Color Conversation Topics
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 114 Color Conversation Topics
- What is your favorite color?
- Is color important to you?
- Does color affect your emotions?
- Imagine being in a room where everything is dark blue how would you feel? What if the room was red? Black? Yellow? Pink?
- Why do you think colors affect humans so much?
- Do you think that certain colors are only for boys or only for girls?
- Which colors do guys usually like more? How about girls?
- Why do you think there is a difference?
- If you HAD to change your hair color, what color would you change it to?
- Most electronics are either black, silver or white. Why do you think this is? Do you think we will have more colorful electronics in the future?
- Colorful tattoos are becoming more popular in places like America. Do you think they will become as popular in your country? Why or why not? Would you ever get a tattoo? Why or why not?
- Pink and purple are rarely worn by men in western cultures, why do you think this is?
- If you bought a car, what color would it be?
- What’s your favorite color?
- Has your favorite color changed as you’ve grown older?
- Do you have a color that you hate?
- If so, what is it?
- Why do you hate it?
- Do you think colors affect your mood?
- How does red make you feel?
- How does green make you feel?
- How does blue make you feel?
- How does purple make you feel?
- How does black make you feel?
- How does white make you feel?
- How does yellow make you feel?
- How does brown make you feel?
- How does grey make you feel?
- What do you think of orange?
- Do you think different cultures have different meanings for colors?
- What do the different colors mean in your culture?
- Do you associate any colors with specific items, numbers, or letters not usually associated with color?
- Can you think of different idioms or expressions involving color?
- What’s a “black and white” matter.
- What does it mean to “see red”?
- What does it mean to “feel blue”?
- What does it mean to “be yellow”?
- What’s a “black tie affair”?
- What does it mean to be “blacklisted”?
- What does it mean to be “the black sheep in the family”?
- How many colors are in the rainbow? What are they?
- What colors are on your national flag?
- What’s the best color for a car?
- What’s the best color for a house?
- What do you think is the best color for lens in sunglasses?
- What’s the color for passion?
- What’s the color for hatred?
- What’s the color for happiness?
- What’s the color for sadness?
- What’s the color for anger?
- What’s the color for death?
- What’s the color for jealousy?
- What is the color of envy ?
- What’s the color for cowardice?
- What color is money in your country?
- Do you know anyone who is color blind?
- What colors do most color blind people not see?
- Do you think animals can see color?
- What does black-sheep of the family mean?
- Do you dream in color?
- How would you compare the feeling you get watching a movie in black and white to watching it in color?
- What color clothes do you like to wear?
- What colors do you think look good on you?
- What color shoes do you like to wear?
- What do you think is the strangest color for a car?
- How about a house?
- How about clothing?
- How about hair color?
- Do you know anyone who has dyed their hair a strange color? (… an unnatural hair color such as blue or multiple shades?)
- Have you ever seen a pet dog or cat with dyed fur?
- Do you think different colors have different meanings? If so, what do different colors mean?
- Do the color blind dream in color?
- Do you think people who are color blind can dream in color?
- What color ink do you like using the most?
- What is the meaning of writing with black ink?
- What is the meaning of writing with green ink?
- What is the meaning of writing with red ink?
- What is the meaning of writing with blue ink?
- What color of paper you like most if you want to write a letter to your friends or loved ones?
- What is the color of the bedspread on your bed?
- What is your least favorite color?
- What color toothbrush do you have?
- Does everyone in your family use a different color toothbrush?
- What color towels do you use?
- What color are the curtains in your bedroom?
- What does it mean when someone says he’s feeling blue?
- What does it means when someone says they are green with envy?
- wWhat does it means when someone says “you look green at the gills”?
- What does it mean when someone says “I was so mad I was seeing red”?
- What does it mean when someone says “he was black as an ace of spades”?
- What is pink eye?
- We are not sure what this means, but it was submitted.
- What does it mean when you see the color of a rainbow in your eyes?
- What would you think of life without colors?
- What do you think life would be like without colors?
- How would life change?
- What things wouldn’t change?
- Are color blind people completely blind to all colors?
- Do you think a person’s favorite color will always be his/her favorite color?
- Do favorite colors change throughout life?
- Have you ever tried to invent a new color?
- Try it right now: try to think of a color that doesn’t exist, one you’d like to see.
- What does it look like?
- (Note: It is physically impossible to conceive of a color that isn’t a shade of a color that already exists, but students will enjoy trying for a few minutes and the impossibility of it makes for good conversation.)
- What does the black sheep of the family mean?
- Do you like light or dark colors better?
- Which colors do you have to mix to get green? Orange? Purple? Black? Gray?
- What expressions include colors when discussing illness? (ex., white or pale, pink eye, black and blue for bruises, yellow fever)
- What expressions include colors and feelings? (ex. I feel blue, Green with envy, Red with rage, Turning red, Black circles under the eyes, You are turning blue (with the cold))
- What do the colors in your home country’s flag represent?
- What is the most memorable in advertisements or commercials for you? (ex. the music, colors, movement, message)
- What does “a picture is worth a thousand words mean”?
- This word is used when traveling: I bought a ticket on the red eye flight. What might this mean?
- Can you think of some examples of camouflage in daily life?