Political Research Paper Topics
Created: 14.05.2019
Updated: 12.04.2020

List of 112 Political Research Paper Topics
- American Bureaucracy
- American Federalism
- American Foreign Policy
- American Judicial Politics
- American Political Parties
- Anarchism
- Ancient Political Thought
- Asian Political Thought
- Balance of Power
- Between parliamentary and presidential systems, which one emerges better for young democracies in Africa?
- Between pursuing regional or global trade agreements, what should the United States be focused on?
- Christian Political Thought
- Complex Interdependence and Globalization
- Constructivism
- Content Analysis
- Dependency and World-Systems
- Describe the history of political psychology and its influence in modern politics.
- Describe the history of Political Science.
- Despite the growth of democracy globally, is democracy peace realized in full across the globe today?
- Deterrence Theory
- Early Modern and Classical Liberals
- Evolution of Political Science
- Experiments
- Explain the evolution of science in political science.
- Fascism and National Socialism
- Feminist International Relations
- Foreign Policy Analysis
- Formal Theory and Spatial Modeling
- Founding of the American Political System
- Game Theory
- Gender and Politics in the United States
- Global Politics of Resources and Rentierism
- Has nationalism produced better leaders compared to those who led with different philosophies?
- History of International Relations
- How applicable is postmodernism in today’s Political world?
- How did Karl Max’s Marxism influence the politics of the 20th Century?
- How did technology affect the voting process in the recently concluded US elections?
- How did the technology revolution affect the political culture of the 21st Century?
- How did the three periods of renewal change the studies of fascism after the Second World War?
- How effective have electoral reforms been in achieving free and fair elections?
- How has American foreign policy affected the political decisions of her neighbors?
- How has International Environmental Politics assisted in meeting the Millennium Development Goals and the SDGs?
- How has modernization shaped the world politics of the 21st Century?
- How has terrorism affected politics of the East and West from the late 20th Century to date?
- How has voting behavior changed the tune of global politics since the inception of democracy?
- How have Interest Groups influenced the decisions of politicians and the public policies they pass in America?
- How influential has religion been in shaping the political space in America?
- How is propaganda used to affect the outcomes of an election during campaigns?
- How will the huge number of unemployed youth in Africa influence elections in the coming years?
- Idealism and Liberalism
- In the United States Congress and Supreme Court, what role does architecture play in demonstrating democratic ideals?
- In the United States, how has the Citizens United Supreme Court case influenced elections in the local, state, and national levels?
- In what ways has the Supreme Court nomination process been influenced by expectations of diversity?
- Interest Groups and Pluralism
- International Environmental Politics
- International Law
- International Organizations and Regimes
- International Political Economy and Trade
- Is American politics gender biased since we are yet to see a sitting female president after over 200 years of democracy?
- Is American politics still shaped by the old age bureaucracy of administrative functions executed on behalf of the executive?
- Is balance of power achievable in today’s politics given the recent America-North Korea talks?
- Is financial muscle a major factor in American politics now that there is a billionaire president?
- Is race and ethnicity still a major factor of American politics in the 21st Century?
- Is there a common ground for liberalism and idealism in American politics of 21st Century?
- Islamic Political Thought
- Leadership and Decision Making
- Leninism, Communism, Stalinism, and Maoism
- LGBT Issues and the Queer Approach
- Marxism
- Media and Politics
- Modern Democratic Thought
- Modern Liberalism, Conservatism, and Libertarianism
- Nationalism
- Neoclassical Liberals
- Nonstate Actors in International Relations
- Political Campaigns
- Political Socialization
- Positivism and Its Critique
- Public Policy and Administration
- Qualitative vs Quantitative Research
- Race, Ethnicity, and Politics
- Realism and Neorealism
- Religion and Politics in America
- Revisionism and Social Democracy
- Rivalry, Conflict, and Interstate War
- Socialism in the Developing World
- State and Local Government
- Survey Research
- The Democratic Peace
- The nuclear triad may be termed as an outdated Cold War policy. Is this true?
- U.S. Congress
- U.S. Presidency
- Urban Politics
- Voting Behavior
- What are the future trends of the judicial comparative politics in Africa after a series of Supreme Court cases in recent elections?
- What impact does the role of US in the World Trade Organization with regards to global climate change negotiations have?
- What impact has International Law made in recent years owing to the fact that nations thought to be democratic are still at war with each other?
- What impact is expected in the future political relationship between the US and the Middle East with the fact that a large proportion of the Arab population is under 30 years?
- What is the impact of social medial in government day-to-day business and political movements?
- What is the importance of experimental research in today’s political science world compared to survey-based research?
- What is the influence of institutionalism among the political scientists of America and beyond?
- What is the role of media in electioneering campaigns across the world?
- What is the similarity between anarchism and political science in the real world of politics?
- What is the social political impact of civil societies in the politics of the 21st Century?
- What was technology’s role in speed difference during the marriage equality movement and the civil rights movement in the United States?
- What was the future political impact of the American Civil War?
- Which system of political governance would successfully achieve a United States of Africa?
- Why are public relations important in political campaigns and successive governments?
- Why did American political parties become weak in the beginning of the 20th Century leading to more focus on presidential candidates?
- Why is content analysis important for campaign managers in the 21st Century politics?
- With modern technology, how different might the process of drafting the constitution have been?
- With seemingly only two political parties in America for decades, how democratic is this nation compared to other democracies composed of dozens of party systems?
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