
6Th Grade Argumentative Essay Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 10.12.2019
6Th Grade argumentative essay

English classes in high school and college usually require students to do a lot of writing, which is why it is important to start developing your skills while still in middle school. You will often have to write an argumentative, informative, or analytical paper, personal reflection, or an article review. While this may seem like a complicated task for a 6th-grader, you should not be intimidated. In order to become a good writer, the least a student needs to do is start writing.

Below, you’ll find the best 6th grade argumentative essay topics that will help you develop your analytical thinking, reasoning, and writing skills. An argumentative essay will require you to present both the pros and cons of a certain subject in order to persuade a reader to agree with your point of view. In order to do so, you’ll have to learn how to analyze a topic and organize your paper. Surprise your teachers with a well-structured essay the next time you get a writing assignment!

List of 6Th Grade Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Are abortions legal?
  2. Cloning must be banned
  3. Cross-cultural marriages add up to racial tolerance
  4. First aid and medical help, in general, should become free
  5. Global warming
  6. Is it OK to date a younger male?
  7. Is online dating safe and productive?
  8. Parents have no right to control the lives of their children above 16
  9. People are good at heart psychology from ilsepauly687
  10. People are good at heart.
  11. People must spend less time on official work without any effect on their salaries
  12. Social movements must be financed by governments
  13. What should be the role of partners in relationship and family?
  14. What us incest?
  15. Will people start marrying their computers soon?

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  1. Gregory

    I totally LOVE this site, it helped me so much !!