Policy Speech Topics
Created: 11.02.2020
Updated: 12.02.2020

List of Policy Speech Topics
- Abolish diplomatic immunity for criminal activities.
- Administrative divisions ought to provide meaningful opportunities for disabled persons to access.
- Adoptees Right-to-Know Law
- Affirmative Action
- Aggregate productivity
- Agricultural Policy
- Agricultural subsidies damage African nations
- All voters should be required to show a photo identification or a fingerprint.
- An international certification system for diamond exploration prevents conflict-diamonds trade.
- Art Censorship
- Attendance Policies (School, Work, etc.)
- Ban car racing in mass pollution areas
- Break Periods
- Censorship of Music
- Change K- School Start Times
- Client Complaints Procedures
- Climate Change Policy
- Company policy on computer usage
- Controlling the transportation fairs
- Corporation should have an accountability policy.
- Corruption and bribery run today’s economy
- Crime Prevention
- Cut import taxes for tourists in towns that need more income revenues.
- Defense budget priorities
- Defense budget reduction
- Discontinue medically drugs that are unnecessary.
- Do you think immigration laws need to be revised
- Domestic Violence Drug Policy
- Downsizing Schools/Classrooms
- Drug Testing In The Workplace
- Election reform
- Eliminate weapons-usable materials from stores and shops.
- Emergency Procedures
- Eminent Domain
- Employers should have the right to know a co-worker has HIV.
- Enact harsh penalties against public offensive behavior.
- Enact laws to fight corruption in Africa to ensure economic growth and prosperity.
- Ensure that the foods served are nutritionally balanced.
- Environmental sciences
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Every nation should accommodate asylum seekers who are entering the country with a legal visa?
- Everyone should have free access to some health care services.
- Expanding Oil and Gas Drilling
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Feminists should be terminated
- Financial Assistance for Students
- Flood victims’ reforms
- Foreign Policy
- Form a military alliance with East Asian countries.
- Freedom of Expression / Freedom of Speech
- Gambling Age should be Lowered
- Garbage recycling should be required.
- Global Warming Laws
- Good governance means openness, transparency and accountability.
- Guarantee free personal care for people with highest needs and serious diseases.
- Guarantee fundamental rights for victims of cybercrime.
- Harassment Precautions
- Health Care Policy
- Housing, hiring and education must be equal for all.
- Hygiene Standards
- Identification Protocols
- Immigration Policies
- Implement bullying policies.
- Impose a second home ownership tax.
- Improving the economic infrastructure is the key to Middle East stability.
- Initiate a self-regulatory policy for the media.
- Involvement of animals in research should be minimized, there are alternatives.
- It is an illusion that green jobs are contributing to the economy and environment.
- It should be more difficult to get a divorce.
- Job Discrimination based on Hair Color/Style
- K-12 students should learn a foreign language.
- Language Policy
- Legalizing prostitution could avoid campus date rape incidents
- Legalizing the sale of human organs could help reduce the lack of organ donors
- Limit the President’s power to impose political sanctions on foreign nations. Using the blocking of assets method and trade restrictions often are effective.
- Maintaining Discipline in the Campus
- Media producers should not prosecute students for downloading music education.
- Medical Examination
- Merit Pay for Teachers
- National Tobacco Settlement
- Nationalize oil spilling companies and seize all oil resources.
- No-fly lists of airliners do have a lack of accuracy.
- Obstruction of Justice Laws
- Offer appropriate and affordable housing to all citizens, just like companies do with expat housing for their overseas workers.
- Our constitution should protect hate speech
- Our foreign agenda for the United Nations
- Parents should be held responsible for their children’s actions
- Parents should have to obtain a license for having children.
- Parliamentary terms should be limited
- Pension reform
- Police and community should join efforts to prevent crime.
- Police Brutality
- Policy to avoid betting in sporting events
- Political organizations should be forbidden at campuses
- Pornography on the Internet
- Prisoners’ Reforms
- Privacy Codes
- Prohibit airliners to charge extra carry-on luggage fees.
- Promote world literacy by adopting a school in development nations.
- Provide everywhere in our town access for people with disabilities. Parking, sanitary and access to a building.
- Provide safe alternatives to regular vehicular travel.
- Punish severely pupils taking drugs.
- Racism and Racial Slurs (1st Amendment)
- Recycling Rules
- Recycling should be the cornerstone of the environment policy course of action.
- Regulations on applying safety devices
- Regulations to encourage healthy weight conditions among our youth.
- Russia is a growing threat.
- Sanctions on Myanmar are largely ineffective.
- School physical education should be required
- School Uniforms
- Sensor policy on the use of internet
- Sex education should stay the responsibility of the parents
- Sex-segregating classes improve achievements.
- Sexist images of women should be banned
- Should our prison system change
- should teacher be graded
- Should we outlaw modifying genes or should we allow biotech interventions?
- Shut down all domestic internet traffic for state security reasons.
- Skateboarding Policies
- Smokers should be treated as drug addicts
- Social Security Reform
- State and church should be combined
- Sticking to the scheduled work hours and no two hour lunches
- Stop child slave labor.
- Stop clothing and textiles sweatshops.
- Support scholarship programs for street kids and at-risk kids.
- Tax exemptions on church property should be used for charitable and community work only.
- Taxes (i.e. “sin” taxes, car taxes, taxation of the super rich)
- Teachers and Tenure
- Technical Loopholes in Law
- Teen Dating Violence Laws Strengthened
- Terrorists should be tried in military tribunals and not in the regular criminal justice system.
- The European Union have a federal president.
- The government should cooperate with China.
- The government should spend more money to explore space solar systems.
- The Kyoto Protocol does not effectively address carbon emission.
- The morning-after pill should be freely prescribed in drugstores and pharmacies
- The Patriot Act
- The use of drugs in sport should be legalized.
- There is nothing wrong with Double Dipping in collecting retirement pensions and company paycheck at the same time.
- There is nothing wrong with the contents of Ten Commandments
- Trying Children as Adults
- U.S. policy toward Cuba
- Urban shelters could help the homeless survive.
- VA Demerit Point System (driving)
- Videotaping In The Workplace
- Visitation Rules at your University/College
- Voter registration and absentee ballot
- Voting System (electoral college)
- Warrantless search and seizure must be allowed in the war on drugs and narcotics.
- Water is a hot issue in the Middle East.
- We must ensure greater protection for marine environment biodiversity trough international protocols.
- We need an international forestry agency.
- We should not allow that the poor sell their organs for money.
- We should spend 0.7 % of our gross national income on projects of international development.
- We should spend more money to improve highways and railroads.
- Welfare mothers should be treated as working mothers
- Welfare reform
- Western politicians should do more for the people on the African continent.
- What should be the minimum age for the voter?
- Whistleblower Procedure
- Why China’s one-child policy violated basic human rights.
- Why cities should insist on having their own local economic development policy.
- Why invading North Korea is a no go plan.
- Why meals in school should be free
- Why restaurants who fail the health inspection the first time should be closed down
- Why smokers deserve rights.
- Women in the Military
- Work Hours Plans