Persuasive Speech Topics For Kids And Teens
Created: 15.04.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
List of 74 Persuasive Speech Topics For Kids And Teens
- All students should be required to undertake a fixed period of voluntary work
- All students should learn a foreign language
- Apart from necessary studying, all homework should be banned
- Are chat rooms safe for children?
- Between studies and hobbies, teens are WAY over-scheduled
- Boys and girls should be taught in separate classroms
- Children should be allowed to ‘divorce’ their parents
- Corporations should not be allowed to advertise in schools
- Cyberbullying should be grounds for school suspension
- Do Video games promote violence among children?
- Education Speech for kids
- Gay and lesbian relationships should be promoted to students in a positive light
- Gender Roles Speech for kids
- Girls should be allowed to play on boys’ sports teams
- Hobbies and Recreation for kids
- How do I convince my mother to let me eat ice cream everyday?
- Is education important?
- Is it all right to hold parents responsible for the actions of their children?
- Is the growing obesity among American children related to their fast food consumption?
- Kids under 15 shouldn’t have Facebook pages.
- Music with bad language should be banned from school dances
- Opinions Speech for kids
- Parents should restrict the amount of time their teens spend in front of a screen
- Recycling: How will it help our future?
- Religion should not be taught in school
- Safety is more important than privacy.
- Schools should ONLY be allowed to serve healthy meal options
- Sex education should not be a part of the curriculum in public schools
- Should animals be kept in a zoo?
- Should children be sent to boarding schools?
- Should couples get married before having children?
- Should homework be given to children?
- Should teenagers be allowed to purchase aggressive video games?
- Should the content on the Internet be censored before kids go through it?
- Should the results of exam be used to label students as intelligent, average and below average?
- Should the school authorities search student lockers from time to time?
- Should there be a longer time for recess?
- Should uniforms be made compulsory in schools?
- Single parenting – Is it good or bad for children?
- Smokers should pay a health tax.
- Snow days are great for family quality time.
- Social Issues Speech for kids
- Spam mail should be outlawed.
- Students should be allowed to eat freely in the classroom
- Students should be allowed to wear headphones to listen to their music in class
- Students should be given access to free contraception
- Students should be given notebook computers instead of textbooks
- Students should be permitted to use cellphones at school
- Students should no longer be forced to read ‘classic’ literature
- Teachers should never be Facebook friends with their students
- Teenage girls suffer body image issues due to the way women are portrayed in the media
- Teens are becoming more and more obsessed with material possessions
- The advantages and disadvantages of obeying my mother.
- The five most popular television shows among children in my school.
- The outsourcing of work to developing countries is making it hard for unqualified teenagers to earn a living wage
- The parents of obese children should be prosecuted
- The voting age should be lowered to 16
- There is a fine line between pranking and bullying
- Too little is being done to deal with poverty in America
- Violence in video games leads to violence in real life
- We should all grow our own vegetables.
- What if I become a Hollywood star when I grow up?
- What if there were separate classrooms for boys and girls? Would that be more suitable?
- What would happen if all the teachers in the school take leave for one day?
- What would happen if I get a chance to spend a day with Santa Claus?
- What would I do if I am all grown up today?
- What would I do if I did not have to go to school?
- Who is stronger – Superman, Batman, or Spider-Man?
- Why are Harry Potter books so famous among children and adults?
- Why do I feel shy talking to girls in my class?
- Why do I have to drink milk everyday?
- Why my dog is the silliest creature on earth?
- Why should cell phones be allowed/not allowed in schools?
- Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.
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