Narrative Speech Topics
Created: 12.02.2020
Updated: 12.02.2020

List of 40 Narrative Speech Topics
- A historical event that impressed me.
- A memorable vacation.
- A milestone that seemed bad but turned out to be good.
- A moment when you did something that took a lot of courage.
- A narrow escape.
- A place that stands for my romantic moments – a table for two in a restaurant with a great view.
- A prejudice that involved me.
- A significant family event in the summer.
- A time when you choose to go your own way and did not follow the crowd.
- A vivid childhood memory in which you can see how I would develop myself in the next ten to fifteen years.
- An accident or remarkable positive event that changed my life.
- An Eureka moment: you suddenly understood how something works in life you had been struggling with earlier.
- How curiosity brings me where I am now.
- How I break up with my love.
- How I have dealed with a difficult situation.
- How I stood up for my beliefs.
- How you cope with your nerves recently.
- How you handled in an emergency situation.
- How you helped someone else and what you learned from her or him, and from the situation. My most frustrating moment.
- How you usually prepare for a test at high school or for a personality interview or questionnaire.
- I daydream of …
- My act of heroism.
- My day of graduation.
- My first day at high school or college.
- My first serious date with my boyfriend / girlfriend.
- My heroic sports moment at the campus field.
- My pet resembles my personal habits.
- Samples of self-reliance in difficult conditions, empathy towards others in society, and your learning attitude and the learning curve.
- Special meditative techniques you have learned from old masters in East Asia.
- The birth of my brother, sister or other relative and the impact on our household and family-life.
- The day I will move overseas.
- The day you rebelled with a decision concerning you.
- The decision I regret most at my school or in my professional job career.
- The decisions my parents made for me when I was young – school choice, admission and finance.
- The influence of a special person on my behavior.
- The routines you always follow under certain circumstances on your way to home. Church or other religious rituals you think are important to celebrate.
- What happened when you had a disagreement with your teacher or instructor in class.
- What lessons I have learned through studying the genealogy of my family.
- Your ritual before a sports game.
- Your ritual before going out with friends – make up codes, choosing your dress or outfit, total party looks.