Funny Debate Topics

A debate can be serious or funny. If you need to choose a humorous topic, you must be careful. In this case, you should not choose something that sounds serious. When students are assigned this type of tack, they often fail to choose appropriate themes. In this page, you will find some ideas that will help you make a good choice.
If you have never attended this type of debate, you can watch some on YouTube. Not only school or college students but also children have are familiar these days. When choosing a theme, make sure that it is not too controversial. And you should not sound pedantic when presenting your ideas.
A few tips to remember
Remember that this type of thing is just for fun. It is not necessarily for educational purposes. Try to choose a theme that sounds interesting. Before you dive into action, take to your classmates and your teachers. If they like the idea, have some discussion, have a fun, brainstorm, and figure out the best ways to present your points.
If you see this list, you will find it easy to choose a topic that suits your purpose. We hope you will find some amazing ideas.
List of 94 Funny (Hilarious) Debate Topics
- 15 minutes of fame or behind the scenes?
- 15 minutes of fame or staying behind the scenes?
- Abortion – yes or no?
- Advantages of being a man over a woman
- America accent vs. British accent
- American Idol vs. America’s Got Talent
- American Idol vs. The X Factor
- Are ghosts real?
- Are school uniforms even necessary?
- Are we aliens?
- Australian accent vs. British accent
- Barbie doll – an icon
- Best pizza topping?
- Best Star Wars character
- Bon Jovi vs. The Rock for president
- Bottled water vs. regular water
- Bottled water vs. Regular water: What’s the fuss?
- Can marijuana be legalized?
- Can you be best buds with your boss?
- Cartoons vs. animated films
- Cats vs. Dogs
- Cats vs. dogs as pets?
- Co-ed schools vs. single sex education schools
- Dating popular men/women or intelligent men/women?
- Dating techniques- are there any?
- Daydreaming vs. Nightdreaming
- Did God create the universe vs. did it occur naturally
- Do nice girls finish last?
- Do vampires get AIDS from sucking infected blood?
- Do video games cause bad behavior in children?
- Does age matter in relationships?
- Does age really matter in a relationship?
- Does Batman make a good male role model?
- Does playing video games actually increase IQ levels?
- Does Virginity Rock?
- Eat to live or live to eat?
- Females vs. males in performance in academics
- Going out or Netflix and chill?
- Han Shot First?
- Harry Potter vs. Twilight
- Honest and poor or dishonest and rich
- Instagram famous vs. Twitter famous?
- Is everything fair in love and war?
- Is sans the hottest character in undertale?
- Is social media just making it easier for people to stalk others?
- Is summer the best season?
- Is the law easier on celebrities?
- Is there life after death?
- Junk food banned from public schools
- Kissing with eyes open or closed?
- Medicine vs. Engineering
- Men gossip more than women
- Men stitching vs. women wrestling
- No face-to-face interaction because of facebook
- Nursery rhymes have inner meanings
- Oatmeal cookies vs. raisin cookies
- Possibility that the Earth is flat
- Ragging – to make friends vs. to make fun
- Rock n Roll music or Hip Hop?
- Rock n Roll music vs. Hip Hop
- Santa Clause vs. the Easter bunny
- Sex education- when is the right time to start?
- Should a grammar nazi be dealt with like real nazis?
- Should Chewbacca Get A Medal In A New Hope?
- Should homework be banned?
- Should humans eat to live or live to eat?
- Should people who post dead memes on social media be exiled into the depths of space?
- Should we execute anybody cosplaying as anything other than sans undertale
- Superman and Batman – superheroes or misleading idols?
- Tandoori chicken vs. plain chicken
- Twilight vs. The Vampire Diaries
- USA will never have a woman President. True or false
- Vampire Diaries vs. FRIENDS
- Vampires vs. werewolves
- Water is not wet
- What are more real – pirates or ninjas?
- What do women really want in a man?
- What pizza toppings are the best?
- What women want
- What’s important: beauty vs. brains?
- Which is better: night dreaming or daydreaming?
- Who are likely to be more successful: introverts or extroverts?
- Who are more complicated – men or women?
- Who came first, the hen or the egg?
- Why Coke is better than Pepsi
- Why fish make the ultimate pets
- Why Friends is better than How I Met Your Mother
- Why homework should be abolished from the school system
- Why nursery rhymes are actually quite twisted
- Why students should receive their letter from Hogwarts
- Women marrying younger men
- Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja?
- Would you rather be the hero or the sidekick?
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