Disabilities Conversation Topics
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 27 Disabilities Conversation Topics
- How does the government in your country help disabled people?
- What are some common disabilities?
- How do you think disabled people feel when people pity them?
- Are you comfortable around disabled people?
- What is the best thing we can do to help disabled people?
- Do you know anyone who is disabled?
- Do you think your country’s government does enough to help disabled people?
- In your opinion, what are the worst disabilities?
- How are disabilities viewed in your country?
- Do you have a handicap?
- Do you know anyone with a handicap?
- What are some handicaps that people have?
- Have you ever parked in the handicapped parking area?
- How are handicapped people treated in your country?
- What do you feel when you see a handicapped person?
- What can you do to help handicapped people?
- Does your country have special training facilities for handicapped people?
- What are some types of disabilities?
- Did you ever know someone with a disability?
- What was it like to work/talk/play with them?
- Were they smarter or less smart than yourself?
- How would you feel to find out your best friend was _______? (going blind, going deaf, losing their legs, etc)
- How would you feel to find out you were _______? (going blind, going deaf, losing their legs, etc)
- Do disabled people have anything of value to add to society?
- If you see or meet a disabled person, what actions should you take?
- What are ways that disabled people can compensate for their weakness?
- What kinds of disabilities do people develop as they grow older?
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