Exploratory Essay Topics
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020

List of Exploratory Essay Topics
- Are arranged marriages suppressing to those involved?
- Are men and women looking for the same thing in relationships?
- Are men or women more drawn to the concept of a perfect body?
- Arranged marriages and their impact on the individuals
- At what age do we become self-conscious about our own body?
- Benefits of playing a musical instrument
- Body image throughout the history
- Breaking and building family trust
- Bringing two families together after marriage
- Can music and art be used to help prisoners rehabilitate?
- Can single parents raise a child just as well as two parents?
- Changes of the body which come with age
- Choosing the perfect college for you
- Choosing to stay single and not marry
- College experience beyond academia
- Communication between the parents and the children
- Current trends in popular body image
- Deconstructing the ideal body image
- Do children of divorced single parents have more behavior problems?
- Do marriages of people who are of the same ethnicity/race work better?
- Do we improve our body image for our own sake, or for other people?
- Does a college degree today have the same merit as it did before?
- Does distance negatively or positively affect dating relationships?
- Does living together before the marriage help or hurt the marriage?
- Does making friends get harder as you get older?
- Does sex before marriage hurt, or help the marriage?
- Early marriage and its consequences.
- Effects of a divorce on the both sides
- Face to face interaction in the digitalized world
- Family as the main support in one’s life
- Family ties and their impact on an individual
- Female vs. male body image
- Finding the right sport for you
- Going from an amateur to a professional in sports
- Going to college later in life
- Has the Internet brought us together or made us farther apart?
- Having a pet as a member of the family
- How are parties today different than the parties people had in the past?
- How beneficial/damaging can sport be for our health?
- How can one government address a world problem?
- How can students avoid procrastination and manage time better?
- How can the physical spaces in classrooms be made to help kids learn?
- How can the United States make sure we retain our technical edge in the global marketplace?
- How do different beliefs in God affect a marriage?
- How do we communicate through music?
- How does a world problem affect our everyday life?
- How does creating music stimulate our brain?
- How does divorce affect younger and older children?
- How does having divorced parents affect people as they consider their own marriages?
- How does listening to music affect our mood?
- How does music influence a child’s brain?
- How does the relationship change after a long time in the marriage?
- How has the concept of family changed throughout the decades?
- How important is it that elderly relatives have a part in family life?
- How important is it that parents approve of a marriage?
- How important is the body image when selecting a partner
- How important is the family in upbringing?
- How is financial security related to relationship/marriage security?
- How long should the children stay with their parents?
- How should college be made more affordable?
- How should colleges encourage students to study and do well in class?
- How should costs of health care be paid for?
- How should we stop school shootings?
- How soon do children recover from a divorce?
- Idolizing celebrities and their body image
- If people realized how difficult life was after divorce, they would work harder on saving their marriage.
- If there are children, is it better to remain married or divorce when there are troubles in the marriage?
- Individual vs. team sports
- Intercultural marriage and the differences between the pair
- Is adoption is a good way to build a family?
- Is being a surrogate parent a noble thing to do?
- Is being best friends is the most important factor in choosing a spouse?
- Is China the next global superpower?
- Is having biological children important?
- Is it a problem that more women than men go to college?
- Is it better not to divorce and try to work it out?
- Is it better to stay single and not marry?
- Is living together good for a relationship?
- Is love the most important factor in choosing a spouse?
- Is organic produce really better?
- Is physical appearance vital in today’s world?
- Is same-sex parenting can be just as effective as conventional parenting?
- Maintaining relationships with extended family
- Maintaining relationships with the family over distance
- Marriage after a divorce
- Marriage without any prior experience of living together
- Marrying young versus marrying old
- Monogamous vs. polygamous marriages
- Music as a therapy method
- Music as a universal language
- Music as the means of socialization
- Online dating and its benefits
- Overcoming the differences in family
- Plus size models and the growth of their number and popularity
- Positive sides of getting a divorce
- Practice vs. talent – what matters more in sports?
- Raising a biological child and an adopted child
- Raising a child as a single parent
- Second marriages are more likely to end in divorce.
- Sex before marriage
- Should a man be the main pursuer?
- Should American soldiers continue to stay in the Middle East?
- Should cloning humans be banned?
- Should college be free?
- Should couples marry later in life?
- Should families be caretakers of elderly relatives rather than have them in nursing homes?
- Should organ donation be mandatory?
- Should parents be the primary caretakers and teachers of their children?
- Should parents be the primary teachers of their children?
- Should parents have equal authority over children?
- Should people remain friends with their ex-husband or ex-wife?
- Should professional women athletes be paid more?
- Should schools switch over to all digital textbooks?
- Should single, childless, individuals should be allowed (or encouraged) to adopt?
- Should step-parents adopt a spouse’s children whenever possible?
- Should surrogate parenting be allowed?
- Should the government continue to support adoption tax credits to encourage adoption?
- Should the government make childcare more affordable so women could continue their careers and have children more easily?
- Should there be a limit on the use of technology in schools?
- Should there be limits on media sexuality and violence?
- Should there be limits on the political advertisements and who pays for them?
- Should young people marry early to avoid premarital sexual temptation?
- Social life before and after the Social Media
- Sports and fame – how top athletes are considered as celebrities
- Staying in a marriage for the children’s sake is better than getting a divorce.
- Taking it too far – when body image becomes an unhealthy obsession
- The average body of an American vs. the ideal portrait
- The benefits of a mutual divorce
- The benefits of going to college
- The benefits of not going to college
- The black sheep in the family
- The change in family relationships as children grow up
- The dynamic between the older and younger siblings
- The impact of the Internet on our everyday interactions
- The importance of sports activities in the child’s development
- The importance of sports through history
- The influence of commercials and media on our mentality
- The influence of Social Media on the children
- The mental and physical benefits of a diet
- The most important roles of a parent
- The psychology behind a sports game
- The true value of college and the experience of going to college
- The way we perceive our own body image
- They say “opposites attract” but is being different helpful or harmful to a long term marriage?
- Video games and the players interaction
- What are some of the most obvious signs preceding a divorce?
- What are the advantages (or advantages, or struggles) of monogamous marriages vs. polygamy?
- What are the components of a healthy marriage? Is a marriage better if the man is the main breadwinner?
- What are the disadvantages (or advantages, or struggles) of marrying someone of another faith?
- What are the disadvantages/or advantages/or struggles of interracial marriage?
- What are the effects of marrying as teenagers?
- What are the financial effects of divorce?
- What are the most important things for parents to do?
- What are the negative effects of divorce on children?
- What are the real reasons people are unsatisfied with their own body image?
- What are the reasons people go into relationships? Are some reasons better than others?
- What can an individual do to help solve a world problem?
- What can be done to make schooling opportunities more equal?
- What classifies as a world problem?
- What does our taste in music say about our personalities?
- What effect does religion have on parenting and family life?
- What is a family?
- What is the #1 reason that people divorce? Or break up?
- What is the best time to start a family?
- What is the best way to study for a test?
- What is the effect of coffee on young people? Does it help them learn better?
- What is the effect of people getting married before they are finished with their schooling?
- What is the effect of pets on family life? Should parents allow children to have pets?
- What is the effect of technology such as cell phones on family life?
- What is the link between music and emotions?
- What is the most important part of a happy marriage?
- What is the next world problem?
- What is the role and power of the United Nations?
- What makes a marriage last for the long haul?
- What responsibility does America have to promote human rights around the world?
- What role does religion play in marriage?
- What saves a marriage from divorce?
- What should be done to provide enough water for everyone?
- What should be the role of the U.S. in supporting Israel?
- What should be the role of the United Nations?
- What to do after a divorce?
- What to do when one side wants to divorce, but the other side does not?
- What will happen with the European Union in the next 10 years?
- When does a problem become global?
- When does working out turn from a healthy activity to vanity?
- When should divorce be discussed in a marriage?
- Which is the most important world problem?
- Which sex is more likely to break up, men or women?
- Who causes more arguments, men or women?
- Who is more susceptible to self-perception issues?
- Who is responsible for reducing carbon emissions?
- Who most often wants a divorce, men or women?
- Why are so many sports popular only in certain regions?
- Why are world problems less important than personal problems?
- Why we shouldn’t ignore the world problems
- World problems and how they’ve been dealt with through history
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