7Th Grade Argumentative Essay Topics
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 11.03.2020

List of 7Th Grade Argumentative Essay Topics
- Alcohols are bad
- Being a freelancer is better than having a regular job because you work for yourself
- Boys tend to avoid breakups
- Drugs are bad
- Finance should be the only and main deciding factor in choosing your spouse
- Girls have a thing for shopping
- Girls tend to avoid breakups
- Hardworking people are rarely intelligent
- Having a regular job is better than freelancing
- Intelligent people are rarely hardworking
- It is men who usually prefer having a divorce
- It is women who usually prefer having a divorce
- Long distance relationships are hard to tackle as compared to convenience based relationships
- Love and sex are entirely separate and two different things altogether
- Love should be the only and main deciding factor while choosing your life partner
- Men are stronger than women
- Men argue more than women
- Teenage marriages are less successful because individuals are not mature
- Women are emotionally moved more than men