
Humanities Research Paper Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 14.05.2019
Updated: 11.04.2020
Humanities Paper Topics

List of 49 Humanities Research Paper Topics

  1. American Distress and Contemporary Art
  2. Appalachian Language and Regional Identity
  3. Artists in Times of War
  4. Can culture be seen as a natural reaction of an intelligent species to continued existence?
  5. Can isolation be seen to promote the development of more natural cultural systems?
  6. Color and the Education Experience
  7. Contemporary Music and Political Commentary
  8. Could human civilization have evolved without the use of spoken language?
  9. Cults and Modern Religious Movements
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  11. Dystopian Exploration: Brave New World, A Clockwork Orange and Fahrenheit 451
  12. Gender and the Education Experience
  13. Has Aristotle truly earned the right to be considered a philosophical giant?
  14. Historical Tension Between Science and Religion
  15. How has technology affected the creation, acquisition and distribution of art?
  16. How is the creation of art related to the development of empathy?
  17. Human and Animal Sacrifice in Religion
  18. Human Beings and Violence
  19. Human Subcultures
  20. Humanities and the Age of Information
  21. Humanities Versus The Sciences
  22. In what was has the Music industry benefited from the Industrial revolution?
  23. Is the term ‘civilization’ a useful one with its previous connotations of xenophobia?
  24. Jane Austen and 18th Century Conventions of Feminism
  25. Joe Hill and Early Labor Struggles
  26. Mao Tse Tung and Manufacturing Consent
  27. Mayan Art and Society
  28. Music and Political Propaganda
  29. Perspective Pathways to Greater Human Flourishing
  30. Photography in Shaping Public Opinion
  31. Racism and the Human Family Unit
  32. Should the population be reduced to levels that natural resources can sustainably maintain?
  33. Social Darwinism
  34. Social Media and Modern Human Interactions
  35. The Age of Enlightenment
  36. The Application of Socrates to 21st Century Western Democracy
  37. The Beat Generation: Kerouac, Miller and Burrows
  38. The Bible and the Development of US Democracy
  39. The Harlem Renaissance in the African American Experience
  40. The Humanities and Definitions of Freedom
  41. The Importance of Studying Humanities
  42. The Industrial Revolution and Human Identity
  43. The Koran and Middle Eastern Politics
  44. The Odyssey and Gender Expectations
  45. The Printing Press and Dissemination of Ideas
  46. The Reformation in Art
  47. The Religions of Abraham: Modern Political Implications
  48. The Role of Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century
  49. Theology and Medicine
  50. Western Humanities

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