
Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 14.05.2019
Updated: 12.04.2020
Business Ethics Paper Topics

List of 35 Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

  1. Are all the companies in a country supposed to spend the same amount of money on maternity benefits and offer the same length of paternity leaves?
  2. Are companies supposed to be totally honest with their customers?
  3. Are the companies supposed to pay to have their female workers’ eggs frozen or should they use birth control pills?
  4. bribery, side-deals, preferential treatment, etc.
  5. Can any person, be it a male or female, lead little or big groups?
  6. Can organizations whose employees experience a heavy workload be made to pay them higher salaries?
  7. Can workplace sexual harassment be eradicated?
  8. Do any promises count if no contract has been signed?
  9. Do companies employing solely family members, relatives, or representatives of a certain race hire fairly?
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  11. ethical marketing techniques, lying about products and services,
  12. Fast food is known to cause obesity, which is why establishments serving this type of food should pay higher taxes, thus contributing to obesity research programs.
  13. Global business ethics.
  14. harassment in the workplace, discrimination and mobbing,
  15. Importance of leadership in a market management team.
  16. industry specific codes of conduct,
  17. Inherent risks of supply chain management in the USA construction firms.
  18. Inter-relationship between product sales, marketing strategy, and customer satisfaction.
  19. is corporate social responsibility important for modern business,
  20. negligence in informing shareholders about company’s situation,
  21. profiting from products bad for health (drugs, cigarettes, alcohol) and people (gambling, guns),
  22. promoting unethical behaviours towards customers (cheating, misinformation),
  23. Should businesses be made to fulfill their commitments?
  24. Should companies be allowed to drug test potential employees prior to signing an employment contract?
  25. Should companies be allowed to sell products which effectiveness has not been proven?
  26. Should the government coerce TNCs like BP, Walmart, and Royal Dutch Shell into paying their workers higher salaries?
  27. sources of fair trade products.
  28. Strategic evaluation of eBay Inc.’s business model.
  29. The challenges of ethical business decision making in large organizations.
  30. The effectiveness of brand expansion and its impact on the goodwill of the company.
  31. unsafe working conditions,
  32. What are the ethical challenges of running a big corporation?
  33. What is the definition of true beauty?
  34. What laws except currently existing workplace discrimination ones need to be passed to ensure fairness in hiring?
  35. What role do moral leaders play in the business sector?
  36. Why aren’t some companies held accountable for environmental pollution?

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