Classification Essay Topics

Writing a classification essay might sound easy, but in fact, it is not. The first and most important step of the process is to select a good topic. In this type of essay, you have to show differences and similarities between objects and classify them. For this, you have to create groups and classify objects.
The theme of this type of paper may range from political to social to scientific or something else. If you are writing something about the genres of books, you will have to focus on the classifications such as fantasy, drama, history, science, mystery, romance, etc. You should be very careful when categorizing these aspects because these categories should be relevant.
In this page, you will find some interesting classification essay topics that will give you some useful ideas.
Things to consider when choosing a topic
Before you start writing these types of essays, you have to determine the styles you are going to apply. Many students do not choose good themes, and as a result, they end up writing low-quality papers. You should talk to people who have written classification essays and conduct your own research.
You will find the process pretty easy if you have a clear idea about the categories. Choose a theme you find interesting. If you are a college student, do not hesitate to talk to your teacher before you dive into action. In most cases, your teacher will be happy to help you.
List of Classification Essay Topics
- A Brief Look into Polymer Processing
- A Closer Look at Hardy Literature
- A Comparative Study of Breast Cancer Detection Based on SVM and MLP BPN Classifier
- A Helping Hand for College
- A New Algorithm for Age Group Recognition from Frontal Face Image
- A Novel Neuro-fuzzy Classification Technique
- A Profile of Various Drug Classifications
- A Proposed Easy-to-Use Classification of Mandibular Fractures
- A Theoretical Foundation For Design Science
- Abnormal Psychology : An Observable Manifestation Of Abnormality
- Activity Based Funding ( Abf )
- Affirmative Action In Seattle
- Agency Structure
- An Analysis of the Ethnographic Conceptual Framework
- Analyzing the Writings of Thomas Hardy
- Animal Conservation and Enrichment in Zoos
- Application of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in Goal Planning for Low Back Pain Rehabilitation
- Applying Standardized Terminology For Nursing Care
- Argument Classification
- Asset Identification and Classification Policy
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Automatic Surveillance: Vision Detection Using Gaussian Processes Analysis
- Autonomy: A Concept Analysis
- Avoiding the Retirement Bust
- Benefits Of Developing Nations Producing Labour For Multinational Corporations
- Bibliography Regarding Statement of Cash Flow in Finance
- Biological Classification: Linnaeus System
- Black, White And Yellow
- Business Performance Management: Decision Making Process
- Case-Based Reasoning for Diagnosing Chronic Disease
- CAST (Condition Assessment Selection Tool) Development
- Categorization of Biomass Material, Pollution Forming mechanism and Health Impacts in Developing Countries.
- Child Personality Types
- Children And Their Effects On Children
- Clarification of Payscales and Regional Differences
- Class Classification in Arnold Wesker’s Roots
- Classifiation of Business Students
- Classificaions of Dental Implant Failure
- Classification : Classification By Source
- Classification and Assessment of Aridity over Pakistan During 1960-2009
- Classification and Prison Security Levels
- Cats
- Evolution of the Motorcycle Rider
- Exercise Partners
- Four Types of Children
- Good Books and Great Books
- PTA Personalities
- The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation
- Three Types of Annoying Shoppers
- Three Types of Cheaters
- Types of Gas Pumpers
- Types of Wood
- Weight Lifters
- Three Types of Dieters
- The Types of Drinkers
- Classification of Authority
- Classification of Beer
- Classification of Characters Bill and Boyd Meet
- Classification Of Computers
- Classification Of Conditions : A Structure Of Analysis Introduced By Rustow
- Classification of Crime
- Classification Of Cultures
- Classification of Dog Personalities
- Classification of Gifted and Talented Students
- Classification Of Horses
- Classification of Movie Goers
- Classification of Organisms
- Classification of Psychic Experiences
- Classification of Restaurant Customers
- Classification Of Restaurant Tippers
- Classification of Trivia Players
- Classification of Various Power Sources for a Car: Petrol, Diesel, and Electricity
- Classification Of Vegetarians
- Classification of Water Coolers
- Classification of Water Gardens
- Classification of Zombie Movies
- Classification: Help For Mental Disorders
- Classifications for Anxiety Disorders
- Classifications of Beer
- Classifying the Arabic Language Texts Part 1
- Classifying the Arabic Language Texts Part 2
- College Admission Vs. Affirmative Action
- Comparative Politics
- Computer Science: Data Mining
- Computer Technology
- Concept Structure Of A Data Warehousing
- Considering Workers Compensation Insurance For Your Construction Business
- Cost Analysis and Organization for Inglis University Library
- Countries and their Level of Development: Least Economically Developed Countries
- Criminal Acts : Subjectivity And Criminal Behaviors As Explained By The Conflict And Labeling Theories
- Customer Churn Analysis in the Telecommunication Industry
- Cynical Classification of Sexual Partners
- Database Environment Classification
- Decision Tree : Decision Trees
- Defining Different Types of Comedy and Humor
- Defining Lies: A Look at Different Types of Lies
- Depression Symptoms and Coping Mechanisms
- Describe the Key Differences in Gene Finding and Gene Function Prediction in Prokaryotes Compared to Eukaryotes
- Diagnosing Chronic Diseases: Literary Review
- Diagnosing Medical Disorders
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders: A Controversial History
- Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders
- Different Pattern of Development in Writing
- Digital Image Analysis Of Yell
- Drug Abuse and the FDA
- Durkheim and Levi-Strauss and Thought
- Eaarthquake Activity Around the World: Seven Days of Shaking
- Early Indicators of Someone Becoming a Serial Killer
- Educational Reform Issue and Stakeholders
- Effective Classification Using Fuzzy Rough Theory
- Examining Classification As An Innate Ability, And Biologists Classify Animals By Shapes And Patterns
- Face Recognition System
- Factors Contributing to the Wound Healing Process
- Financial Instruments: Classification of Derivatives
- First Amendment Law And Pornography
- Food Products in the US
- Geert Hofstede and Differentiated Cultures and Power Distance
- Gender and Class in Society
- Genetic Disorders: Beta Thalassemia
- Genre and Generic Stage of Online Job Advertisement
- GEO-MAD: Geographic Ontology for Major Disasters
- Hayakawa Ch. 10
- Health and Physical Education: Volleyball
- Hispanic Girls Growing up on the Border
- Historical Periods of Canadian History
- History and Classfication of Derivatives
- History of Fingerprints
- History of Taxonomy
- History of the Dewey Decimal Classification System
- History of the Universal Decimal Classification System
- How the Sun Produces Light and Heat
- Human Age Estimation from Facial Images Using Artificial Neural Network
- Idenitifying the Ideal Confidant: The Slipper, The Blabbermouth, The Discerner, and The Stronghold
- IFRS: Not Disaster But Embarrassment
- Immigration And The United States
- Impacts of Transportation Arteries on Land Use Patterns in Urban Rural
- Implant Supported Mandibular Overdentures
- Implementing a Data Warehouse in a Kar Dealer Network
- Importance of Information Security
- Improve Inventory Management To Support Maintenance Management Program
- Improving Inventory Management in Power Generation Company
- Infant Attachment Styles And The Resounding Effect On Adult Relationships
- Intersection of Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality define Social Positions in Alice Walkers The Color Purple
- Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744 – 1829)
- Judgement According to Mill
- Jupiter and Saturn
- Killer : Killer Typology And Classification
- Leadership Experience – A Personal Perceptive
- Lens Types: Single Vision, Bifocal, Trifocal, and Progressive
- Library Classification
- LRC Health Insurance: Tricare
- Machine Learning
- Major Differences between the Paralympics and the Olympics
- Managing Human Resources
- Mathematical Modelling and Grand Nain
- Medical Coding And Billing Effects
- Mentally Disabled Find It Hard to Recover
- Methodology of the Naïve Bayes Algorithm.
- Mirco-Electro- Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Modern Periodic Table Classification System
- My Personality Traits And Preference Descriptions
- Myths, Legends and Folktales
- Non-Consensual Property Rights
- Nursing Vs. Nursing Practice
- Observational Taxonomy for Children
- Offender Classification and Therapy
- Offline Signature Verification Using Structural Features
- Optimal Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Detection
- Oral Indigenous Knowledge Systems Different From Written Western Science Traditions
- Overview of Cerebral palsy
- Overview of E-dictionaries
- Paradigm Altered : Third World No Longer Applies
- Pawing at the Dewey Decimal System
- Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies
- Plan for the Development and Clarification of Mission Statments and Values: The Hamptom City School
- Pluto’s Unforeseen Future
- Postmodern Approach to Organizing Information
- Potential of Applying the Radial Basis Function
- Power Relations Between Covey And Douglass
- Predictive Analysis : Predictive Model
- Presidential Candidates: Division And Classification
- Preventing Tag Collision in Radio Frequency Identification
- Prevention of Nitrogen Narcosis
- Project Management Framework : Project Development Framework
- Psychopathy Effects Military Sexual Assault
- QSAR Modeling for Predicting Aquatic Toxicity of Chemicals
- Race : The Power Of An Illusion
- Racial Classification
- Racial Stereotyping And Racial Stereotypes
- Ranking The Present Enterprise Purchasers
- Ratio And Financial Statement Analysis
- Religion Values, and Culture Identity Development
- Report on Classification Of Business
- Residents of Distressed Appalachian Counties are at a Substantial Risk For Diabetes
- Response of every Type of Software Error
- Saulot, A Vampire and Classification of True Daeva
- Scientific Classification in Biology
- SDP: No Divorce for Men
- Self Reflection And Values Clarification Paper
- Semi-Supervised Learning
- Separation of Church and State – Town of Greece v. Galloway
- Short Answer Questions on Assessments and Treatments of Mental Disorders
- Sign Language Recognition
- Skin Disease: Psoriasis
- Slavery and Self-Esteem
- Social Class Influence on Sports Participation
- Social Construction Of Racial Classification
- Sociallinguistics: Study of Language and Society
- Solar Energy : A Brief Explanation About Photovoltaic Systems
- Special Education Placement in Public Schools
- Stereotyping: The Nature of Prejudice
- Steroids, Steroids And Its Effects On The Human Body
- Stock Asset Returns Are Predictable Part 1
- Students With Special Needs
- Synanon: One of the Most Violent Cults of California in the 70s
- Taking a Look at the Bubonic Plague
- Teaching The Slow Learner In Elementary School
- Terrible Teachers
- Test Guide
- Text Classification Systems
- Text Clustering
- The Accuracy of Nowadays Knowledge
- The Anatomical Classification of Organisms to Show Evolutionary Relationships
- The Australian Toy Safety Standards
- The Clarification Project
- The Classification and Hierarchy of Values
- The Classification and Main Types of Meteorites
- The Classification Model
- The Classification of Descriptive Ethics
- The Classification Of People Based On Their Personal Characteristics
- The Classification of Skills to Include the Differences between Individual, Co-Active, and Interactive Skills
- The Classifications of Clouds
- The Colgan Air Flight 3407 Crash Case
- The Corn Ethanol Industry
- The Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)
- The Dewey Decimal Classification System
- The Dewey Decimal Classification: Western and Non-Western Cultures
- The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- The Different Types of Sports
- The Effects Of Situational Factors On Deviant Classification
- The Era of Social Media
- The Face of Exploitation in Public Health
- The Four Types of Parenting Styles
- The ID3 Algorithm
- The Impact of Birth Order on Personality
- The Importance of Conflict for Self Growth
- The Importance Of Foreign Aid : Third World Poverty
- The Industrial Classification to Organize Industries
- The Internet and Ratings of Entertainment Products
- The Legal Classification of Men and Women
- The Literature Of Apply Data Mining Technology For Customer Relationship Management
- The Lovings v. The State of Virginia
- The Map of Art History Uses Order and Classification by Listing of Fields, Library System, and Plotting in Space and Time
- The Masking of History: The Misunderstanding of Gender and Race Studies.
- The Methods of Measuring National Income
- The New Booking Diversion Program
- The Origin, Distribution and Classification of Cultivated Broccoli Varieties
- The Paradigms of Face Recognition Systems
- The Pathological Causes of Malignant Lymphomas
- The Performance Classification Systems For Critical Thinking
- The Portrayal of Sexuality in the Media
- The Potato Virus
- The Principal Attributes And Classifications Of Corporations
- The Pros and Cons of Classification Systems in Psychiatry
- The Pursue of Knowledge
- The Rating of Television Shows
- The Role of Essential Amino Acids, Micronutrients and Antioxidant Status in Alcoholic and Tropical Chronic Pancreatitis
- The Science Community and Cryptozoology
- The Strengths and Weaknesses of the DSM-IV Classification System for Diagnosing Psychopathology
- The Study of Psychopathy in Women: Implications for the Lack of Information on Female Psychopathy
- The Three Classification Groups of Sport Fans
- The Three Types of Annoying People
- The Three Types of Athletes
- The Types of Skiing
- The Use Of Assets Must Comply With Restrictions And Policies Of The Organization
- The Views Of Political Power Distribution
- The World System Theory Promotes The Minority And Status
- This Film is Not Yet Rated is a Documentary Directed by Kirby Dick
- Three Medical Case Studies
- Three Types of Acting
- Three Types of Destruction During War
- Three Types of Friends
- Titanic Vs Romeo and Juliet
- Top 10 Caribbean Beaches
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis
- Types of College Students
- Types Of Computers
- Types of Friends
- Types Of Personnel Strategies For Position Classification
- Types of Teachers
- Unjust Classification of Literature
- Uses of Support Vector Machine
- Using Visual Thinking for Effective Teaching and Learning
- Values Clarification: A True Understanding
- Vehicle Accident Scenario
- Voltage Limits and Currents on Power Systems
- Voting Based Extreme Learning Machine
- Whalen v. J.P. Morgan Chase
- What Can We Do to Stop Bullying?
- What Causes a Child to be Born with Autism?
- What is Business English?
- What is the Classification of Psychology?
- What Motivates Murdresses to Kill
- Why Marijuana Should Be Legal
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