
Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

by Loraine Walters
Created: 27.02.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
List of 106 Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Students seeking degrees in nursing faculties have to participate in practical activities. When the studies end, students have to write about what they have learnt. The paper is known as a capstone project outline. In this paper, you mainly have to focus on the features of your field of study.

You must make sure that your idea is interesting. The paper may deal with a patient or a disease. Just make sure that the topic is not too narrow. The topic should be relevant, and it should also meet the requirements of modern scientific development.

You can discuss practice-oriented health issues and make them consistent with some professional modules. If you want to become a nurse, completing these tasks is of utmost importance. The success of your work greatly depends on the topic you choose. So you must make an informed decision.

You can talk to other students about your choice. They may be able to help you choose something you are comfortable with. Before choosing one, do your research online. We hope the list provided on this page will help you come up with a great idea.

List of 106 Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

  1. A perspective of nurses about quality and healthcare
  2. A rise of obesity: what nurses can do?
  3. Acute pain: treatment and assessment
  4. ADHD and bipolar disorder among children
  5. ADHD patience and their stimulant adherence;
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  7. Advances in any form of patient monitoring
  8. Aging health policy
  9. An aging population and health care: the challenges
  10. An efficient nursing program that is aimed to improve the care of older people.
  11. Asthma patients care in hospitals and nursing homes
  12. Awareness about public health
  13. Awareness of the Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  14. Best practices for critical care and acute conditions
  15. Best techniques for changing food habits
  16. Care changes: medication management
  17. Care of the postpartum patient and critically ill obstetric
  18. Caring for patients: perspectives of nurses
  19. Challenges and opportunities for education and practice: APRN roles
  20. Collaboration and partnership: what skills are essential?
  21. Communication technology and social media: friends in healthcare
  22. Create program of instructions to check services quality of healthcare systems;
  23. Critical care pharmacology
  24. Cutting-edge medical or surgical therapies
  25. Delegation dilemmas: skills and standards for practice
  26. Describe connection between quality of nursing services and duration of working shifts;
  27. Dysfunctional behaviors prevention for dementia patients
  28. Education and asthma care in nursing homes
  29. Education program for students about asthma
  30. Effective nursing care for older person
  31. Environmental health: the best choices for a better world
  32. Evidence-based practice
  33. Experience of patients in an emergency department
  34. Factors to consider nursing care
  35. Facts about life cycle nutrition
  36. Food preparation goals
  37. Global aspects of nutrition and food
  38. Health and clinical outcomes in health care
  39. How health care has changed over the years?
  40. How nutrition problems affect family
  41. How to address nursing risks
  42. How to improve emotional health
  43. HPV knowledge and its vaccine
  44. Impact of nurses policy on healthcare reform
  45. Improving pain management among nurses
  46. Improving planning and discharge education for nursing students
  47. Infant health promotion through breastfeeding support
  48. Influence of the duration of working shifts and the quality of nursing
  49. Innovational tests in diagnostic practice
  50. Innovative diagnostics suggestions;
  51. Inter-professional collaboration benefits on care
  52. Interventional program for obesity treatment among children
  53. Management and prevention of type 3 diabetes
  54. Medication reconciliation development
  55. Modern healthcare compared with old health care.
  56. New diagnostic tests
  57. New Millennium: emerging and evolving nursing roles
  58. Normal diet and modifications of it
  59. Nurse advocates: the present and future
  60. Nursing care analysis, new strategies, and methods of improvement.
  61. Nursing professional pathways: options to sustain, start and seek a career
  62. Nursing regulation conference and future
  63. Nursing Roles
  64. Nursing shortage
  65. Nursing staff training and professional development
  66. Nursing technologies: implementation and innovation
  67. Nursing: Difference and commonalities around the world
  68. Nutrition facts for the family
  69. Organizational outcomes for patients and providers
  70. Patient and his best meals
  71. Patient falls
  72. Patient-centered care: rewards and challenges
  73. Patient-focused staffing approach
  74. Planning for disaster response: emergency preparedness
  75. Point-of-care testing
  76. Practice based on evidence;
  77. Prevention methods for type 3 diabetes.
  78. Prevention of Lyme disease among children
  79. Probiotics use for medical facilities
  80. Provide research on how people are loyal to nurses;
  81. Regional shortage of nursing;
  82. Rehabilitation prevention for stroke patients
  83. Reliable test for point-of-care;
  84. Respond of nurses on global health concerns
  85. Responsibility in promoting a healthy work environment
  86. School nursing perspectives
  87. Schools of nursing accreditation
  88. Sleep disorders personalized approaches
  89. STD review among women
  90. Strategies for moral distress
  91. Suggest the most valuable points for healthcare services;
  92. Suggest the most valuable ways of preventing ADHD appearance;
  93. Tele-health: is it a peril or promise?
  94. The history and future of healthcare
  95. The most widespread sexually transmitted diseases.
  96. The next steps in making a safety culture
  97. The program for nursing training that improves the quality of medical assistance.
  98. The solutions and challenges of infectious diseases
  99. The value of nurses
  100. Visitation models review in the context of patient and family-centered care
  101. Visitor and patient violence: what people know and what can they do?
  102. Ways to create a specific regimen for proper immunization.
  103. What is the response of the public about societal violence on nurses
  104. What nurses need to know about genomics
  105. Why HPV causes increased patients’ awareness and its vaccine.
  106. Why is breastfeeding a good option to the infant health?
  107. Why nursing education is mandatory?

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One Comment

  1. Courtney

    this is the best List of Nursing Capstone Project Ideas. thanks