Cars and Driving Conversation Topics
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 112 Cars and Driving Conversation Topics
- If you were going to get a new car, what kind of car would you get? A luxurious car? A sports car? A hybrid or electric car?
- What kind of cars do you think look the best?
- Can you drive?
- If yes, are you a good driver? When did you get your license?
- If no, do you want to get a driver’s license? Why or why not?
- What is the fastest you have gone in a car?
- Do you think cars are safe?
- How old were you when you first learned to drive?
- Was there anything difficult about learning to drive?
- Can you drive a car?
- Can you drive a manual shift car?
- Do you have a car?
- If so, what kind of car do you have?
- Is it a standard (manual shift) or automatic shift?
- Which do you like best, a standard or automatic shift car?
- What are the advantages of owning a car?
- What are the disadvantages of owning a car?
- Are you a good driver?
- Have you ever been in a car accident?
- Have you ever been pulled over by the police?
- What happened?
- Have you ever driven a car in a foreign country?
- If yes, which side of the road did they drive on?
- Were the road signs different?
- Are the drivers in your area where you live good drivers?
- Do you know anything about repairing or maintaining a car?
- What do you know how to do?
- Where did you learn how to do this?
- Do you enjoy repairing cars?
- What are some things you do to maintain your car?
- Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation?
- What kind of car do you prefer?
- Do you like drive at night?
- Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?
- What side of the road do you drive in your country?
- Is drunk driving a problem in your country?
- What kind of laws does your country have about drunk driving?
- What is the penalty for drunk driving in your country?
- Have you ever been (or) do you know anyone who has been in an accident related to drunk driving?
- Is jaywalking legal in your country?
- Do people often jaywalk in your country?
- Who taught you to drive?
- How long did it take you to learn to drive?
- What is the longest trip you have ever taken by car?
- Have you ever broken down and been stranded on the side of the road?
- Who helped you?
- How do American drivers compare to drivers in your country?
- What are the speed limits in your country?
- On what occasions do you honk your car horn?
- Is it acceptable to honk in your country
- Are men better drivers than women?
- Are women better drivers than men?
- At what age can you get a licence in your country?
- Do you think the age for driving should be raised or lowered?
- Do you think driving lessons should be provided by high schools?
- Should new drivers have a period of accompanied driving?
- Or some kind of trial period?
- Do you have a GPS (Global Position System)?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a GPS?
- Does the type of car a person drives tell us about the person who drives it?
- What can we tell or imagine about a person by looking at the car they drive?
- What are the laws about seat belts in your country?
- How are they different to this country?
- Is your car air conditioned?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of air conditioning?
- Do you have a GPS?
- If yes, when do you use it? If no, would you like one? Why or why not?
- What is the price of gasoline in your country?
- Is it cheaper or more expensive than in this country?
- Do you allow passengers to eat inside your car?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a second-hand car?
- Do you wash your car yourself or do you have it washed?
- Do you think that there is a relation between global warming and cars?
- Have you ever seen a “hybrid” car?
- What do you know about “hybrid” cars?
- Do you really think that car manufacturers are interested in global warming?
- How often do you need to get your car repaired?
- On what occasions do you honk your car horn?
- Is it acceptable to honk in your country?
- Do you like to drive or be driven?
- Have you ever bribed a policeman in your country after he pulled you over?
- Is it common for traffic cops to accept bribes?
- How are the traffic laws in your country?
- Are they strict or lax?
- Do most people follow the rules of the road?
- Is it easy to find parking?
- Is parking expensive?
- What should be done in order to prevent traffic congestion in your city?
- Is there any kind of rules to avoid traffic congestions?
- How do you feel about spending time in your car during rush hour?
- Is car theft a big problem in your country?
- Have you had your car stolen?
- Have you had your radio stolen?
- Is road side assistance common in your country?
- Can you change a flat tire?
- Do you know anything about fixing a car?
- Who taught you to drive?
- Was it pleasant or unpleasant?
- Have you ever broken down and been stuck on the side of the road?
- Who helped you?
- What do you think of international car-free days?
- Can you recall any memorable car drive in your life?
- What are the most frequent driving offenses?
- What factors are responsible for railway crossing accidents?
- According to insurance statistics women are better driver than men.
- Do you agree?
- What do you think of car pooling?
- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of driving versus public transportation?
- What do you think cars will be like in the future?
- Do people drive well in your country?
- Would you like to drive an F-1 race car?
- Do you think the use of cars will increase or decrease in the future? Why?
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