5Th Grade Debate Topics

During your high school and college years, as well as for decades afterwards, you will often have to talk to other people in a relatively formal environment and persuade them to accept your point of view. If you want to be able to do so successfully, you should start practicing around middle school, and debates may actually be one of the best ways to do so. You can either suggest organizing an event in your school or talk to your family members, but either way, be sure that you choose an interesting topic.
Below, you’ll find a list of the best 5th grade debate topics to keep in mind. Most of them are related to the daily life of kids and their interests, so you should find them very interesting. Choose a topic you enjoy the most, ask your teacherp to share some debating tips with you, and be ready to enjoy a good discussion.
List of 5Th Grade Debate Topics
- Animals should not be kept in cages.
- Are children over-influenced by fashion these days?
- Are online chat rooms for kids necessary?
- Do violent video games trigger violent behavior in kids?
- Do we learn from history?
- Homework should be banned.
- Is there life on Mars?
- Participation in co-curricular activities is important in schools.
- School attendance must be voluntary.
- Should animals be used for scientific experiments?
- Should career choices be made based on academic scores or interest areas?
- Should cartoon cards and accessories be allowed in schools?
- Should children be involved in television advertising?
- Should skating be allowed on roadside walks?
- Should the school duration be increased?
- What household chores must kids be allowed to do?
- Do you prefer the metric or customary system of measurement?
- Should fifth grade be at the middle school?
- Should people be rewarded for recycling or fined if they don’t?
- Should Pluto still be considered a planet?
- Should schools stop selling chocolate milk?
- Should students be learning about agriculture?
- Should the school day be longer?
- Traditional schools vs. virtual schools.