfare is an excuse for laziness.
- Guns should be made illegal.
- Has marine engineering increased pollution?
- High school graduates should take a year off before entering college.
- High school is not competitive enough and does not encourage high standards of achievement in everyone
- How do American students compare with students from other countries?
- How No Child Left Behind has not been implemented correctly.
- How poor accounting methods cause businesses to lose money.
- How renewable energy technologies became economically and politically viable in the late 1990s.
- How should our school system in America be reformed?
- How should students whose first language is not English be taught in public schools?
- How the USA can use renewable energy, and what role oil companies can play.
- How young is too young to have your own cellphone?
- Hunting is good for the environment.
- If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?
- If nothing happens without a cause, then the big bang must have been caused by God.
- Illegal immigrants are good for the economy.
- Immigration caps should be tightened.
- In a society that calls for equality, men should receive a decent period of paternity leave
- In what ways has information technology changed work and working practices in the past 10 years?
- In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?
- Insurance is a waste of money
- Ireland would be no better if it were one country
- Is a lottery a good idea?
- Is business ethics an obsolete concept?
- Is cheating out of control?
- Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
- Is China a new superpower?
- Is college admission too competitive?
- Is competition good?
- Is euthanasia inhumane?
- Is fashion important?
- Is gender equality a myth or a sustainable reality?
- Is global climate change man-made?
- Is homework harmful or helpful?
- Is it fair to use the results of standardized tests to define schools’ budgets?
- Is Michael Jordan the best basketball player of all time?
- Is music in shopping malls harmful to employees’ wellbeing?
- Is negative PR the secret behind Justin Bieber’s success?
- Is our election process fair?
- Is our election process fair?
- Is Private school tuition (elementary, high school or college) really worth it?
- Is the American criminal justice system racist?
- Is the Bermuda triangle a creation of our imagination?
- Is the education policy ‘No Child Left behind’ working?
- Is the first impression of a person always right?
- Is the way to a man’s heart through his stomach?
- Is too much political correctness making communication more confusing?
- Is torture ever acceptable?
- Is year-round school a good idea or bad?
- Italians are healthier because they drink red wine
- Lady Gaga is a better role model than Madonna
- Lapses in food safety result from a complex interplay of factors.
- Legalizing some drugs will not combat the scourge
- Many parents have no idea of what their child is doing on the computer
- Men do not understand the term “fashionista”
- Mobiles phones should be banned in schools for both students and teachers.
- Most asylum seekers are simply seeking a better life
- Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?
- Most schools fail at adequate sex education
- Most study-abroad programs should be renamed “party abroad”: they are a waste of time and money.
- National security is an excuse for war.
- News editors should decide what to broadcast on TV and what to print in newspapers.
- Nontraditional students should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.
- North Korea postulates but will never go to war
- Only the supermarkets win in price wars
- Oppressive regimes shouldn’t be given any monetary aid.
- Our identity is shaped by how others view us.
- Participating in team sports helps to develop good character.
- Payday loans are the worst financial product ever
- Paying waiters a hourly rate below minimum wage is unfair.
- Penalties for crimes against the environment should be tougher.
- People have become overly dependent on technology.
- People should be encouraged to holiday abroad.
- People should be encouraged to start their own businesses.
- People should have a bigger say in how the country is run.
- People who contribute to Social Security should have the right to choose how their money is invested.
- People who download from file sharing websites should be prosecuted.
- Pipe smoking is less harmful than cigarette smoking
- Political figures are out of touch with society.
- Politicians don’t have a “calling” – it is merely a well paid job
- Pornography should be illegal.
- Presidential elections should be held every five years.
- Prisoners should be used in the workforce.
- Privacy is a luxury not a right.
- Privacy is not the most important right.
- Professional athletes are paid too much
- Professional baseball players convicted of using performance-enhancing drugs should not be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame.
- Public figures should be struck off if they break the law.
- Rainforest logging should be banned.
- Rationing of fuel is a good idea.
- Religion is a force for evil.
- Restrictions on fuel consumption need to be implemented.
- Rich people should be allowed to pay off their crimes.
- Rich people should have tax breaks.
- Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage.
- Scottish independence would be a good thing for the UK
- Seeds are not a health food. They are bird food.
- Sexism is still a major problem in the workplace.
- Should Affirmative Action Be Abolished?
- Should Affirmative Action be abolished?
- Should all energy drinks be banned?
- Should all TV channels have censorship?
- Should America adopt an educational system more like Europe?
- Should babies younger than one get their ears pierced?
- Should children born with birth defects have surgery?
- Should children get to choose their living environment at age 13?
- Should college athletes be paid?
- Should colleges abolish reliance on SAT and ACT scores in admissions?
- Should companies market to children?
- Should companies send ‘happy birthday’ messages to clients?
- Should companies try to copy what their competitors do?
- Should corporal punishment be used to punish children?
- Should countries have ‘1 car per family’ policies?
- Should couples live together before marriage?
- Should creationism be taught in public schools?
- Should creationism be taught in schools
- Should developing countries concentrate on improving industrial skills or should they promote education first?
- Should divorce be harder to obtain?
- Should employees be allowed to use social media sites at work?
- Should fast food restaurants stop adding chemicals to their food?
- Should Gay Clubs Be Allowed In High Schools?
- Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?
- Should girls ask boys out?
- Should government intervene in the rights of the individual with regard to family planning?
- Should High School Education Be Mandatory?
- Should hospitals use placebo treatments?
- Should hyperactive kids receive treatment?
- Should immigrants to the US be required to learn English before being granted citizenship?
- Should internet slang, like ‘LOL’ and ‘IMHO’ be included in dictionaries?
- Should journalists who distort the truth to make the news more sensational be punished?
- Should kids be allowed to draw on walls?
- Should kids under 13 be allowed on social media sites?
- Should lecture attendance be optional?
- Should marijuana be legalized in the United States?
- Should men get paternity leave from work?
- Should mind reading during poker games be banned?
- Should Minors Be Executed For Murder?
- Should money be spent on space exploration?
- Should news reporters be required to share their sources with viewers?
- Should parents be held responsible for actions of their children?
- Should Parents Be Held Responsible For Their Minor’s Crimes?
- Should parents lie to their kids about Santa Claus?
- Should parents pass tests before homeschooling their kids?
- Should parents tell their kids stories about birds and bees?
- Should people abandon cash and use plastic cards only?
- Should people be able to choose to have health care or not?
- Should people have to take a test to become parents?
- Should prostitution be legalized?
- Should public school teachers be randomly drug tested as a condition for employment?
- Should racial profiling be legal?
- Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age?
- Should rich countries forgive all debts for poor countries?
- Should rich countries pay more for environmental damage?
- Should schools continue to spend money on fine arts?
- Should schools have single sex education?
- Should schools offer sign language in addition to foreign languages?
- Should schools place more emphasis on disciplining?
- Should sports classes be dropped in secondary school so students can concentrate on academic subjects?
- Should students add their teachers as friends on Facebook?
- Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
- Should students be required to take foreign language courses (or any other type of specific course)?
- Should students have profiles on all major social networks?
- Should students sometimes teach the class about a subject they are an expert on?
- Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased?
- Should the families of organ donors be compensated for their loved one’s donation?
- Should the government be able to access cell phone data?
- Should the government have a say in our diets?
- Should the government provide health care?
- Should the legalization of marijuana be a state law or left up to the federal government to enforce?
- Should the military be allowed to recruit at high schools?
- Should the president have served in the military?
- Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?
- Should the same laws which prohibit the sale and consumption of heroin be applied to tobacco?
- Should the US drinking age be lowered or raised from age 21?
- Should there be a dress code to prevent students from wearing revealing clothes?
- Should those applying for Welfare be drug tested?
- Should those receiving government assistance have a limit on the number of children they can receive help for?
- Should those younger than 13 be allowed to have a Facebook or Myspace (or other social networking account)?
- Should we have a national high school exam?
- Should we have to pay to adopt a child?
- Should we preserve old buildings as historical monuments?
- Should Wikipedia give diplomas to their most faithful readers?
- Should women also be required to sign up for the draft at age 18 in the US?
- Social media is ruining relationships
- Social Security Numbers should be abolished.
- Society and laws are too lenient on Child Sex offenders
- Sodomy isn’t a sin.
- Sororities do nothing to enhance the cause of womanhood
- Space travel should be a rich man’s plaything and government funds diverted to things that matter
- Standardized test scores are not the best indication of a student’s aptitude for a certain course.
- Strict parenting raises strong-hearted, resilient kids.
- Students should not be required to take physical education courses.
- Tap water is safer than bottled water in countries where the quality of tap water is regulated.
- Tax avoidance should be clamped down upon.
- Taxes should be imposed on unhealthy foods to combat obesity.
- Teenagers should have more freedom than younger kids.
- Terminally ill patients should be allowed to use heroin.
- The advantages of recycling water.
- The age of consent should be raised.
- The benefits of having friends.
- The Burkha is a lasting symbol that Islam is divisive
- The continuing decline of CD sales along with the rapid growth of music downloads signals a new era of innovation in popular music.
- The death penalty should be reintroduced.
- The destruction of the world’s forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows.
- The federal government should control the laws of each state.
- The government should support and subsidize alternative energy sources.
- The legal drinking age should be changed to 18 for hard liquor and spirits, and to 16 for beer and wine.
- The legal limit of 21 encourages underage drinking
- The lost art of letter-writing deserves to be revived.
- The media affects young children’s minds
- The military needs to see major cuts.
- The music industry needs to get with the times.
- The primary mission of colleges and universities should be preparing students for the workforce.
- The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal.
- The racing industry should be forced to use environmentally-friendly fuel.
- The restriction on consecutive presidential terms should be removed.
- The rich should pay more tax.
- The solution to the impending crisis in Social Security is the immediate elimination of this anachronistic government program.
- The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights.
- The world would be more peaceful without religions.
- There are more benefits to working in a small company than a large one
- There are too many degree options in colleges.
- There are too many people in the U.S.
- There is no such thing as a superfood!
- Those who want children should take parenting classes and pass tests before having a child.
- To conserve fuel and save lives, the 55 miles-per-hour national speed limit should be restored.
- To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food.
- To what extent has the traditional male role changed in the last 20 years?
- To what extent should universities function as training grounds for employment?
- To what extent should university courses be geared to the economic needs of society?
- Torture has a place in the fight against terrorism
- Torture is an acceptable measure to prevent terrorism.
- University students should not be penalized for illegally downloading music, movies, or other protected content.
- Vegetarianism is an ecologically thoughtful lifestyle.
- Video games do not cause violent behavior: Violence comes from values
- What age is appropriate for dating?
- What are factors which are related to academic success in high-school students?
- What caused the recession in the USA?
- What causes students to graduate high school without basic skills?
- What is the point of massive R&D projects like the Hadron Collider and space exploration when people are starving?
- What is the relationship between illegal immigration and crime
- What is the value of a liberal arts education?
- What Role should technology play in Education?
- What role, if any, should the federal government take in dealing with the problem of homelessness?
- What should a government do for a country to become successful?
- When should parents let teens make their own decisions?
- Who was the better wartime Prime Minister – Churchill or Thatcher?
- Why both parents should be a part of their child’s life.
- Why children should be respected.
- Why it is better to have many religions.
- Why people should smile when they’re happy, and pretend they are happy when feeling sad.
- Why veterans should have more government support.
- Women make better presidents.
- Women priests have further weakened the influence of the church today
- Working from home is good for the environment.
- Would Shakespeare’s plays be more interesting if shortened?
- Zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down.
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