Personal Narrative Essay Topics
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020

List of Personal Narrative Essay Topics
- A 2013 Time Capsule for Future Generations
- A Big Sign in the Park
- A Camping Trip With My Older Brothers
- A Career Interest in the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Arts
- A Chance to Shoot People Without Getting Arrested or Killed Through the Game of Airsoft
- A Change that Lead to Freedom
- A Childhood Dream of Going to Six Flags Amusement Park in California
- A Childhood Memory of Pulling My First Baby Tooth
- A Companionship Story with My Dog, Sandi
- A Comparison between the Notes, Harmony, and Melody of the Western Classical Music and the Indian Classical Music
- A Comparison of Mending Wall and The Road Not Taken, Two Works by Robert Frost
- A Comparison of the Differences Between On-Campus and Off-Campus Life
- A Comparison of the Differences Between Savings and Investing, and the Importance of Ethics in the Financial Planning Profession
- A Comparison of the Similarities and Differences Between Books for Africa and the Warehouse of Hope
- A Comparison of the Similarities and Differences Between Death and Divorce
- A Convocation Ceremony at Lyndon State College
- A Creative Story About a Pencil’s First Day Following Its Owner to School
- A Creative Writing on My Soulmate in the English Class
- A Creative Writing on Receiving the Bad News of My Mother’s Heart Attack
- A Critical Review of the Omnivore’s Dilemma, a Book by Michael Pollan
- A Cruise to Mexico
- A Day That Was Never Made for Me
- A Day with My Dad After Their Split
- A Description of the Objects That Define Me
- A Desire to Enter College and Complete a Professional Career
- A Desire to Travel to Australia
- A Devotion to Writing Rituals
- A Dream of Becoming an All-Star Cheerleader
- A Dream of Learning About the Performing Arts
- A Dream of My Debut at the Soccer Game
- A Family Adventure at the Beautiful Bass Lake in Indiana
- A Family Gathering at the Cedar Point in Ohio
- A Family Tradition of Eating Grandma’s Famous Banuelos
- A Family Vacation to Washington DC
- A Fascinating Trip to Bass Lake: Indiana
- A Football Life in My Eyes
- A Frightening Car Crash
- A Frustrating First Day of High School
- A Harrowing Experience During a Bus Ride
- A Hawaiian Vacation That Will Go down Memory Lane
- A Hot Summer Day in Houston Texas
- A Journal of My Journey to Getting Healthy and Fit
- A Journey of Language Learning
- A Journey of Learning and Self-Discipline in College
- A Journey to Lose Weight and Live Healthy
- A Joyful, Blessed, and Caring Life
- A Learning Experience at the Dance Studio
- A Lesson Well Learned: Keep Your Problems To Yourself
- A Letter to Ms. Brydges on the New Student in Class
- A Letter to My Husband: We Do Not Need a Divorce!
- A Life Changing Event in My Life
- A Life Changing Experience
- A Life Changing Experience of Moving into a New House
- A Life Review Interview with Willie Sargent: Answers to the Misconceptions About My Mother
- A Life-Changing Experience During the Holiday Season
- A Little Girl Sitting on the Side of a Road
- A Long Drive With Family
- A Major Event I Am Most Proud Of
- A Memorable Event of Spending the Day at the Orchard with Marcus
- A Memorable Experience
- A Memorable Experience in Montenegro
- A Memorable Senior High School Experience in Morocco
- A Mission in the Military
- A Mistake That I Have to Bear for the Rest of My Life
- A Name to Complete a Family
- A Narrative of Dreaming About the Awesome Book I Wrote
- A Narrative of Education as My Ticket Out of the Life of the Streets
- A Narrative of How Aunt Joy Influenced Me Into the Hobby of Reading
- A Narrative of How I Lost My Faith in God
- A Narrative of My Day by Day Obstacles and How I Overcome Them
- A Narrative of My Encounters for the Day
- A Narrative of My Experiences of Trying Out for the Pom Team
- A Narrative of My First Day of School at Oak Creek Middle School
- A Narrative of My Interest in Flying
- A Narrative of My Irreplaceable Bond with My Dad
- A Narrative of My Journey to Becoming a Wrestler
- A Narrative of My Learning of the CAD Software in CAD Class
- A Narrative of My Life and Work
- A Narrative of My Pleasant Days in Wisconsin
- A Narrative of My Struggles as an Immigrant Student in Canada
- A Narrative of My Studies in Learning the English Language
- A Narrative of My Uncle Willie, an Important Person in My Life
- A Narrative of the Biggest Hockey Game of My Life
- A Narrative of the Day I Lost My Grandmother
- A Narrative of the Importance of Balancing My Education and Experience at the Zoo
- A Narrative of the Life Changing Experience of Diabetes and Its Effects on My Family and My Life
- A Narrative of the Memories the Photography of My Tennis Picture Reminds Me
- A Narrative of the Pregnancy of Sabrina
- A New Experience in My Wildlife Major in College
- A New Indian Girl in School
- A Nice Day at School
- A Passion to Coach My Old High School Guard
- A Pastime of Taking Time to Pour the Perfect Guinness
- A Personal Account of a Trip With My Brother
- A Personal Account of Behavioral Change
- A Personal Account of My Mother’s Sickness, Death, and the Role of the Doctors in It
- A Personal Acknowledgement of the Advantages of Learning a Second Language
- A Personal Challenge of Improving My Writing While Conquering Dyslexia
- A Personal Decision and Desire to Pursue a Career in Internal Medicine
- A Personal Definition of a Good Day
- A Personal Experience of How My Parents Almost Got Divorced
- A Personal Experience of Moving Away from Home
- A Personal Experience of Moving to Virginia
- A Personal Experience with Driving a Straight-Shift Car
- A Personal Experience with Riding a Horse
- A Personal Faith and Journey
- A Personal Identification with the Alki Beach: The Water, Sand, and Sun of the Beach as the Symbols for My Caring, Strong, and Loyal Nature
- A Personal Interest of My Desire to Pursue Education at Tufts University
- A Personal Journey to Overcome My Shyness
- A Personal Meaning of Being White
- A Personal Narrative About Sarah, the Narrator’s First Love
- A Personal Narrative in the Style of Robin Crusoe
- A Personal Narrative of how I Came to Love Soccer
- A Personal Narrative on Gender Differences in School
- A Personal Narrative on the Importance of Compassion
- A personal Opinion on the Issues of the Apocalypse
- A Personal Philosophy on How to Gain Wisdom
- A Personal Reflection on a Burning Desire to Become a Truck Driver
- A Personal Reflection on a Family Trip to Adventure Land
- A Personal Reflection on a Family Trip to Williamsburg, Virginia and Its Amusement Park’s Roller Coaster The Lochness Monster
- A Personal Reflection on Being in a Terrible Relationship, Its Impact on Me, and Losing My Friends over It
- A Personal Reflection on Discovering That I Was Adopted and Meeting My Older Brother
- A Personal Reflection on Generosity and My Version of It
- A Personal Reflection on Learning How to Save Money and Spend It Wisely
- A Personal Reflection on Moving to the United States of America and Going to School There
- A Personal Reflection on Moving to Wisconsin, Acquiring a Horse, and Bonding With Him
- A Personal Reflection on My First Trip to a NASCAR Race at the Bristol Motor Speedway with My Father
- A Personal Reflection on My First Whitewater Rafting Experience
- A Personal Reflection on My Grandmother’s Disease and Death, Its Impact on Our Family, and My Dedication to God
- A Personal Reflection on My Professional Report Writing and Love of Poetry
- A Personal Reflection on Overcoming My Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)
- A Personal Reflection on Performing Elvis Presley’s Song Love Me Tender and Its Impact on My Self-Confidence
- A Personal Reflection on Studying and Traveling in Hong Hong as a Part of a Summer School Program
- A Personal Reflection on the Change in My Attitude towards Lacrosse Practice and Athletic Skills over the Summer
- A Personal Reflection on the Development of My Opinion on Life after Death
- A Personal Reflection on the Fright of Seeing My Father Sick and Battling for His Life
- A Personal Reflection on the Impact of My Dog’s Life, Her Illness, and Death on Me
- A Personal Reflection on the Importance of Unexpected and Unnoticed Events in Life
- A Personal Reflection on the Move to New York, My Experiences There, and the Involvement in the Students Against Destructive Decisions Club
- A Personal Reflection on the Worst Day of My Life: Finding My Grandfather after He Had a Stroke and Calling the Ambulance
- A Personal Reflection on Writing a Diary as a Child and Its Significance for Me
- A Personal Review of Beautiful Day, a Song by U2
- A Personal Statement of My Interest in Psychiatry
- A Personal Statement of My Positive Study Behaviors and Time Management in Football
- A Personal Statement on My Desire to Serve in the US Army JAG Corps
- A Personal Statement on My Intentions to Pursue My Career in Business at McKendree University
- A Personal Statement on My Pursuit of a Career in Physical Therapy
- A Personal Statement on Why I Chose the Dentistry Career
- A Personal Story of Overcoming Challenges to Have a Better Future
- A Personal Story of Understanding and Appreciating the True Meaning of Dollar
- A Personal Struggle with Paying for My College Education
- A Personal Turning Point
- A Personal View on the Football as the Way of Life
- A Personal War against My Demons at Night
- A Petition Against Our Principal, Mr. McCormick
- A Plan on Leaving a Mark After My Graduation from The University of North Carolina Greensboro
- A Question of Innocence
- A Realization of the Power of Family
- A Reflection about My Brother
- A Reflection of How I Became an Outsider
- A Reflection of My Baby Sister’s Accident
- A Reflection of My Dance Journey
- A Reflection of My English Language Improvement Through the Core Program
- A Reflection of My Experiences During My Jaw Surgery
- A Reflection of My Experiences in America
- A Reflection of My Favorite Teacher and Her Qualities That Fit into the Teaching Profession
- A Reflection of My First Time Experience to Taste and Eat Ethiopian Food
- A Reflection of My Fishing Memories with Jake
- A Reflection of My Frat Party Experience
- A Reflection of My Good and Bad Experiences on a Military Transition Team
- A Reflection of My Grandmother as My Special Someone
- A Reflection of My Job Experience as a Cast Member at Chuck E. Cheese
- A Reflection of My Journey and Experience as a Part of the FFA
- A Reflection of My Literacy Journey from a Little Kid to Adult
- A Reflection of My Memories of Being Crowned 2011 Bonnabel High School Homecoming King
- A Reflection of My Performance of Our HRM Model Presentation on the Topic Restructuring
- A Reflection of My Reading of Firefly Lane, a Book by Kristin Hannah
- A Reflection of My Spoiled and Ungrateful Acts During My Childhood
- A Reflection of My Wide Range of Cultural Backgrounds
- A Reflection of the Exciting Experience of Going Back to School
- A Reflection of the Great Experience at Challenge Day
- A Reflection of the Life and Death of My Three Classmates
- A Reflection of the Making of Our Dance Team
- A Reflection of the Most Life Changing Experience in My Life
- A Reflection of the Old Pictures of Me and My Friend and Her Training for the Army
- A Reflection of the Pivotal Moment in My Life
- A Reflection of the Sad Christmas Break and My Life without Donna
- A Reflection of the Tiring Day in School
- A Reflection on a Difficult Day Rushing to Turn in a Project and Forgetting My Computer, Getting a Speeding Ticket, and Ripping Off a Gas Nozzle and Pump
- A Reflection on a Past Mistake and the Negative Influence It Would Be on Children Which Look Up to Me If They Found Out
- A Reflection on a Suicide Attempt, My Mother’s Role in It, and the Judgement of a Nurse
- A Reflection on Being a Freshman and Getting into a Fight to Protect a Friend from Mocking
- A Reflection on Being Excluded from a Bat Mitzvah due to German Ancestry and Finding Out the Family Role in the German Resistance against the Nazis
- A Reflection on Converting to Islam and Wearing a Hijab
- A Reflection on Going Through Hardships of My Little Brother Being Diagnosed With Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- A Reflection on How My Mother and I Raised Our Children
- A Reflection on Money, the Importance of Education, and Homelessness
- A Reflection on My Journey of Becoming a Great Writer
- A Reflection on My Lack of Childhood Memories and the Move to the Continental Part of the United States
- A Reflection on My Level of Development and Personal and Professional Dreams for the Future
- A Reflection on My Own Culture
- A Reflection on My Personal Philosophy
- A Reflection on My Pregnancy, Labor, and Becoming a Single Mother at Nineteen
- A Reflection on My Relationship with My Grandfather, His Illness and Death, and Their Impact on Me
- A Reflection on My Relationship with My Husband and the Difficulties We Had to Face Due to My Mother’s Disapproval
- A Reflection on Personal Hardships and the Negative Impact of Bullying and Others on My Self-Esteem
- A Reflection on Tennis Tryouts, My Failure to Get In and Its Impact on Me, and the Benefit of the Experience of Failure
- A Reflection on the Decoration of My Room and Its Role as My Sanctuary
- A Reflection on the Experience of Drowning in the River Rapids and Being Saved
- A Reflection on the Experience of Riding a Four Wheeler and Zip Lining on the Great Smoky Mountains
- A Reflection on the Feeling of Freedom You Get While Driving and My Journey towards Getting the Permit to Drive
- A Reflection on the Frugal Nature of My Mother and the Motivation of Getting a New Pair of Shoes for a Top Three Placement in a Speaking Contest
- A Reflection on the Illnesses of the Elderly
- A Reflection on the Impact of John Price’s Book Man Killed by Pheasant on My Nomadic Tendencies and the Search for a Spiritual Home
- A Reflection on the Ramifications of Drunk Driving and Being in an Accident Caused by a Drunk Driver
- A Reflection on the Sudden Illness and Death of My Grandfather
- A Reflection on the Terrible Ending to My “Perfect” Relationship
- A Reflection on the Things Others Love and I Hate: Texting and Drinking Beer
- A Reflection on Three Photographs Featuring My Big Sister and Myself and Portraying the Changes in Our Relationship
- A Relationship That Taught Me a Lesson
- A Renewed Perspective on Exorcism
- A Report on How College is Different from High School
- A Report on My Clean and Peaceful Neighborhood
- A Report on My Get Away Environment
- A Report on My Plans in Teaching Students a Fun Way to Write
- A Report on My Work Experience on the Education of Disabled Children
- A Review of Grey’s Anatomy, an American Drama Series
- A Review of My Experience at Fargo’s, a Restaurant in Colorado Springs
- A Review of Rogers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella the Broadway Musical
- A Rewarding Accomplishment in Football Despite Losing to the Other Team
- A Romantic First Date with Seth
- A Self Evaluation of My Gypsy Soul
- A Sense of Longing for My Home in Moldova
- A Shameful Incident With Marks That Shaped Who I Am Today
- A Short Biography of My Mom
- A Special Bond With My Mom
- A Special Experience with My Father
- A Special Surprise of Riding in the Parade in Disney World on My 15th Birthday
- A Strategy for Writing Posts in Facebook
- A Stressful Experience of the Negative Effects of Cheating in the Family
- A Successful Speech in Front of the Audience
- A Summary of My Leadership Philosophy for My First Air Command and Staff College Paper
- A Sweet Memory of the Past in a Box
- A Temptation to Experiment and Indulge in Foods
- A Terrible Experience in an Airport While Travelling to Spain
- A Terrifying Experience of Escaping the Fall of the ATV
- A Thanksgiving Day to Remembe
- A Timeline of the Unforgettable Memories of My Life
- A Tragic Story
- A Trip That Will Go down Memory Lane
- A Trip to a Beach In Mexico
- A Trip to Europe with My Best Friend
- A True Story of Mother’s Sacrifice During the China Earthquake
- A Turning Point in My Life Was a Game
- A Vacation Experience at Camp Pendelton
- A Valentine’s Day Choking Scare
- A Valuable Lesson from a Painful Experience
- A Valuable Lesson from a School Suspension
- A View on the Safe Place Concept in the Personal Discipline
- A Vision of My Goals as a Christian
- A Visit and Chat with Mary, the Perfect Grandmother of Stefanie
- A Visit to Clubhouse Lu Lu in Mississippi
- A Visit to the Aquarium
- A Welcoming Filipino Home
- A Wonderful and Challenging Experience of Learning Skating
- A Wonderful Experience of Being Saved by the Blood of God
- A Wonderful Experience of Competing in the Horse Show
- A Wrestling Match
- A Year Ago He Was Born
- A Young Girl on a Playground
- Accepting and Understanding Stereotypes
- Accepting English as My Second Language
- Accomplishing My Dream of Graduating in High School
- Achieving My Academic Goals Upon Reaching the Most Important Day of My Life, My College Graduation
- Achieving My Goals by Stopping Procrastination
- Adopting from an Animal Shelter
- African American Student Organization
- All the Ways I Have Changed
- All the World’s a Stage
- An Account of Coming Out
- An Account of Moving to Abu Dhabi
- An Account of My Son’s School Experience
- An Account of My Successful Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery
- An Amazing Experience of Enjoying the Rides at the Amusement Park
- An Analysis of All the Advertisements I Have Seen
- An Analysis of the Persuasive Techniques in the Pepsi Commercial Mirrors Featuring Beyonce
- An Analysis of the Story and a Connection with the Character of Alfred in A Walker in the City, a Book by Alfred Kazin
- An Appreciation of Batik Art
- An Arranged Marriage with the Chaimberlains
- An Assessment of My Learning Through SmarterMeasure
- An Assessment of the Watch Around Water Campaign of the PSA
- An Enjoyable Experience at Imagine
- An Escape Towards the Solitude of the Darkness
- An Essay on My Best Friend Azin and Our Great Life Together as Friends
- An Essay on Personality and Identity
- An Essay on the Development of My Relationship with Consumership by My Family and Surroundings
- An Experience at MOCA Contemporary Museum Field Trip and Why Architecture Programs/Classes Should Be Offered in High Schools
- An Experience of a Humiliating Situation in My Life
- An Experience of a Life Changing Event of Acquiring Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
- An Experience of Being a Volunteer at the Health Trust Nonprofit Organization and the Food Basket
- An Experience of Bingo Hosted by the Fraternal Order of the Eagles
- An Experience of Connecting with People from Different Cultures
- An Experience of Homosexuality and the Benefits of Joining an LGBT Community
- An Experience of Mixed Feelings and Emotions Through the Internet
- An Experience of Mixing Both Languages and While Living in America
- An Experience of My Haitian Culture Through the Party Thrown by My Parent
- An Experience of Surfing and the Desire to Overcome My Fear of the Deep
- An Experience of the Entertainment at the Amusement Park
- An Experience of the Fishing Trip of a Lifetime
- An Experience of Yoga During the Night Light Yoga
- An Experience That Changed My Entire Life
- An Experience That I Will Not Forget Soon
- An Experience to Remember
- An Experience with Dad that Changed my Life Forever
- An Experiment of Changing My Lifestyle and Dietary Plan for the Month of March
- An Extraordinary Infatuation for Charles Joseph McDonell
- An Initiative to Help the Poor Neighborhoods of Tijuana as a Future Physician
- An Interest to Pursue a Career in Nursing
- An Interest to Pursue My Goals and Wishes of Becoming a Doctor or Radiologist
- An Observation of a Conversation Between Two Seniors on the Topic of the Song Writer Lam Phuong
- An Observation of My Experience in Visiting the Old South Church in Boston
- An Observation of the Behaviors That Interrupts the Learning of Narine
- An Observation of the Worship at the Buddhist Zen Center with My Father
- An Obsession and Determination to Become a Part of the Basketball Team
- An Obsession on Everything About Shrimps
- An Open-Mindedness to All Opportunities in Life
- An Opinion on Marching Band as a Sport
- An Opinion on Marriage and Parenthood
- An Opinion on My Beliefs and Its Influence on Becoming a Supporter of the Democratic Party
- An Opinion on My Different Experiences with Young Life and Westerville Community United Church of Christ
- An Opinion on the Privilege of Equal Rights in Race, Gender, and Social Class
- An Overview of the History and Vision of the Key Club
- An Overview of the Parsons School of Design
- An Overview of the Personal Experiences of the life With the Parents
- An Overview of the Scope and Impact of Bulimia Nervosa in Society Today
- An Unexpected Lesson from My Babysitting Experience
- An Unforgettable Experience
- Analysis of Immigrant Literature
- Anju, Wake Up!
- Are We Going to Feed the Fish?
- Arriving in Clovis in the Afternoon
- Attending My Grandfather’s Funeral
- Attending the Annual Military Training School
- Attending the Classes of the Most Difficult Science Teacher, Mr. Gerber
- Attending the Oklahoma City Thunder’s First Round Playoff Game Versus the Houston Rockets
- Attending the S.W.A.T Team’s Alcohol Awareness Program Called Dying for a Drink
- Backpacking to Mena, Arkansas
- Basketball Game Won in the Last Seconds
- Becoming a Dentist
- Becoming a Mother, Soldier and a Student
- Becoming a Nursing Assistant
- Birth of my Niece
- Blessing in Disguise: How a Crisis Changed My Life for the Better
- Bradford is Gone
- Breaking Off from Conforming to Society to Find My Inner Self
- Breaking Our Relationship Off
- Bringing Daddy Home
- Bringing My Dog Nina Home
- Bullying and Social Isolation in the Classroom
- Cape Town: The Best Town I Have Ever Been to in the Wolrd
- Care and Nurturing
- Caring Can Take Pure Courage
- Casual Conversations with My Dad and Mom
- Change as the Best Part of Moving Into a New Place
- Changing My Perspective On Life
- Changing Your Life
- Chasing the Idea of Becoming a Doctor
- Childhood Fears
- Children and Television
- Children Are the Gems of the World
- Choosing A Career of Teaching
- Choosing the Class of Family Living as a Senior at Pascack High School
- Christmas Wishes
- Club Chamale: The Special Place in My Heart
- Coffee Smells Like Freshly Ground Heaven
- Comparing the Differences Between Our Pit Bull and Yorkshire Terrier
- Comparing The Only Way I Know By Jason Aldean To Life
- Confidence and Support is the Road to Winning
- Conquering the Wall of Stress to Correct My Vision
- Consequences of Disobeying Your Parents
- Cooking Breakfast for Ten Children
- Coping with the Loss of a Loved One
- Dance is Everything to Me
- Dancing Lessons: Learning How To Dance
- Dancing: The Art I Considered My Contentment
- Dealing with Racism in Society
- Defining a Personal Relationship Towards Spirituality and Christianity
- Defining the Meaning of Love
- Developing an Identity
- Different Types of Learners and Intelligence
- Difficulties in Moving to America
- Dignifying Self: The Best Advice I Got from My Mom
- Diwali: A Family Tradition Celebrated by the Hindu People
- Do California High Schools Fail in Educating Our Youth for College or Work?
- Don’t Complain, Even Though Everybody Does
- Don’t Grow Up Too Fast
- Don’t Read A Book By It’s Cover, Read A Few Pages
- Down Memory Lane: My Childhood Memories
- Driving License test
- Eggplant Parmesan and Utilizing the Recipe
- Embracing Opportunity: My Life Experiences
- Emergencies Can Help Families Grow Together
- Everything in Life Happens for a Reason
- Expectations of College
- Experiences That Changed My Life
- Failing Successfully
- Falling in Love
- Fate and Destiny
- Fighting the Wrong Student
- Finding Happiness in an Unlikely Situation with My Friends and Sister
- Finding My Desk
- Finding Peace in God
- Following My Dreams: My Love for Soccer
- Fun Room, a Feature for the New High School
- Getting a Job at an Ice Cream Store
- Getting a New Job
- Getting Back to My Daily Routine After an Inconvenience
- Getting my Driver’s License
- Getting My First Computer at the Age of Seven
- Getting Pregnant at 14
- Ghosts and My Home
- Goals in School
- Going Rock Climbing With My Uncle
- Going Through Tests for the United States Army
- Going to a Wedding Show in Greensboro, North Carolina
- Going to the Super Bowl
- Governor Chris Christie Gave New Hope to New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Grades: The Only Thing That Troubles Me and Most Kids of My Age
- Graduation Accident
- Growing Closer as a Family
- Growing Up as a Young Black Man in Kansas City
- Growing up with My Father
- Happiness and Excitement in the Eyes and Smiles of Children in the Photo
- Happiness Is a Result of Life Circumstances
- Hard Work, a Trait That is Hard to Acquire
- Hard Work, Freedom, and Diversity as the Personal Definition of Being an American
- Having a Best Friend Should Not Be Taken for Granted
- Having a Family Member with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
- Having a White Christmas One Way or Another
- Having the Opportunity of Learning Another Language and Getting the Best Possible Grades
- Having the Time of My Life in Disney World
- Helping Someone in Need
- How a Good Deed Put My Life on the Line
- How Asians Have Impacted My Life
- How AVID Has Helped Me Deal With the Stress in My Life and Be Organized
- How Dancing Changed My Life
- How Dangerous is Social Media for Teenagers?
- How Debate Lessons Helped Me Defeat Stage Fright
- How Education Has Influenced Me
- How Elementary School Shaped My Aspirations and Dreams
- How English Helped Bring Out the Best in Me
- How I Almost Didn’t Graduate from Spurgeon Intermediate School
- How I Came to Settle on Majoring in Communications
- How I Finished in Hospital With Pneumonia
- How I Found My Desire to Read Books for the Second Time
- How I Learnt To Deal with My Mother’s Alcoholism
- How I Live A Happy Life
- How I Met and Fell in Love with Christina
- How I Met My Learning Style and Diverse Needs with Persistence
- How I Overcame Procrastination in My High School Life
- How I Overcame Stress and Anxiety While Studying AECP in the United States
- How I Saved the Life of a Girl from School
- How I Used My Struggles as Motivators to Become a Better Person
- How Iraq Changed My Outlook on Life
- How Learning About Evolution Challenged My Religious Upbringing
- How Money Affected My Life
- How My Brother Jameson Helps Me Throughout My Life
- How My Childhood Experiences in Life Have Shaped Me
- How My Family Brought Christmas After My Car Accident
- How My Life Has Led Me to Choosing a Biochemistry Major
- How My Mother Has Influenced Who I Am Today
- How National Art Honor Society Helps Others
- How People With Schizophrenia Should Be Treated
- How to Be a Better Wrestler
- How to Influence Others
- How to Keep a Mother’s Love
- How Unpredictable Life Can Be
- Hurting My Finger While Playing Basketball
- I Dress to Be Me, Not to Fit In
- I Made the Little Blonde Girl Cry
- If My Life Were an Album
- If You Want to Know Something About One’s Character, Watch Them Compete in a Game
- Important Lessons I Have Learnt in Life
- Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in the Study Abroad Setting
- Is It Possible to Fall in Love After Three Months?
- Jimmy and Susan Arrived Home From Their Saturday Night Dancing
- June 26, Not a Typical Day in My Life
- Justice, Injustice and Hatred as Factors That Changed My Comprehensive View of the World
- Kevin Durant: The Best Small Forward in the NBA
- Labor Pain is Worth It
- Learning About the True Definition of Strength Through the Life of My Grandmother
- Learning English from the Best Education System in the Developed Countries
- Learning from Your Mistakes
- Learning My Lesson in a Frightening Way
- Learning to Play the String Bass
- Leaving Yuyao Four Years Ago
- Lessons of Life
- Let’s Go, Hornets!
- Life After College
- Life Changing Experience
- Life Is Struggle and We Need to Find a Way to Cope up
- Life Lessons I Have Learnt
- Life: Take Another Shot Because You Only Live Once
- Literacy Narrative
- Living Harry Potter for the Summer
- Living Through Death
- Looking Back at My Life and Forward into the Future
- Losing A Loved One
- Losing Home in a Tornado
- Losing My Mother Back Home in Ghana
- Losing My Mother to a Driving Accident
- Losing My Mother to Swine Flu
- Love in a Brother-Sister Relationship
- Maria’s Really Bad Date
- Maya’s Inspiration to Play Softball
- Meeting My Boyfriend Alex
- Memories of Budgies
- Memories of My Grandparents
- Memory of a Lost Soldier
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