Technical Speech Topics
Created: 12.02.2020
Updated: 12.02.2020

List of Technical Speech Topics
- 3D Human Sensing Algorithms Based on 3D Video
- 5 Advantaged of Operating System-Level Virtualization
- 5 Key Stages of the Typical Robot Life Cycle: What Is the Proper Maintenance of Your Robot?
- 5G vs. Wi-Fi: 5 New Wireless Standards Rolling Out This Year
- A guide to different social media sites.
- Accelerometer Sensor Working and Applications in Real-Life Situations
- Advancement in inverter technology for industrial application
- An Overview of Arduino Nano Board: Components, Features, and Applications
- Animatronics and Artificial Intelligence: The Perspectives of This Fusion
- Antivirus software: beware of malware functions.
- Apple- a novel approach for direct energy weapon control
- Artificial Neural Networks Definition, Specifics and Applications
- Binaural Audio in Virtual Reality: How the Sound Is Used in VR?
- Biometrics Technology and Security: 3 Key Biometric Authentication Devices
- Bluetooth Technology Yesterday and Today: 3 Predictions for the Future
- Computers through the decades.
- Development of superconducting rotating machines
- Digital Testing of High Voltage Circuit Breakers
- Drones in Modern Warfare: 3 Ways to Improve an Unmanned Aircraft System
- Electrical Components of Hybrid Car: Shutdowns And Power Failures
- Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Today
- Fast Access Control Technology Solutions System Architecture
- Global positioning system and its application
- Graphics-Based Vs. Text-Based Virtual Reality: The Process of Production
- How a water plant operates.
- How air pressure works.
- How airport biometrics systems work.
- How cellular phones work.
- How has social media impacted our daily lives?
- How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?
- How nuclear power works.
- How roads are built.
- How satellites help communication.
- How search engines work.
- How technology has destroyed human interaction.
- How to avoid computer viruses.
- How to build a computer.
- How to practice cyber safety.
- How voice over IP works.
- How watches work.
- Is wind energy cheap, effective, and practical?
- Machine Learning Algorithms: Attention Mechanisms and Memory Networks
- Mobile Train Radio Communication: Further Application of the MTRC System
- Modes of communication are constantly changing.
- Performance Evaluation & EMI/EMC Testing of Energy Meter
- Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Technologies for Server Consolidation
- Reactive Power Consumption in Transmission Line
- Relay Performance Testing With High Technology
- Renewable Energy Source Biomass
- Robots now and in the future.
- Security Threats on Blockchain with 3 Possible Countermeasures
- Surge Current Protection Using Super conductors
- Surveillance Camera Control System: Collecting, Processing, Archiving, Storage, Display and Analyzing the Data
- The advantages and disadvantages of social media.
- The Application of Circulators in Radar Systems
- The Architecture of OLED Technology: 5 Layers in Details
- The benefits of 3D printing.
- The best new technologies.
- The danger of putting too much personal information on social networks.
- The decline of interpersonal communication due to technology.
- The Design of the Biometric Voting Machine for Fair Elections
- The difference between hardware and software.
- The effects of violent video games on children.
- The evolution of the internet.
- The evolution of the iPhone.
- The evolution of video games.
- The Future Applications of OLED Display Technology
- The future of electric cars.
- The history of programming languages.
- The line between the human brain and a computer.
- The major technological changes since 1990.
- The Modern Implementation of Audio-Animatronic Technology
- The negative effects of cellphones.
- The Solar Photovoltaic Cell: 5 Factors That Limit Its Efficiency
- The uses for artificial intelligence computer networks.
- Top 5 Advances in Magnetic Field Sensors
- Tsunami Warning System: 3 Milestones to Be Achieved in the Near Future
- Web Authentication and Web Access Control: 5 Factors to Consider
- What would we do without electricity?
- Why college students should be careful about what they put on social media.
- Why technology is a bad thing for growing minds.