Narrative Essay Topics
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List of 182 Narrative Essay Topics
- 5 everyday problems that bother me.
- A big storm (rain, snow or even a tornado!).
- A birthday that was disappointing.
- A brush with greatness or death
- A dangerous experience.
- A day when everything went right or wrong
- A description of the one thing you can’t live without
- A description of your secret place
- A difficult decision that you had to make.
- A disastrous date
- A field trip that your class took.
- A frightening or dangerous experience
- A memorable encounter with someone in authority
- A memorable experience with a favorite family member.
- A memorable journey
- A memorable moment of failure or success
- A memorable wedding or funeral
- A misunderstanding between yourself and someone else.
- A moment when you felt that you were starting to grow up.
- A moment when you thought you might get hurt but didn’t.
- A move from one place to another.
- A random act of kindness.
- A rebellious act
- A sad experience with someone about whom you care.
- A significant or comic misunderstanding
- A strange or unexpected encounter
- A summer day when the temperature got much higher than expected.
- A thing I would like to change in my past.
- A time that the power went out.
- A time that you experienced rejection.
- A time that you experienced something spooky.
- A time that you experienced something truly frightening.
- A time that you learned something new that changed you in some way.
- A time that you took a stand for someone or for an issue that you care about.
- A time that you took a stand on an important issue
- A time when I felt that I’m experiencing a historic event.
- A time when someone judged you first and then realized that he or she was wrong about you.
- A time when you experienced a historic event.
- A time when you got lost somewhere.
- A time when you judged someone first and then realized that you were wrong about the person.
- A time when you looked up to your older sibling.
- A time when you realized your parents were right
- A time when you rebelled against your parents or teacher.
- A time when you saw one or both of your parents in a different light.
- A time when you went to an amusement park.
- A time when you were grateful to be an only child.
- A time when your younger sibling looked up to you.
- A trip that included something unexpected or surprising.
- A trip that you would like to take
- A vacation trip from your childhood
- A weird encounter with a stranger.
- An account of a difficult decision that you had to make
- An account of a visit to a fictional place or time
- An account of what it would be like to live as a particular animal
- An account of your earliest memory
- An act of heroism or cowardice
- An embarrassing experience
- An encounter that changed your life or taught you a lesson
- An encounter with someone you were in awe of or afraid of
- An event that marked a turning point in your life
- An exciting minute or two of a football game (or another sporting event)
- An experience I thought I would never have.
- An experience of how technology is more trouble than it’s worth
- An experience that altered your view of someone
- An experience that changed your viewpoint on a controversial issue
- An experience that helped you grow up
- An experience that led to a renewed faith
- An experience that left me disillusioned.
- An experience that left you disillusioned
- An experience that left you feeling frustrated.
- An experience that made you laugh until you cried
- An experience that showed how appearances can be deceiving
- An experience that showed that you should be careful of what you wish for
- An experience that was hard but ended up being worth it.
- An experience that you think has only ever happened to you!
- An eyewitness account of an important event
- An imaginary encounter with a real person
- An important discovery
- An invention you’d like to create
- An occasion when you experienced rejection
- Books or movies that have changed my world view.
- Breaking a bone (or otherwise suffering an injury).
- Devices playing the biggest role in my life.
- How do I relieve stress?
- How I met my fear.
- How I started relationships.
- If I could change anything in the history, what would I choose?
- If I could change one thing about me.
- If I could go back in time.
- If I could stop the time.
- If I had a billion dollars.
- My act of cowardice.
- My act of heroism.
- My first day at a new job.
- My first day at a new school.
- My first month of living on my own.
- My happiest day ever.
- My long-time passion.
- My most dangerous experience.
- My most disastrous day ever.
- My most frightening experience.
- My sudden act of a kindness.
- One day or week without an access to the Internet.
- One thing I’m afraid to lose.
- People that have changed my life.
- Side effects of my digital life.
- Something embarrassing that happened to you.
- Something funny that happened to one of your family members or friends.
- Something funny that happened to you.
- Surviving a natural disaster
- The achievement I’m proud of.
- The beginning of a friendship or relationship.
- The biggest risk I’ve ever taken.
- The circumstances that led to the breakup of a friendship
- The day that you got your first pet.
- The end of a friendship or relationship.
- The experience of being lost
- The experience that taught me how appearance can be deceiving.
- The greatest conversation of my life.
- The hardest decision I’ve ever made.
- The hardest thing I’ve ever done.
- The journey that has changed me.
- The moment I overcome my phobia.
- The moment when you met someone who changed your life.
- The most beautiful thing in the world for me.
- The most irritating things in my life.
- The most pleasant sound for me.
- The most successful day in my life.
- The role clubs and teams play in my life.
- The teacher who inspired me.
- The time I got a new friend.
- The time I learned that grammar is necessary.
- The time I lost my friend.
- The time I saw the weirdest thing in my life.
- The time I was wrong about the person.
- The worst quarrel with my mother.
- Two different versions of the same event
- Waiting in line story.
- What books teach me.
- What challenges have I overcome?
- What do I do when I feel depressed.
- What memorable poetry have I learned?
- What movies inspire me.
- What music can change my mood?
- What music inspires me.
- What my profile in social networks tells about me.
- What my younger sibling taught me.
- What reality-show I would like to participate in.
- What role television plays in my life.
- What superhero power I would like to have.
- What television shows have mattered to me?
- What words or phrases I don’t like to use.
- Where you were when a major event happened. (Note: You don’t need to have been at the site of the event; this prompt is about where you were when you found out about the event and how you reacted.)
- Who inspires me and why.
- Whom would I ask to come if I had my own Talk-show?
- Why do I keep (or don’t keep) a diary or journal?
- Why do I like being alone?
- Why I like (or don’t like) cooking.
- Your dream job and what it would be like
- Your favorite birthday party.
- Your favorite summer vacation.
- Your first day of school.
- Your first or last day at a job or new school
- Your first time away from home
- Your first time away from home for the night (or longer).
- Your first visit to the countryside (or to a large city)
- Your most exciting day of school
- Your most exciting moment performing in a play, singing, playing music or dancing.
- Your most exciting moment playing sports.
- Your reaction when you heard the best news of your life
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- A Karaoke Experience!
- Best Songs To Listen To When Hanging Out With Friends
- Describe The Music Which Inspires You!
- Do You Think Afro Music Pop Is Taking Over In Africa?
- Excellent Songwriters Of Today’s Generation
- Musicians Who Failed Their Fans Because Of Drug Abuse
- Pop Music Personalities And Their Fascinating Lives
- The Growth Of The Hip Hop Culture In The USA
- Who Introduced You To The Music You Love?
- Your Favorite Music
- Your Favorite Pop Diva
- An Injury You Got When Playing Football
- Childhood Games That You’ll Always Remember
- Corruption Cases Affecting World Football Governing Body FIFA
- Have Regular Exercises Transformed Your Life?
- Most Exciting Sports Experience You’ve Had So Far!
- New England Patriots And Their Rise To Fame
- Reasons Why You Enjoy Attending The World Rugby Sevens Games
- Ronaldo Vs. Messi: The Tale Of The Greatest Football Rivalry!
- The Story Of The Barclays Premier League
- Which Game Would You Redesign If Given A Chance?
- Your First World Cup And Why It Lived Up To Your Expectations
Personal Narrative! How to Develop Your Comic Book Characters?
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Best Narrative Essay Topics
If you are a college student, you are expected to write essays on your own, without the direct assistance of your professors. If you are assigned a narrative essay, you will have to write it within the deadline.
To do the job well, you can get help from your favorite tutoring center or writing lab. The first step of the process is to choose a good subject matter for writing your essay. In other words, you have to decide what to write about.
It is important to know that you have to tell a story in narrative composition. By telling a story, you provide a point. Whether you write the essay for your school magazine or for an assignment, you must choose something you are interested in and comfortable with.
Choose a useful topic
When choosing a subject matter, make sure it is useful. If this is the first time you are writing a narrative piece, you can talk to your teacher about this type of paper. Whether you write a speech or an essay, your teacher will help you choose a subject matter that makes sense.
In case you are not assigned a particular subject, you will have to choose one on your own. If you want to complete it successful, you should be comfortable with the topic. If you struggle with the piece, the end result will not be good.
Other things to consider
Successful choice of a topic can lead to a good outcome. If you talk to other students and brainstorm, you will find some amazing ideas. In most cases, good ideas come from meaningful conversations with other people. If you are helped by another person, take that help.
You can surely come up with good ideas for your paper if you talk to your friends and your teacher. The moment you find a good idea, make sure it is suitable for a narrative essay.
Write about things you understand well. If it is about your personal life, showing your point will be a lot easier. Remember, a personal essay will reveal your personality. And you can do all these things only if you choose a topic you are really comfortable with.
Examples of Narrative Essay could be viewed at Gradesfixer.