
Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020
Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

List of Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Being an expert in gaming: pros & cons
  2. Drinking wine every day to prolong the life
  3. How do Barbie dolls influence girls?
  4. How to imitate activity at work without doing something you should do?
  5. How would the world look if ruled by donkeys?
  6. Legalizing marijuana will make everyone happy
  7. McDonald’s as the least favorite restaurant
  8. My Barbie appearance made my life a disaster.
  9. Reasons to hate one’s last name
  10. Should I use my video game playing skills as a source of income?
  11. Thank you, officer, I really needed that ticket
  12. The client is never right
  13. Things a driving instructor will never tell
  14. What caused my antipathy to country music?
  15. What is the purpose of tanning booths on the beach?
  16. What pets think about their masters
  17. When the clothes are everything that makes the man
  18. Where are all mismatched hiding?
  19. Which song I consider the worst in the world?
  20. Why are videos showing shark attack on humans so popular?
  21. Why many kids are afraid of Mickey Mouse?
  22. Why people pay more attention to spam emails than the normal ones?
  23. Why should you pretend not to be interested in sport?
  24. Why teeth braces scare people?
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