Speech Topics For College Students
Created: 12.02.2020
Updated: 12.02.2020

List of Speech Topics For College Students
- A global warming is a serious threat to humanity
- A good way to take care of the online privacy
- Adoption of kids by gay couples
- Advantages & disadvantages of laptops
- Alternative sources of energy and their role in human life
- American population should be given a right to start voting at a younger age
- Are there any products that can cure diabetes?
- Artificial intelligence cannot improve the life of real human
- Asylums: pros & cons
- Bullying in high schools
- Can a clone replace a live being?
- Cheesy pickup lines you should not stick on your vehicle
- Chinese government must allow the families having more than one child
- Chips are dangerous weapon – they can control human mind
- Cloning should be forbidden
- College education years are absolute not the best years of our life
- Communism: some of the advantages
- Contemporary young people are rude
- Contraceptives & birth control
- Coping with anxiety in life
- Could Hilary Clinton change the United States for better?
- Countries with the lowest rate of living have the shortest average life
- Darwinism: can we apply the theory to the modern knowledge?
- Dealing with loss and mourning grief
- Digital explosion age is coming
- Drug testing in a workplace: pros & cons
- Elderly people should not be sent to hospitals or asylums against their will
- Excellent punishment of immorality
- FaceBook, Twitter, and other social networks are danger to our privacy
- Facts that prove Earth is not the single inhabited planet
- Funny awards and their meanings
- Government must consider physically disabled
- Handling your drunken roommate
- High Tech industry job opportunities
- Homeless people must be given a chance
- Homesickness is not pose
- Honesty in college really matters
- How much protein should an average sportsman take per day?
- How to boost confidence in public speaking
- How to communicate effectively at our campus
- How to cope with an autistic person
- How to eliminate the judicial mistakes
- How to stay in touch with old college mates
- How would the life without computers look today?
- Human services in health care
- Is genetic research helping the evolution?
- Is it possible to live on the Moon or Mars?
- Is it possible to trace someone on the internet?
- Lawyers are paid too much
- Limiting the promotion of alcohol diminishes traffic casualties
- Marrying robots: myth or reality?
- Mental disorders are as dangerous as the physical issues
- Military service must be compulsory
- Money problems – this is a very hot college speech idea 🙂
- Mothers and fathers are equally obligated to take care of their children
- My goals for the student council election
- My motto: Learn from the past, prepare the future, and live present
- Online bullying exists
- People are getting swallowed with their arrogance
- Political principles modern world grabbed from the Ancient Greece & Ancient Egypt
- Presidents should not receive the highest salaries in the country
- Problem drinkers and the problems that occur
- Safe sunbathing is a must in sunshine states
- Same-sex marriages must not be in law
- School uniform: necessary or not?
- Shocking facts about fast food meals
- Social media has a significant impact on human mood & behavior
- Social networks are more threatening than some people think
- Space observation is a waste of national budget
- Sports football vs. soccer, or other sports for another college speech topic
- Studying alone or studying with a group of college students?
- Television & social media hypnotize people
- Ten rules for achieving successes
- The army should be paid higher
- The best age for driving a car
- The best political regime in the world
- The causes of cancer
- The censorship of internet is important
- The current generation lack rules to follow and corresponding punishment to fear
- The first man in space: myth and truth
- The Free Speech Movement
- The growing number of teenage mothers: causes and ways to overcome
- The impact of violent TV shows on population
- The impact of violent video games on children
- The international diplomatic circus
- The most effective way to control the US population
- The progress of artificial intelligence is the act against God
- The pros or cons of organ donating
- The reasons for obesity: is it the lack of physical activity?
- The role of popular music videos in the life of US citizens
- The secrets of Japanese people: Japanese art of fighting
- The story about continents split
- The threats of Anorexia Nervosa: Why is it better to lose weight with the help of sports instead of the forced hunger strike?
- The threats of overpopulation
- The way “Family Guy” displays political figures
- They should not turn a court proceeding into the show
- Three ways how politicians can improve their performance
- Time management skills are no luxury these days
- Vegetarianism is not the best decision
- Was Arnold Schwarzenegger a successful politician?
- What I will do when I retire
- What is the cost of modern technology & innovations?
- What is the real size of the universe?
- Where do the trendy things come from?
- Who is responsible for the homeless dogs?
- Why is hate crime progressing in our society?
- Why movies are popular, or take one special movie that’s in and make a presentation of it.
- Why skipping classes can isolate a student socially.
- Why the American presidents have no right to star in the movies?
- Wine is the least harmful alcohol beverage, and it can improve our health