
History Essay Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 10.02.2020
List of History Essay Topics

History essay topics are important as you will learn about the historical personalities and their ideas, where you can find out a lot of useful information or hidden facts. The interesting history topics are always part of academic writing as it is a fantastic way to practice your writing but also to do research and find some cool information that you put on the paper. These papers are often 500-1000 words long and titles are usually centered around some historical person. This way, as you write, you can collect enough information about the person and learn new things from history.

All history essay topics feature good titles that present the lives of some persons from the history that had a huge influence in the time he/she lived in. The best thing is that you can find a lot of good documentary movies that can answer some of your questions and expand your work. Therefore, the history essay topics can lead you to find out some things that you would never find out if you had not started writing the history essay topics in the first place.

List of History Essay Topics

  1. 17th Century English Mercantilism
  2. 1945 As New Start For Germany
  3. 19th Century Tension between Science and Religion
  4. A Closer Look at King John of England
  5. Achievements of Louis IX
  6. Achievements of Royal Navy Leader John Fisher
  7. Act for the Relief of the Poor
  8. Advantages to the Industrial Revolution in Early Modern Europe
  9. Age of Enlightenment: Revolutionary Viewpoints Spreading
  10. Age of European Absolutism
  11. Age of European Exploration
  12. Analytical Essay on the Renaissance Art Movement
  13. Ancient Greek Contributions
  14. Anne Frank: The Greatest Diarist in European History
  15. Anorexic Empress: Elisabeth of Austria
  16. Anti-Conquest: Civilization’s would-be Savior
  17. Austria: History of the Country and Catholicism
  18. Banality of Evil and Adolf Eichmann
  19. Battle of a Continent: the Plains of Abraham
  20. Battle of Hastings – Why Did William Win?
  21. Black Death with Wings of Light
  22. Black Plague and Its Impact on Medicine in Medieval Society
  23. Bloody Sunday: What Really Happened?
  24. Bloody Sundays Lead to Bloody Years
  25. Book Review of The Classic Slum
  26. Brief History of the British Empire
  27. Brief Look at Late Tsarist Russia
  28. British Welfare Reforms Between 1880-1914
  29. Building the New European Order
  30. Can the Rise of Hitler Be Explained on Purely Economic Grounds?
  31. Candide: a Heroic Diatribe of French Institutions
  32. Catherine the Great of Russia and the Coup against Peter III
  33. Causes in the Rise of Italian Fascism: 1870 to 1922
  34. Changes in Early Modern Europe
  35. Changes in Education in Britain since 1944
  36. Changes in Great Britain: Mill v. Carlyle
  37. Changes in the First 15 Years of the 20th Century Europe
  38. Changes in the Social and Political Fabric in 16th and 17th Century Europe
  39. Christian and Muslim Views on the 14th Century Plague, Known as Black Death
  40. Christianity In Middle Ages
  41. Compare and Contrast Locke and Rousseau
  42. Comparison of Journal of the Plague Year and Oroonoko
  43. Compelling Motives of European Imperialism
  44. Contributions of Ancient Civilizations to History
  45. Cyprus – History Of The Conflict
  46. D-DAY: The Events and Outcome of the Normandy Invasion
  47. Decision of King Philip II of Spain to Send the Armada Against England
  48. Differences Between Feudalism in Europe and Japan
  49. Early Christianity in Rome through Opposition of the Majority
  50. Early European Exploration
  51. Early Western Civilization in the 18th century
  52. Economic Development of Western Civilization
  53. Economic Success and Political Influence of the Fuggers and Medicis
  54. Economical Drain on Merthyr – the Merthyr Rising
  55. Education in 12th Century Medieval Times
  56. Effective Communication Used by Benevolent Leader, Queen Elizabeth I
  57. Emergence of the Chartist Movement
  58. Encouraging Gun Ownership with Reference to European History
  59. English and European History: The Tower of London
  60. Enlightenment Caused the French Revolution
  61. Europe in Shambles: What countries think about Brexit
  62. Europe Transforms into a Global Power: 1680-1789
  63. European Colonialism: Civilizations Ruined
  64. European Events Leading Up to World War II
  65. European Helmets Throughout History
  66. European History as Told Through Diaghilev’s Rite of Spring
  67. European History in the 13th and 14th Centuries
  68. European Imperialism in Africa
  69. European Justification of Colonization of Asia and Africa
  70. European Revolutions of 1848
  71. European Travel and the Spread of Western Ideology
  72. European Witch Hunt
  73. Europeans and Disease: Allies in Conquering Continents
  74. Examining the Possible Causes of the Cold War
  75. Execution of King Charles I
  76. Exploring Reasons the French Revolution Turned to Terror
  77. Exploring the Effects of the West on The Ottoman Empire
  78. Exploring the Renaissance in England
  79. Fascism in Post World War Italy
  80. Fashion in the Middle Ages
  81. Features of British Colonialism
  82. Feudal System of Western Europe in Medieval times
  83. Film Analysis: The Lion In Winter
  84. Formation of Capitalism in European History
  85. Fourteenth Century Crises
  86. French Immigration in the United States and Their Contribution to This Country.
  87. Gender Emergence in England’s History
  88. Geographic, Political, and Ethnic Impact European Colonialism Has Played on the Present History of Africa
  89. Germany Caused World War I
  90. Great Awakening and its Impact on the Religion of the American Colonies
  91. Great Fire of London
  92. Gwenllian Princess of Wales
  93. History into Academic and Vocational Education in Europe
  94. History is the Concatenation of Human Experiences
  95. History of Boniface
  96. History of Prostitution in the Victorian Period
  97. History of the city of Florence
  98. History of the European Union
  99. History of the Fall of Rome: Is the United States Also Destined to Fall?
  100. History of Turkey and the European Union
  101. Homosexuality in Eighteenth Century England
  102. Horrors of World War II Depicted in Literary Works of Twentieth Century Writer
  103. How did European Colonialism affect Kenya?
  104. How Did the Cold War Affect the Politics of Germany and Italy?
  105. How England Was Conquered
  106. How Powerful Was Hitler as a Dictator?
  107. How the Justinian Plague Paved the Way to The Black Death
  108. Impact of Increased Literacy on Ballads and Chapbooks in Seventeenth-Century England
  109. Impact of the British Empire in India
  110. Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Europe
  111. Impact of the Industrialization Era (Great Britain and United States)
  112. Impact of the Petrine Reforms in Russian History
  113. Impact of the Scientific Revolution Upon the Enlightenment
  114. Industrial Revolution and Imperialism
  115. Influence of Enlightenment Ideas
  116. Influence of Scientific Theory on the Life of Women in Victorian England
  117. Interpreting The French Revolution
  118. Irish Famine or the Great Hunger
  119. Italian Renaissance and the Reformation
  120. John Locke and the Enlightenment
  121. Jonathan Swift – Political Activist
  122. King Henry VIII and his Great Impact on the History of England
  123. King Leopold II and Belgian Imperialism
  124. King Louis XIV: A Disastrous Ruler
  125. Knighthood: The Process, Responsibilities, and Lifestyle
  126. Knights and Their Role In Medieval Society
  127. Largest Massacre in European History since World War II: The Bosnian Genocide
  128. Life and Legacy of Marie Antoinette
  129. London As A Cultural City
  130. Luis XIV, and His Selfish Ways
  131. Marco Polo’s Influence On Later Explorers
  132. Marie Antoinette: Praised Princess to Condemned Queen
  133. Marriage in 18th Century Europe
  134. Meaning of Nazism for Wealthy Army Officers
  135. Meeting the Demand for Clergy in Victorian England
  136. Migration and Disease in Africa during European Imperialism
  137. Modern European History : A Turning Point For The Continent Of Europe
  138. Mongols Called the Tartars: Outsiders Beware
  139. Mystery Surrounding Jack the Ripper
  140. Napoleon Bonaparte Helped Usher in an Era of Democracy in Europe
  141. Napoleon Bonaparte vs. King Henry IV of France
  142. Napoleon Crossing the Alps: Historical Meaning Behind the Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte
  143. Napoleon Was NOT a Son of the Revolution
  144. Nazi Politics: A Work of Art
  145. North American History : The European Mentality Of Superiority
  146. Notes on the Rise Of Nazis
  147. Origins of the English Civil War
  148. Ottoman Disadvantages and its Implications on The Siege of Vienna 1529
  149. Overview and Analysis of the Napoleonic Wars
  150. Patrons and Artisans of the Renaissance Period
  151. Periods of European History that Demonstrated Changing Attitudes Towards the Education of Women
  152. Phalanx of Guns: The Spanish Tercio
  153. Philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment
  154. Political and Social Changes in Western Europe
  155. Positive Effects of the British Colonization of India
  156. Post First World War Revolutions in Germany and the Former Habsburg Empire
  157. Progress During Medieval Times
  158. Prostitution in 18th Century England
  159. Quality of life Increases in Correlation to Social Unrest in 19th Century Europe
  160. Racism in the British Military in Rich Relations
  161. Reasons for the Reformation in England
  162. Relationship Between European Geography and its History
  163. Religion and Commerce in Early Modern Europe
  164. Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic
  165. Role of Disease in European Exploration and Colonization
  166. Roles of Women in Medieval Scandinavia
  167. Romantic Period and the Victorian Age in Great Britain
  168. Romanticism In European History
  169. Russian Revolution: A Turning Point for Communism
  170. Saint Joan of Arc As A Historical Figure
  171. Scientific Developments During the Renaissance
  172. Securing the Castilian Throne
  173. Short Look at World War I
  174. Sidney and Petrarch; Or, The Contemplation of Love
  175. Slavery In Ancient Rome
  176. Societal Roles of Eighteenth Century Women
  177. Spain: Then and Now
  178. Stalingrad, WWII: Turning point of Hitler’s Third Reich
  179. Struggles of the Working Class 1860-1914,
  180. Taking a Look Back at the Black Death
  181. Taking Back the Holy Land, Religiously or for the Sword
  182. Techniques Used by Ancient Greek Architects
  183. Tension Between The Three European Superpowers
  184. Terror and the French Revolution
  185. The Age of Reason
  186. The Armenian Genocide
  187. The Battle of Agincourt
  188. The Battle of Waterloo
  189. The Black Death or Bubonic Plague
  190. The Black Plague of Early 1300s Europe
  191. The British Agricultural Revolution
  192. The British Industrial Revolution
  193. The British Welfare State
  194. The Causes of World War I
  195. The Collapse of the Greenland Norse
  196. The Effects of World War I on Europe
  197. The European Union: Cross-National Variation in Public Support, 1993
  198. The European Union: Economics, Policy and History’ by Susan Senior Nello
  199. The Fall of the Roman Empire
  200. The Forgotten Time of the Middle Ages
  201. The French Revolution
  202. The Great Potato Famine in Ireland
  203. The History of England’s Masquerade
  204. The History of European Merchants in China
  205. The History of Stalingrad
  206. The Holocaust: A Brief Overview
  207. The Hundred Years War
  208. The Impact of Restoration Comedy on Theatre
  209. The Killer Comes to Europe
  210. The Late Middle Ages of Europe
  211. The Magna Carta
  212. The Medieval Period
  213. The Most Important Events in European History
  214. The Most Successful Absolute Monarch in Europe was Louis XIV of France
  215. The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved More Jews from the Nazis
  216. The Pax Romana: A Prosperous Time in Roman History
  217. The Pros and Cons of Imperialism
  218. The Protestant Reformation
  219. The Psychological Impact of Colonialism on the Victimization of Africans
  220. The Psychology of Adolf Hitler
  221. The Reign of King Louis XIV
  222. The Reign of Louis XIV
  223. The Renaissance in History
  224. The Revolutions of 1848
  225. The Rise and Fall of Feudalism
  226. The Role of Religion in Italian, Greek, and Turkish Politics
  227. The Scientific Revolution & Its Consequences
  228. The Socialization of Imperial Germany
  229. The Spanish Civil War: A Microcosm of the Polarization of European Politics
  230. The Spanish Conquest
  231. The Spanish Inquisition
  232. The Spanish Inquisition: Reasons and Consequences
  233. The Spread of Christianity
  234. The Story of Bianco Alfani: Reflecting the Nature of 14th Century Florentine Society
  235. The Third French Republic
  236. The Transformation of Europe
  237. The True History of D-Day
  238. The Wall Came Tumbling Down
  239. The Weimar Republic in Germany
  240. To What Extent Did the Nazis Establish a Volksgemeinschaft?
  241. To What Extent World War I Affected the Armenian Genocide
  242. Transforming the High Middle Ages
  243. Triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire
  244. UK Local Government Boards
  245. Unification of Italy
  246. Value of Currency in Eighteenth Century England
  247. Violence of Decolonization
  248. Voltaire and The Enlightenment
  249. Voltaire Vs. Hampson
  250. Wagner: The Artist and Reformer
  251. Was Napoleon Bonaparte a Hero or a Villain?
  252. Was Nazism in Germany Racist or Nationalist?
  253. Ways in Which the French Revolution had a Lasting Impact on France
  254. Weddings of the Middle Ages
  255. Were Pre-Modern European Witch Hunts Misogynistic?
  256. What Drives History?
  257. What was the Suez Crisis?
  258. What Were the Consequences of the First World War for the British People 1914 – 1924?
  259. Where is The Peace in The Treaty of 1763?
  260. Why Did the British Government Evacuate Children from Major Cities at the Start of World War II?
  261. Why were the Habsburgs unable to consolidate their power in Hungary during this period?
  262. Women in European History
  263. Women In Victorian Era
  264. Working Conditions, Living Conditions and Child Labor in Great Britain During the Industrial Revolution
  265. World War I – An Imbalance of Power

How to Write a History Essay?

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  1. Steven

    Good theme collection. Postgraduates often find it difficult to find a possible topic for research. For them, this list will be helpful