Problem Solution Persuasive Speech Topics
Created: 17.10.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
List of 99 Problem Solution Persuasive Speech Topics
- Adopting a dog reduces anxiety.
- Ebooks save trees and the atmosphere.
- Donating used clothes helps solve the problem of world poverty.
- Going vegan helps fight world hunger.
- Donations to Wikipedia boost public awareness.
- Complimenting someone starts the circle of kindness.
- Sorting out waste into different bins saves the environment.
- Using bicycles improves the atmosphere in big cities.
- Looking at the stars stimulates brain activity.
- The Pomodoro Technique improves productivity.
- Volunteering at local schools can make youth better citizens.
- Solar panels and wind mills contribute to solving the global warming problem.
- Self-driving cars reduce the risk of car accidents.
- Augmented reality glasses enhance the perception of the world by people with disabilities.
- Creating bike lanes enhances traffic safety.
- Controlling gun sales decreases the number of deaths caused by firearms.
- Selling dolls of all shapes and colors improves children’s self-confidence later in life.
- Taking baths reduces stress and anxiety.
- Reading out loud enhances the capacity for critical thinking.
- Eating fruits and vegetables helps children improve their memory.
- The problem of procrastination can be solved by calling it “preparing.”
- Putting course materials to music helps learn students quicker.
- Visits to the theater develop empathy.
- Dancing boosts creative thinking.
- Painting is a form of mental rest that lowers aggression.
- Knitting is a perfect outlet for excessive energy.
- Making sand castles connects parents with their kids.
- Watching horror films helps you lose weight.
- Watching romantic movies saves failing relationships.
- Reading before going to bed cures insomnia.
- Volunteering improves a person’s self-confidence.
- Zero-tolerance policies help reduce cheating.
- Exercises during college orientation week help students avoid the Freshman 15.
- Hormonal pills help reduce acne.
- Having gender-specific bathrooms does not decrease the rates of sexual assaults.
- Petting a cat reduces stress and other mental problems.
- Riding bikes to work helps solve the problem of obesity in developed countries.
- Chewing gum improves concentration and focus.
- Removing all personal information (i.e. name and date of birth) from resumes helps combat workplace discrimination.
- Playing team sports helps children improve their communication skills.
- Stereotypes can help students succeed (e.g. Asians perform better at math if they are reminded of an old stereotype that all Asians are good at math).
- Smoking keeps people thin.
- Becoming a professional gamer cures addiction.
- Beer quells heart disease.
- Marijuana prevents Alzheimer’s disease.
- Sunlight helps office workers get rid of afternoon sleepiness.
- Brainstorming is the best way to make procrastination productive.
- Telling bedtime stories to kids is the best way to influence them.
- Facebook helps teens develop communication skills.
- College degrees prevent early marriages.
- Sex education should consist of more than just abstinence-only programs.
- Red wine helps prevent stomach ulcers.
- Smoking helps people socialize, even if they are introverted.
- Restricting alcohol sales does not lower rates of alcoholism.
- Puppies should live on campus to help students fight stress.
- All elderly people should be given a pet.
- Twitter helps students learn to write concisely.
- Every student should be expected to spend at least one semester abroad to promote tolerance.
- The Human Library project helps promote understanding and acceptance.
- Big charities are ineffective at solving global problems.
- Even fake smiles improve the way a person feels.
- Pepper makes kids stop biting their nails.
- Pictures on Facebook improve student awareness of social problems.
- Music can reduce criminal behavior in mall visitors.
- College degrees reduce the risk of divorce.
- Comfortable chairs improve lecture attendance.
- The Internet increases the number of happy long-distance relationships.
- A new hairstyle cures depression.
- Facial hair helps programmers be more successful.
- Audio books improve the literacy of lazy students.
- Parents should monitor their children’s use of social media in order to protect them.
- A worldwide one-child policy will help solve the problem of overpopulation.
- The majority of people should become vegetarians to help reverse climate change.
- Immigration should be encouraged, not prohibited, so as to increase diversity.
- People with severe eating disorders should be force-fed to save their lives.
- Inventing flying cars will help eliminate traffic jams.
- A one-car-per-family policy will help mitigate the problem of climate change.
- Universal basic income can help fight poverty and income inequality.
- Cultural appropriation should be restricted to solve racial inequality.
- Speed bumps help reduce the number of car accidents.
- Funny cat videos can reduce your stress during finals week.
- Singing in the shower boosts confidence.
- Karaoke reduces stress (in the singer).
- Video games keep kids out of the streets.
- Programmable electronic locks solve the problem of late-night eating.
- Recorders solve the problem of no notes after sleeping through lectures.
- Photoshop solves the problem of low self-esteem in Instagram users.
- Autocorrect solves the problem of texting language in essays.
- Alarm clocks that run away from their owners solve the problem of oversleeping.
- 3D printing will soon solve the problem of cooking in a dorm.
- Students can manage their work, classes, and social lives by multitasking.
- Students can relieve stress by taking naps.
- Glowing pillows can help couples survive a long-distance relationship.
- Student athletes should receive compensation for playing sports.
- Free coffee should be provided to students in each class to keep them from falling asleep.
- Replacing textbooks with iPads will make classes more interesting.
- Memes should be studied in art classes because they are a modern form of art.
- Recycling cans that spit unseparated trash back at the person will make people recycle.
- Students should be able to participate in shaping their classes’ curricula to make the classes more relevant to their lives.
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