Dreaming Conversation Topics
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 69 Dreaming Conversation Topics
- How often do you dream?
- Do you dream in color or black and white?
- Have you ever had a flying dream?
- Have you ever been falling in a dream and just when you are about to hit the ground you wake up?
- Do you think dreams have meanings?
- Do you think dreams can tell the future?
- Have you ever been dreaming and woken up and couldn’t move?
- What was the best or worst dream you can remember? Don’t share your dream if it’s too personal or too intense.
- Why do we forget dreams so quickly?
- Have you ever kept a dream journal?
- Why do we dream? What is the purpose of them?
- Do you think animals dream too? What kind of dreams do you think they have?
- What does your country’s culture traditionally believe about dreams?
- Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them.
- What was your nicest dream that you can remember?
- Talk about the most recent dream you can remember that you have had in the past.
- Talk about a recurring dream that you have had in the past.
- How do you interpret a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it?
- Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? What is your opinion on it?
- Do you generally have pleasant dreams or nightmares?
- Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like?
- What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?
- What is “prophecy”?
- Have you ever had or heard of a dream that foretold the future?
- Did you know that Abraham Lincoln supposedly foresaw his own assassination in a dream? What do you think about it?
- Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? Why/Why not?
- Have you ever dreamt about dead friends or relatives? How was it? How did you feel?
- There is a movie called “The Cell” with Jenifer Lopez – It is about dreams – Have you ever watched this film? Would you like to see it? Why/Why not?
- Are dream messages sent from our unconscious, predictions of the future, or the brain’s way of cleaning out information?
- Some people say that dreaming about losing money means that you will receive it. Have you ever heard this? What other sayings about dreams do you know?
- Do your dreams ever affect your moods? Explain.
- Do you usually dream in black and white or in color?
- What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a language that
you don’t speak? - Have you ever woken up from a dream “in a cold sweat”?
- Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the future?
- Has anyone told you if you have walked or talked in your sleep?
- Here is a list of dream images. What might they represent?
- a road
- the sky
- snow
- a garden
- an open door
- a light
- sand
- fire
- falling
- darkness
- being chased
- speaking with a dead relative
- flying
- When you were a child, what was your dream for the future? Has it changed?
- Do you remember what you dream about in your sleep?
- What is your dream for the future?
- Have your dreams for your future changed?
- Do you tell people about your dreams?
- Do you think you can achieve your dreams?
- If you had lots of money what would you do with it?
- Do you think that having a lot of money can make you happy?
- Do you think that having dreams and aspirations is a waste of time?
- Do you believe in deja vu?
- What is a daydream?
- What is the difference between our daydreams and our dreams at night?
- Are some kinds of thoughts and dreams similar?
- What’s the difference between our everyday life and dreaming while we are sleeping?
- Do you agree with the idea that “Life is like a dream”?
- What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a language that
- Do you agree with the idea that “Life is like a dream”?
- Have you ever had déjà vue?