
Learning English Conversation Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 07.02.2020
Learning English Conversation Topics

List of 19 Learning English Conversation Topics

  1. Why are you learning English? How will you use the English you learn?
  2. Which of these do you do: attend English classes at school, learn English with a tutor (private teacher) or study English yourself (on your own)?
  3. What materials do you use for learning English?
  4. Since when (how long) have you been learning English?
  5. Is it effective to practice English your own with ready-made materials and checking your own progress?
  6. Are there any vowels or consonants you have problems with?
  7. Do you do grammar exercises based on real life situations?
  8. How do you practice speaking English?
  9. What do you use to improve your listening ability?
  10. In what ways do you expand your English vocabulary?
  11. Do you try to use what you have learned already in what you are learning now?
  12. Do you also make up your own samples of conversation sentences and examples of vocabulary usage in sentences?
  13. Do you sometimes communicate in English with native English speakers? In what ways?
  14. Do you do oral and written translation exercises from your native language into English?
  15. What is the most difficult thing about learning English?
  16. What typical mistakes do you make?
  17. What area of English are you best at (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, speaking, reading or writing)?
  18. What do you think your level is (beginning, intermediate, advanced)?
  19. How do you remember difficult spelling traps like desert vs dessert?

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