Empathy Conversation Topics
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 12 Empathy Conversation Topics
- How much empathy do you feel towards other people?
- Do you think it is possible to be too empathetic?
- Why might it be bad/good for a doctor to have a lot of empathy?
- In what other jobs is empathy very important?
- Who is the most empathetic person you know?
- In what jobs is empathy a bad thing to have?
- Why do you think humans feel empathy? Do you think animals can feel empathy?
- Do you think that people are born with empathy or are they taught it?
- If you see a homeless person on the street asking for money, what is the first thing you think about them?
- Are you good at knowing when something is wrong with a coworker or family member?
- What does the idiom “I feel your pain.” mean? Have you ever felt some else’s pain?