Call To Action Speech Topics
Created: 11.02.2020
Updated: 12.02.2020

List of 290+ Call To Action Speech Topics
- ‘Early to sleep, early to rise’ benefits.
- ‘Living together’ relationships, good or bad?
- 13 Reasons Why: Did it glorify suicide?
- Abortion: pro-choice or pro-life?
- Ads should be tested for sexist messages before being aired. (Feminism)
- Affirmative Action today
- Age 16 is not juvenile. (School?)
- Aliens exist. (Paranormal)
- All institutions like schools, colleges and offices should start only after 10.
- Alternative political parties (i.e., Green Party, Libertarian Party, etc.)
- Alternative sex education (not abstinence-only and inclusive of LGBT lifestyle)
- Alternative uses of oral contraceptives
- Appointment of Supreme Court Justice
- Are is worth it to ban plastic straws?
- Are laws too lenient on violent criminals?
- Are master’s degree or doctorate really necessary? (Students)
- Are multi-level marketing companies really pyramid schemes?
- Are newly proposed voter registration laws discriminatory?
- Are pretty or handsome students really dumber? (School)
- Are single-sex schools better than coed? (School)
- Are uniforms necessary?
- Are women underrepresented in Congress?
- Arranged marriage: a cultural tradition or outdated practice?
- Banning disposable diapers in favor of cloth diapers
- Battling stereotypes and making them obsolete
- Being a foster or adoptive parent
- Being slim is not just about looks but health too. (Health?)
- Benefits of donating blood.
- Benefits of eating fruit over drinking its juice. (Health)
- Benefits of forest schools for children
- Benefits of meditation. (Health)
- Benefits of public transportation, biking, walking, or carpooling
- Best genre and time period of music
- Better education for at home waste management
- Birth controls should be free and easily available. (Feminism?)
- Buying a house versus renting an apartment
- Buying local builds up the community.
- Can an influencer be held responsible if they promote a harmful product unknowingly?
- Can someone find true love on The Bachelor?
- Capital punishment: right or wrong?
- Caring for an aging population: are Social Security and Medicare enough?
- Cats or dogs?
- Changing gender on a driver’s license
- Children should be allowed to use electronics like mobile, notebooks etc. during breaks. (Students)
- Cigarette, alcohol or drugs are not the answer for stress or other problems in life.
- Cigarettes should be illegal.
- Civil lawsuits should not receive so much attention in the media.
- Comparing the work week in Europe to the work week in the United States
- Conserving water in our everyday lives
- Considering the real meaning behind Nursery Rhymes, should they be taught to children? (School)
- Controlling E. Coli and other food borne illnesses
- Conventional versus organic produce
- Corporate lobbyists and campaign contributions
- Cost of living versus average salaries
- Countries should provide free Wi-Fi in tourist destinations.
- DACA DREAMers Movement
- Dangers of drilling for oil
- Dangers of sitting at a desk all day
- Declaring “Independent” or “No Party Affiliation” on voter registration.
- Divorced and happy parents is better for the children than living in a conflicted home.
- DNA evidence in criminal cases: is it enough?
- Do current proposed abortion laws violate Roe v. Wade?
- Do detox diets really work?
- Do not tolerate abuse, speak out. (Feminism)
- Do parents deceive children by telling tales of Santa Claus?
- Do you agree with the research on equal pay between men and women?
- Do zoos and circuses abuse animals?
- Doctors and insurance: should they accept all insurance?
- Does pressure build or break a person?
- Drones and the environment
- Electronics are stealing childhood.
- Employers should offer mental health days without question
- Energy drinks should be considered borderline medicines. (Health)
- Ethics as a mandatory high school class
- Euthanasia for terminally ill individuals
- Euthanasia, is it ethical?
- Every citizen should be required to, at least, pass high school. (School)
- Every property should compulsorily have trees. (Environment)
- Everyday products that could be dangerous: deodorant, toothpaste, etc.
- Everyone should learn swimming.
- Exotic pets are not pets. (Animal rights)
- Factory farms and greenhouse gas emissions
- Fairytales should be re-written for the next generation children.
- Fast food industry and obesity rates
- Fast foods are overpriced.
- Fee for facilities aside, the tuition fee should be fixed by the government. (Student)
- Feminism should be made a compulsory subject in high school and college. (Feminism)
- Food additives, preservatives, and cancer rates
- Global climate change and increased severity of storms
- GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in foods: to label or not to label?
- Good thoughts lead to good actions.
- Greenhouse gas emissions in Asia
- Growing food as a homesteader
- Gun rights on school campuses: is it safe?
- Hair care and air quality
- Healthiest world cuisine
- Hiding your HIV status in a relationship should be punishable by law.
- Hiring volunteers on zero pay is cruel.
- Homework should be banned. (School)
- Honking unnecessarily should be punishable.
- Hostels, is it good or bad for children? (Parenting)
- How a time table can help manage our daily lives.
- How can the mass shooting crisis be solved?
- How do marijuana farms affect the surrounding area’s environment?
- How do we address the increasing problem of homelessness?
- How long should a drunk driver lose his license for?
- How many terms should politicians be allowed to serve?
- How our phones are hurting our eyes
- How to ace any test
- How to create a strong community
- How to deal with the issue of illegal immigration
- How to get accepted into an Ivy League school
- How to impart ethical behavior to the next generation
- How to reduce your carbon footprint
- Humans are consuming way more salt than necessary. (Health)
- Hybrid and electric cars on the road
- If girls can wear pants, boys can wear skirts. (Funny?)
- Impact of big box stores on the environment
- Impact of online retailers’ packaging and shipping on the environment
- Importance of clubs in school or colleges. (School)
- Internet promotes communication, not kill it.
- Is a wedding reception worth the price tag?
- Is binge-watching Netflix bad for our health?
- Is common law marriage outdated?
- Is death penalty ethical?
- Is diabetes reversible?
- Is it racism to ban Marijuana when smoking tobacco is legal? (Funny)
- Is it right for the government to fund partisan organizations?
- Is it right to cut down a tree for the holidays?
- Is it right to own a gun for personal protection?
- Is racial discrimination on the rise? Why or why not?
- Is the borrowing limit for student loans too high?
- Is the death penalty obsolete?
- IVF (Invitro fertilization): Should becoming a parent be covered?
- Keto vs Paleo vs Vegan: which is better?
- Killing for fun is inhuman, hunting is inhuman. (Animal rights)
- Know the woes of genetically modified Chickens.
- Laws should not be based on religion.
- Learning multiple language widens our perception of the world.
- Legalization of gay marriage
- Legalization of Marijuana
- Legalization of prostitution has more positive effects than negative.
- License revoking for older drivers: is it against their rights?
- Living with parents to save money
- Make all bills and business correspondence paperless.
- Mandated reporting (Mandated reporters are individuals who are required to report any information they receive about abuse, suicidal ideation, etc.)
- Mandatory community service for all U.S. citizens
- Mandatory CPR and First Aid training for new parents
- Mandatory study abroad semester in college
- Marriage is not about procreation. (Gay rights)
- Marvel vs DC
- Massages as necessities rather than luxuries
- Meat consumption and its effects on life expectancy
- Medical marijuana to treat chronic conditions
- Military members and income tax
- Mind-body fitness versus traditional Western sports
- Minimum wage: should it exist or be forgotten?
- Mistreatment of farm animals: what is the solution?
- Most effective ways to manage stress
- Most exciting travel destination
- Moving from the “medical model” to holistic health
- Multitasking: fact or fiction?
- Music heals.
- Number of children one can have should be limited and children with previous partner(s) counts.
- Obscure movies that people should watch
- Oceans are not trash bins. (Environment)
- Oil spills and world wildlife
- Online piracy should be monitored more strictly.
- Organic farming practices
- Original organic fruits taste better than the hybrids.
- Overcoming social anxiety
- Overfishing and dwindling populations of marine wildlife
- Palm oil: should it be outlawed?
- Parents should cook tastier option instead of making children eat the healthy foods they don’t want.
- Parents should properly answer their children’s curiosities. (Parenting)
- Partial Birth Abortion is a sin.
- Pay for play in college athletics
- Performance enhancing steroids in competitive sports
- Pet shops and breeders versus shelters
- Playing Video games for few hours does good. (School/ parenting?)
- Police brutality and shootings (in general or a specific case in the news such as Philando Castile in Minnesota)
- Political correctness versus freedom of speech
- Popular vote vs. Electoral College
- Pre-existing conditions and insurance rates
- Preselecting the gender and other aspects of an unborn baby
- Private vs. Public Prisons
- Product testing on animals in labs
- Proficiency in academics is not the only measure of intelligence. (School)
- Prospective parent(s) should get a psychiatric approval before adoption. (Parenting)
- Protecting children from inappropriate websites
- Protection and breeding of white tigers is illogical; why hinder natural selection? (Environment/ Animal rights)
- Protests: are they effective?
- Racial and ethnic profiling (including FBI criminal profiling)
- Raising children without being married
- Re-sentencing for crimes involving marijuana in states where it is now legal
- Read before agreeing to sites and applications.
- Recycle e-waste. (Environment)
- Refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
- Religion versus spiritualism
- Replacing plastic with glass and cardboard
- Responsible credit card strategies
- Restaurant responsibility with peanut, gluten, and other allergies
- Returning or rehoming pets: is it right?
- Saving rainforests and their indigenous species
- Scholarship opportunities for minority students
- School and teachers should stay away from student’s personal life. (School?)
- School cafeteria food and children’s health
- Schools should take bullying more seriously. / Why bullying is a serious offense. (School)
- Send drug dealers to prison but addicts for rehabilitation.
- Sexual relationship before marriage is not a crime.
- Should a patient be allowed to deny medical care?
- Should all policemen where body cameras?
- Should astrologers, mediums and the likes be arrested for fraud? (Paranormal)
- Should bullies be expelled from school?
- Should catfishing be a criminal offense?
- Should children be allowed into an R-rated movie even with a guardian?
- Should children be bought a mobile phone for emergencies? (Parenting)
- Should cigarettes be taken off the market and made illegal?
- Should citizens be required to serve in the military for a period of time?
- Should companies be allowed to deny service to anyone?
- Should criminal minors be prosecuted and sentenced as adults?
- Should government employees go without pay during a shutdown?
- Should health insurance be mandatory by law?
- Should hunting be outlawed in national parks to protect its wildlife?
- Should individuals be allowed to adopt?
- Should it be illegal to flush certain things into the sewage system?
- Should men pay child support even if pregnancy was a one sided decision? (Feminism)
- Should new homes support solar energy only?
- Should pharmaceutical patents be removed so affordable generics can be made?
- Should plastic surgery be so commercial?
- Should politicians be allowed to use private donations to campaign?
- Should the voting age be increased or decreased?
- Should there be more physical education in schools?
- Should violent movies and video games be banned?
- Should voters with no party affiliation be allowed to vote in primary elections?
- Smoking in public places should be fined.
- Social media and mental health
- Some juveniles needs to be prosecuted as adults. (School?)
- Spaying or neutering pets is good or bad? (Animal right)
- Stem cell research
- Student loan borrowing: should it ever be forgiven?
- Students should get minimum of 45 minutes tiffin break. (School)
- Survival skills should be taught in school.
- Swing states (i.e., Florida and Ohio)
- Tax responsibility: income tax, property tax, sales tax.
- Teachers should discuss among themselves to avoid giving too much homework. (School)
- Teachers, too, should keep their mobiles in silent during class.
- Teaching yoga and meditation in public schools
- Teens cannot be good parents. (School/ Parenting)
- Telemarketers and Harassment
- Terrorist watch lists – safety precaution or blatant prejudice?
- The 40-hour work week is too long.
- The amount of water one should drink per day. (Health)
- The benefits (or challenges) of a multicultural society
- The best U.S. President in history
- The cumulative effects of poor sleep (and how electronics impact our sleep)
- The mind-body connection and its influence on health
- The most influential leader or figure in history
- There should be one holiday in the middle of workdays.
- Tithing – how much should each person give?
- Trophy hunting: should the penalties be harsher?
- Truth about vaccines and autism
- Turning the practice of recycling into a law punishable by hefty fines
- Uneven distribution of wealth: the top 1% versus everyone else
- Unlimited Paid Time Off vs Accrued time off
- Unrealistic beauty/body standards and self-image
- Using animals as test subjects is cruel and unfair. (Animal rights)
- Was it right for Dr. Kevorkian (assisted suicide physician) to be imprisoned?
- Water contamination: What preventative measures can be taken?
- Wearing fur or using fur for any profit
- Welfare, SNAP, and other social assistance programs
- What age is proper to talk about the birds and the bees? (Parenting)
- What can be done about anonymous online bullying?
- What is the right age to start owing a mobile phone? (Parenting)
- What kind of food should school or college canteen offer? (Student)
- What to do about cults, gangs, and similar groups
- When should a child be allowed to have a smartphone?
- Which vitamin supplements are worthless and should go off the market?
- White meat over red meat or the other way around? (Health)
- Who is more responsible for poaching? Poachers or buyers? (Animal right)
- Why become an organ donor?
- Why breakfast is the important meal of the day. (Health)
- Why Gay Marriage should be legalized. (Gay rights)
- Why homeschooling is good and should be promoted. (School)
- Why people who have should give.
- Why religion and science should go hand in hand. / Why religion should evolve with scientific discoveries. (Philosophy)
- Why suicide over ‘love troubles’ is stupid. (Students)
- Why women should earn irrespective of their husband’s economic status. (Feminism)
- Wildfires on the rise in California
- Women shouldn’t have to change their last name after marriage. (Feminism)
- Would it be ethical to genetically design babies? (Technology?)
- Wrongful termination case study
- Zoos are not big enough for wild animals. (Animal rights)