Historical Debate Topics
Created: 17.10.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 79 Historical Debate Topics
- “Remember When The Arabs Were Our Friends…?
- 10 Worst Britons
- Aaron Copland : Black Listed
- Adolf Hitler
- Anti-Semitism and Racism
- Appeasement: Neville Chamberlain’s Real Betrayal
- August Vollmar
- Battle of the Somme
- Birth Control in the UK: 1850-1925
- Changing lives: gender expectations and roles during and after World War One
- China Improved Tibet
- David Cameron and History Teaching
- Death of Ellen Wilkinson
- Did the Peacemakers cause the Second World War?
- Erich Fromm on Freedom
- Eugen Boissevain
- Eugene V. Debs in 1904
- Fighting the First World War: Stalemate and attrition
- Florence Nightingale: Angel of Mercy or Power-Crazed Meddler
- Giap
- Greatest American 1 2
- Guy Aldred
- Haig and British generalship during the war
- Helen Keller
- Hiroshima: A War Crime? 1 2
- Historians and CIA files
- Historiography of World War One
- History Of The World Part III
- History Practitioners Advisory Team
- History to 16 – Downing Street Petition
- Hitler Feared The French And Admired The British
- How did soldiers cope with war?
- Hunger Strikes and the Vote
- Important Figures in British Socialism?
- John Burns: The First Working-Class Government Minister
- Left Book Club
- Marie Stopes
- Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage
- Nazism and Communism 1 2
- Norman Mailer, Hitler and the Central Council of Jews
- Oliver Cromwell
- Orion’s Belt and The Pyramids in Giza (10,500BC)
- Other unsolved murders
- Peterloo Massacre
- Ralph Miliband and Lord Rothermere
- Randolph Bourne and the First World War
- Secret History of Chile
- Sexual Equality in the Roman Empire
- Sierra Leone Company
- South Korean Provocations Sparked The Korean War
- Space exploration.
- Television and the Tudors
- The Ancient Romans Were Actually Prudes
- The Atomic Bombings Were Unnecessary
- The Best Prime Minister?
- The British Were Never Going To Win The Revolutionary War
- The Debate on Child Labour
- The debate on the origins of World War One
- The Imprisonment of Eugene Debs
- The Influence of Philosophers
- The Inquisition
- The Long Shadow of the ‘German Atrocities’ of 1914
- The Mongols Preferred Surrenders To Massacres
- The sad death of Rayna Prohme
- The Soviet Union Instigated The Six-Day War
- The Suffragettes and the Labour Movement
- The US Provoked Japan Into War
- The Vietnam War
- The Women’s Peace Crusade
- The WSPU and Fascism: Nora Dacre Fox
- U.S. Naval History
- Use of the atomic bomb
- Vincent Saint John
- Vincent Sheean and the Spanish Civil War
- War Propaganda Bureau: 1914-1918
- Was Middle Ages in Europe A Dark Age!
- We Were Better Off As Hunter-Gatherers
- World War II
- WW 1 the last day