Health Informative Speech Topics

Speaking about health is of particular importance nowadays, and education plays a considerable part in it. Scientists not only find cures to critical conditions but also warn us about the risks related to our routines and habits. Informative speeches will do exactly that, inform you and your peers in college about health.
If you have been given an assignment of presenting a speech in front of your class, there’s a good chance that you might feel lost about the number of available topics and ideas and need help. To make the task of speaking in front of an audience of other students at least a little easier, we’re here to help you with choosing a specific subject. Below, you’ll find a list of some of the best and most interesting health informative speech topics for you to choose from, which will make for a great performance and interested listeners.
List of 74 Health Informative Speech Topics
- A Simple Sore Throat Remedy that Really Works
- Allergic Reaction to Antibiotics
- Ayurveda – The Science of Healthy Living
- Balancing Your Mind With Meditation And Breathing
- Basic first aid
- Caffeine
- Can Laughter Kill? You may die laughing at the answer.
- Chronic Fatigue: What Is It, What Help is Available?
- Cut back on your complaining and live longer
- Dangers Of Nicotine In The Body
- Drinking problems
- Dyslexia
- Effective Methods Of Losing Weight Without Straining Your Body
- Exercise for Mental and Physical Relief
- Fibromyalgia: What Is this Condition?
- Good Stress Bad Stress
- Harmful Effects of Second Hand Smoke
- Health risks of drinking milk…What’s In Your Milk?, (the book tells all.)
- Healthy child development: new trends and theories
- Healthy eating vs. eating disorders: what causes anorexia and bulimia and how to fight both
- Healthy habits and how to acquire them: be careful what you eat
- Hemp as a super food
- Herbs as medicine
- Hormonal Imbalance in Young Women
- How humor heals
- How Many Hours Should You Spend In The Gym?
- How the brain works
- How to best hydrate our body
- How To Cure Depression And Anxiety
- How To Fix A Consistent Exercise Program In Your Daily Routine
- How to for healthy eating
- How to Keep Your Heart Healthy
- Hypnosis Mind Control Techniques
- Improve your health
- Increase in childhood obesity
- Lasik surgery
- Laughter Therapy – An Effective Treatment
- Liposuction
- Long Term Effects of Lack of Sleep
- Low carb diets
- Magnetic Healing Therapy
- Meditation and Yoga – Great Stress Busters
- Menopause Mood Swings
- Mental hygiene: taking proper care of your brain
- Modern health care: new issues, approaches, and technologies
- Natural Cures being embraced by healthcare
- Nursing homes
- Obesity epidemic
- Pilates Exercises at Home
- Radiation Cancer Protection
- Sedentary Lifestyle Effects
- Smoking And Why It’s An Awful Habit
- Sore Throat Prevention
- Spirituality: The Key to Problems of our Age
- Stress and its effects
- Swine Flu Facts and Myths
- Swine Flu Shot Safety
- The connection between health and happiness: playing the “glad” game
- The Importance Of Being A Vegetarian
- The Importance Of Eating Healthy Food
- The Raw Food Diet for Better Health
- The skinny on fats in foods
- The variety of healthy lifestyle choices: it is time to take care of yourself
- Trichotillomania: What Is this Condition? What Help is Available?
- Types of Meditation Music
- What Causes Obesity?
- What hospice is and why in the health you need to know
- What in the world is Glutathione and why you need to know
- Which Are The Most Nutritious Fruits Today?
- Why Is Milk Considered A Balanced Diet On Its Own?
- Why Should you Quit Smoking
- Why we need to consider our own death to better enjoy life
- Yellow Fever
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