Debate Speech Topics
Created: 11.02.2020
Updated: 12.02.2020

List of 130+ Debate Speech Topics
- Adolescents having the right to make autonomous medical choices.
- All students being required to learn sewing.
- Animal testing for cosmetic products.
- Are Catholics Christians?
- Are credit cards more harmful than debit cards?
- Are humans causing climate change?
- Are spectator sports overemphasized in America today?
- Are violent video games contributing to violence in the world today?
- Benefits and limitations of teaching sociology in nurse education.
- Benefits of vegetarianism for health.
- Can cell phones be educational tools?
- Can the growing problem of obesity in the United States be reversed?
- Celebrities earning too much money.
- Cell phone radiation as a cause of cancer.
- Could a President serve for more than two terms?
- Countries prohibiting the production of nuclear power.
- Defending a decision of the Supreme Court, such as in the Roe vs. Wade case.
- Do adopted children have the right to know who their biological parents are?
- Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
- Do Hollywood movies have a bad influence on the world?
- Do Photoshopped images promote unrealistic expectations of beauty and body image?
- Do school authorities have the right to search student’s lockers?
- Does capital punishment reduce the rate of violent crime?
- Does class size matter?
- Does God have limits?
- Does separating boys and girls help students perform better in school?
- Drug abuse and addiction as a choice versus a disease.
- Flu shots are necessary for risk groups.
- For-profit prisons in the United States should be banned.
- Grade 8 students being done with the school year before the rest of the school.
- Gun rights.
- Hofstra University is the best place to host the presidential debate.
- How can bullying in schools be stopped?
- How important is arts education?
- How long should you have to drive with a permit before you get your license?
- How old should you be before you’re allowed to go on your first date?
- How old should your child be before they get a cell phone?
- How should we prevent future mass shootings?
- If posting students’ grades publicly is motivating or humiliating.
- If social media is ruining the way teens communicate.
- If we are becoming too dependent on technology.
- If you can get a good job as a high school graduate.
- Is baptism necessary for salvation?
- Is competition necessary in regards to the learning process?
- Is drug testing athletes justified?
- Is Facebook better than Twitter?
- Is global warming an issue?
- Is Lester Holt the best person to choose the presidential debate topics?
- Is posting videos online a right of free speech?
- Is television an effective tool in building our children’s minds?
- Is the Bible literal?
- Is the Indo-Asian news service biased?
- Is the Old Testament irrelevant?
- Is there too much pressure on girls to have perfect bodies?
- Is water baptism necessary for salvation?
- Ketchup or mustard.
- Kobe or LeBron?
- Lowering the drinking age.
- Minimum wage rates.
- National security concerns being valued above personal privacy.
- People in their 50s are too old to adopt children.
- Placing political conditions on humanitarian aid to foreign countries.
- Should 16 year old people be allowed to get a tattoo?
- Should abortion be legal?
- Should affirmative action be allowed?
- Should animal dissections be banned in schools?
- Should bottled water be banned?
- Should computer games be used for classroom instruction?
- Should euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide be legal?
- Should everyone be eating a gluten-free diet?
- Should factory farming of chickens be banned?
- Should genetic engineering be utilized in food crops?
- Should Hillary Clinton have won the 2016 presidential election?
- Should homework assignments be limited to a maximum of three nights a week?
- Should homework be banned?
- Should junk food be banned from schools?
- Should juveniles be tried and treated as adults?
- Should marijuana be legal?
- Should people move in together before they are married?
- Should school prayer be prohibited?
- Should skateboards and any look-a-like large roller-skate wheel transportation devices be prohibited on sidewalks?
- Should sodas and sugary snacks be banned from schools?
- Should states have more control over the implementation of Federal government decisions?
- Should students be required to wear a school uniform?
- Should the Internet be banned from schools?
- Should the United States build a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration?
- Should there be a curfew for people under 18 years to reduce crime?
- Should there be restrictions on free speech?
- Should we rethink how long students spend in high school?
- Structured prayer versus spontaneous prayer.
- Students being required to learn a foreign language in middle school.
- Students should never be forced to repeat a year of school.
- Students should not be graded on their handwriting.
- The Freedom of Speech Amendment must be applied to internet communication.
- The importance of reducing fossil fuel emissions.
- The United States Federal Government ought to pay reparations to African Americans.
- The United States intervening in the internal political processes of other countries to attempt to stop human rights abuses.
- The United States limiting qualified immunity for police officers.
- The United States using private military firms abroad to pursue its military objectives.
- Trial by jury is not objective.
- Weightlifting vs. cardio: Which is better for weight loss?
- What impact does social networking have on the classroom?
- What is the biggest threat to national security?
- When should Black Friday sales start?
- Whether an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree is more beneficial.
- Whether being a college graduate is necessary for a successful career.
- Whether cell phones may be used during class.
- Whether Donald Trump should be impeached.
- Whether drug prohibition minimizes drug use.
- Whether Foreign Direct Investment multi-brand retail should be allowed in India.
- Whether homework is necessary.
- Whether it’s a good idea to have laptops in classrooms.
- Whether Jeb Bush should have made it further in the presidential election.
- Whether marriage is outdated.
- Whether milk benefit outweighs the cons of consuming dairy products.
- Whether sexual orientation matters for marriage rights.
- Whether shall-issue laws are decreasing violent crime rates.
- Whether students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college.
- Whether the death penalty is an appropriate penalty for certain crimes.
- Whether the United States federal government should increase its funding for elementary or secondary education in the United States.
- Whether you can have both a happy family life and a successful career.
- Whether you should live frugally and save for retirement or spend money now.
- Which current musicians will stand the test of time?
- Who really won the final presidential debate?
- Who the best or worst candidates were for the 2016 presidential election.
- Who the next Democratic candidate should be for the presidency.
- Who the next Republican candidate should be for the presidency.
- Why all college campuses should or should not be co-ed
- Why homework is harmful.
- Why money should be spent to improve your school’s athletic complex.
- Why pizza is the best food on the planet.
- Year-round schooling is better for students.