History Research Paper Topics

It is understandable why so many students struggle with choosing topics for their history research papers. The concept of time is an integral part of this subject. If you are asked to write about a time period, you have to know significant events that took place in that region of the world.
You have to consider a host of factors when it comes to choosing a topic for writing an essay on historical time. You may be interested in a certain period or geographical location. But do make the mistake of choosing something only because you have watched a movie on it. In most cases, the past is romanticized in movies.
To know the origins of events, you have to read serious history books. Your history research paper topics should be chosen based on your prior knowledge of the period of time. If your assignment demands you to write about the American Civil War, you should learn about the revolution and present your paper in an interesting way.
The list provided on this page will help come up with some great ideas. Make sure you choose something you are comfortable with. If you still find it hard to make a choice, talk to your teacher. You teacher can help you make an informed decision. It is also helpful to talk to other students who have written papers on history.
List of 81 History Research Paper Topics
- American foreign policy from the beginning of 21st century
- American Revolution and building of American society
- Ancient Athens: the first experiment in an open society
- Ancient conquests and their influence on the modern world map formation
- Barrier to freedom: the evolution of the Berlin Wall
- Causes of late nineteenth-century urbanization
- China and Japan development in recent historical stages
- Cold war and its consequences for the world Battle of Hastings and its role in the history of England
- Genocide in the twentieth century
- History of the Women’s Rights Movement
- How could World War II be prevented?
- How did Buddhism change the Chinese Empire?
- How did Gandhi bring more peace to the world?
- How did peasants live in medieval Europe?
- How did the Jaffa Riots begin in the British Mandate of Palestine, 1921?
- How feudalism restricted and hampered economic growth
- How the Cold War was held?
- How the development and wide-spread use of the printing press contributed to exploration and discovery
- Humanity progress in the Bronze Age
- Industrial revolution in your country and worldwide
- Jamaican history violent events
- Lenin’s role in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. What was that of Plekhanov?
- Lessons world wars teach us
- Life of people in the Bronze Age
- Links between World War I and World War II
- Monasteries and education during the Middle Ages
- Mutual influence of Greek, Egyptian, and Roman cultures
- Nuclear weapons and their influence on the world military clashes
- Religious influence on the global map
- Role of the Shogun in Japanese history
- Role of the US and the Soviet Union in the Korean War
- Similarities and differences: The process of abolition of slavery and its meaning for the world
- Slave trade in Africa before the white man’s arrival
- The Battle of Hochst and its influence on the Thirty Years’ War
- The Battle of the Seas, its influence on Spain and Britain
- The Byzantine Empire development
- The Caribbean in the golden age of pirates
- The Catholic Church in medieval Europe
- The changes in the economics of Europe after World War I
- The colonization of America
- The creation and failure of the Weimar Republic
- The Crusades and the Jihads
- The culture of the Roman Empire in comparison to ancient Greece
- The day the British burned the White House
- The development of the People’s Republic of China
- The earliest western travelers to Tibet
- The establishment of the principles of democracy in France
- The evolvement of an immigration policy in America
- The First Crusade soldiers’ life conditions
- The French Revolution
- The French Revolution: advantages and disadvantages
- The history of propaganda from the ancient times to modern days
- The Holy Roman Empire
- The ideas of Communism and their influence to the world British colonialism in India
- The impact of Martin Luther King’s speech
- The importance of sport games in ancient times
- The later voyages of Christopher Columbus
- The main battles in the Korean War
- The mariner’s compass: its development and significance to voyage and discovery
- The Mongol Empire power and distinctive features
- The Most Important Leaders in World History
- The most prominent queens of ancient Egypt
- The Ottoman Empire most important events
- The phenomenon of hippie culture: did it have a huge impact?
- The political power of Pope in the Middle Ages
- The rise of American industrial power and the immigrant work force. What is the interrelationship?
- The rise of independent African countries
- The role of Islam in the Iranian Revolution
- The role of the monasteries in the Christianizing of medieval Europe
- The Silk road creation and operation
- The survival of modern Greek culture under Turkish rule
- The trading routes of the Renaissance period
- The Vietnam War, its causes, consequences, and scars it left
- Utopian socialism as an out-growth of the Industrial Revolution
- What factors led to Nazi Germany defeat?
- What is the Hindu gods’ organization?
- What made ancient Sparta so different from other cities?
- Why did the British Empire collapse?
- Why do huge empires fall?
- Why the League of Nations failed
- Why were ancient Romans great?
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