Environmental Debate Topics
Created: 17.10.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 119 Environmental Debate Topics
- “Clean coal”
- Algae biofuel
- Animal rights
- Animal testing
- Animals in sports and entertainment
- Are national parks mainly for human use or preservation?
- Artificial insemination
- Artificial life
- Australian Carbon Trading Scheme
- Ban on Antarctic exploitation
- Ban on factory farming
- Ban on incandescent light bulbs
- Ban on logging
- Ban on mountaintop removal coal mining
- Ban on oil drilling in Bristol Bay, Alaska
- Ban on snowmobiles in US national parks
- Belo Monte dam
- Biodiversity and Endangered Species
- Biofuel
- Bottled water vs. tap water
- Bullfighting
- Cap-and-trade for water
- Cap-and-trade versus carbon tax
- Carbon emissions trading
- China should slow its economic growth in favor of the environment
- Climate change mitigation vs adaptation
- Coal-to-liquids (CTL) technology
- Coastal wind farms
- Compressed air vehicles
- Conservation concessions
- Contraception for the purpose of reducing overpopulation
- Corn ethanol
- D cont.
- Driftnet ban
- Drinking bottled water
- Earth Hour
- Ecotourism
- Electric vehicle mandates
- Electric vehicles
- Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy
- Fish farming ban
- Flooding the US Grand Canyon in 2008
- Free trade
- Free-market environmentalism
- Gallons per mile instead of miles per gallon
- Geoengineering
- Geoengineering, iron fertilization of algae blooms
- Geoengineering, solar shading
- Geothermal energy
- Government incentives for petrol-free vehicles
- High-speed rail
- Hunting for sport
- Hybrid vehicles
- Hydroelectric dams
- Hydrogen vehicles
- Is climate change chiefly human-caused?
- Is global warming a crisis?
- Ivory trading
- Japanese whaling in Australian Antarctic waters
- Kangaroo culling in Australia
- Kyoto Protocol
- Landmines in the Korean Demilitarized Zone
- Light pollution
- Liquid nitrogen economy
- Mandatory carbon capture and storage for all new coal-fire plants
- Market vs. regulatory approaches to cutting carbon emissions
- Natural gas
- Natural gas vehicles
- Nuclear energy
- Nuclear energy in France
- Offshore wind farms
- Oil drilling in the Arctic
- Oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- Oil drilling in wildlife refuges
- Oil from shale
- Oil sands
- Organic food
- Pesticides
- Pickens US energy plan
- Protecting endangered species with trade bans
- Re-introduction of beavers in Britain
- Real vs fake Christmas tree
- Reforestation as a solution to global warming
- Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity
- Seal meat trade
- Should governments pay residents to not cut-down trees?
- Should India agree to limits on carbon emission?
- Should plastic shopping bags be banned?
- Should the developing world use DDT?
- Should the U.S. ban offshore drilling for oil?
- Should we reverse the flow of the Chicago River?
- Solar energy
- Solar shading with airborne particles
- Solar thermal energy
- Sustainable development
- Taxation of international aviation
- TH would ban bottled water
- THBT we should plant more trees.
- Thorium based nuclear energy
- Three Gorges Dam
- Tidal energy
- Underground nuclear waste storage
- United Kingdom Climate Change Programme
- Upper oceanic heat transport
- Uranium mining in Kakadu National Park, Australia
- Urbanism
- US offshore oil drilling
- US Renewable Electricity Standard
- Veal
- Vegetarianism
- Vehicle fuel economy standards
- Water fluoridation
- Wave power
- Wearing animal furs and skins
- Whaling
- Wind energy
- Would unmitigated climate change be catastrophic?
- Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository
- Zoos