Political Argumentative Essay Topics
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 11.03.2020

List of Political Argumentative Essay Topics
- Are governments around the world doing enough to combat the risks of global warming?
- Different Forms Of Voting Systems
- Discuss the arguments for and against same-sex marriage
- Discuss the differences between both major political parties
- Do governments have a responsibility to prevent gambling addictions and should lotteries be banned?
- How has the role of 24-hour news changed election campaigns?
- How have the events of 9/11 impacted upon present day politics?
- How much should the government interfere when it comes to laws regarding human cloning?
- If there was one aspect of the US Constitution that you could change, what would it be and why?
- International Organizations That Different Countries Participate In
- Is the government doing enough to prevent a health epidemic caused by obesity?
- Is torture justifiable as part of the War on Terror?
- Motives Behind Political Careers
- Political Activists: Are They Doing Any Good?
- Political Regimes That Have Experienced The Weirdest Events
- Public Speakers That Have Moved The World
- Should more or less be done to control immigration?
- Should the government provide healthcare free at the point of use?
- Should the US government increase restrictions when it comes to gun control?
- Should there be limits when it comes to political cartoons, or is everything off limits?
- Strategies Used In Political Debate
- The impact of the media in political life
- The influence of newspapers in political elections
- The pros and cons of social media when it comes to promoting politics
- Types Of Political Systems
- What Current Monarchies Do We Have Around The World?
- What Forms Of Political Parties Do We Have?
- What measures can be taken to try an increase the voter turnout at elections?
- When is it right for governments to censor the internet?
- Why has the US never elected a female president?