Informative Speech Topics For Teens
Created: 14.05.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
List of 76 Informative Speech Topics For Teens
- Bad presents to get and bad gifts to give
- Basic Chinese phrases to survive travelling in China
- Best tips for picture-perfect selfies
- Cool, useful things my parents have taught me
- Different ways to use a brick
- Famous/successful people who were told “no” before they were told “yes”
- For the funniest videos on YouTube, search for _______
- Gossip: How to know what’s real and what isn’t
- Gym class: What’s the worst that could happen?
- How not to get a date with your crush
- How schools can help obese students get their lives back
- How to be smart and pretty
- How to do more homework in less time
- How to fake a sickness and get out of school
- How to find out for sure if your friends are truly your friends
- How to get a new outfit out of your parents with little effort
- How to get out of class/school without getting in trouble
- How to get someone to do your work for you without asking
- How to get the ________ you’ve been dreaming of (shoes, purse, pony, etc.)
- How to make it through Valentine’s Day without a boyfriend/girlfriend
- How to make people buy what you’re “selling”
- How to make your parents proud by doing what you love
- How to master procrastination and still pass all your classes
- How to overcome your painful shyness in speech class
- How to prepare for your first kiss
- How to teach your grandma to text
- How to tell someone to “go away” without sounding rude
- How you can easily burn out of homework
- If I could create my own holiday, it would be ________
- If I could write a letter to the President
- If I ruled the world…
- My dream job would be…
- My generation’s obsession with all things scary
- Popularity: How to get it, how to keep it
- Remarkable texts in ads
- Special effects of horror movies revealed
- Teens’ obsessions with material objects and status
- Ten things to remember about garage sales
- Ten uses for duct tape that everyone should know
- The alarming signs you are addicted to web games
- The best hobbies you won’t want to miss out on
- The coolest art project I’ve made
- The coolest inventions I’ve ever seen
- The coolest place on Earth
- The coolest science projects that will get you an A every time
- The difficulty of finding employment as a teenager
- The last time I got caught in a lie…
- The latest hair trends
- The most dangerous snakes you have to watch out for in the fields
- The most widely accepted excuses for not handing in your homework on time
- The real feelings behind exams
- The secrets behind the preparation of your food in fast food restaurants and the marketing trap you are walking in as soon as you enter the establishment where they serve meals to customers.
- The secrets to nailing the “innocent” look
- The top five bizarre tabloid news articles
- The top five parent excuse notes
- The top five topics to talk about on your date
- The top tricks to faking a cold and getting away with it
- The weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten
- Things I’ve learned that have made me wiser
- Things my parents say that annoy me
- Things that boys/girls don’t know about girls/boys
- Tips for buying gifts and gadgets for someone who is not a close friend but more of some sort of an acquaintance of your parents
- Tips for pulling off the ultimate makeover
- To get a job or not to get a job, that is the question
- Top five things I do that annoy my mom
- Top tips to behave effectively in the class of Mr. or Mrs. …
- Ways to get your parents to apologize to YOU
- What I think the world will be like in 100 years
- What it’s like being the oldest/youngest sibling
- What makes a bully become a bully
- What my dream house would be like
- What my life will be like in twenty years
- What to look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend
- When your family forces you to spend time with them…
- Why a chicken still walks even with the head cut off
- Why some young people are self-harming.
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