
Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.10.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

List of 118 Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. A woman can be too old to give birth.
  2. Air ambulance helicopters are the most efficient way to help victims of road accidents.
  3. All restaurants serving potentially allergenic ingredients in their meals should inform their customers thereof properly
  4. Alzheimer’s disease should be involved in the care he or she will get.
  5. Are there any ‘easy’ tips for staying fit?
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  7. At what age does it become healthy to use contraceptive medical treatment?
  8. Atkins isn’t a quick fix for weight loss.
  9. Back pain is caused by a spinal disk problem.
  10. Beauty is not a valid reason to pursue cosmetic plastic surgery.
  11. Bike helmets save lives and should not be neglected
  12. Brushing your teeth twice a day will not keep the dentist away.
  13. Can we lower the percentage of suicides by legalizing euthanasia?
  14. Cell phones have a dangerous amount of radiation.
  15. Children should be first on organ transplant lists.
  16. Computer use is the reason for those repetitive strain injuries.
  17. Do doctors get enough wages?
  18. Do not be afraid of biotechnology developments.
  19. Do we eat too much meat?
  20. Do we know enough about fire safety precautions?
  21. Do we know enough about food additives?
  22. Do we need more strict regulations regarding the advertisement of drugs?
  23. Does free distribution of condoms at schools improve the situation of sex-related problems among children of school age?
  24. Driving without seatbelts should be punished more severely
  25. Easy steps to keep your teeth healthy
  26. Effective medicines aren’t always expensive.
  27. Everybody should be an organ donor.
  28. Everyone needs dentistry insurance.
  29. Everyone should donate blood.
  30. Exercise as an easy way to avoid health problems
  31. Food allergy can manifest in behavior issues.
  32. Food allergy is a disease.
  33. How a donation help your local Alzheimer’s charity.
  34. How contraceptive treatment saves lives
  35. How diabetes may affect your performance at work
  36. How donating blood benefits the society and you
  37. How effective are seat belts to prevent lethal casualties in traffic accidents?
  38. How few people can do a CPR
  39. How harmful fast food really is?
  40. How having good friends can literally save your life
  41. How high heels are bad for one’s health
  42. How junk food can be improved not to be junk
  43. How laughing improves your health
  44. How little do we know about side effects of popular drugs?
  45. How much soda can one drink without causing any damage to one’s health?
  46. How sleepwalking can be fatal
  47. How stomach stapling is being overused
  48. How to develop healthy everyday life habits
  49. How to maintain a healthy diet without overdoing it
  50. How to prolong your life without medical interference?
  51. How we endanger ourselves by using tanning beds
  52. How you endanger others by smoking
  53. Human fetal tissue research will help patients suffering from Alzheimer disease.
  54. Infectious diseases can be prevented more effectively
  55. Is binge drinking as great of a menace as it used to be?
  56. Is healthy fast food possible?
  57. Is it safer to chew tobacco than to smoke it?
  58. Is sex ed at schools effective?
  59. Isolation is the best way to prevent the spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infections.
  60. Medical care needs to be more accessible
  61. Medical marijuana must be allowed for ill people – or not.
  62. Medical speech recognition and pathology experiences.
  63. Medical studies are dramatically underfunded
  64. Medication for general use should not be protected for 20 years.
  65. Mental health issues affect us all in some way.
  66. Migraine often is misunderstood in the workplace.
  67. Most infertile couples use alternative medicine .
  68. Needle exchange programs help to prevent the widespread of blood-borne viruses.
  69. Newborns without brains should not be used as organ donors.
  70. Nutrition patterns will change the human DNA genome structure.
  71. Patients should never accept money from the pharmaceutical industry.
  72. Pharmaceuticals are not transparent.
  73. Pros and cons of donating organs
  74. School kids need to be educated about the prevention of rape and other sexual misconduct
  75. Should aborted fetuses be utilized for genetic research?
  76. Should parents be informed if their underage daughter chooses to make an abortion?
  77. Should teenage pregnancy be prevented?
  78. Solve asthma by improving air quality.
  79. Stopping smoking speeds recovery after operations.
  80. Stuttering causes self-acceptance and self-esteem problems.
  81. Techniques and methods for transgenderation need to be assessed better.
  82. Terminally ill patients should freely rely on a hospital hospice program.
  83. The American healthcare system is largely flawed and needs thorough revision
  84. The birth control pill is not safe.
  85. The dangers of anti-vaccination ideology
  86. The dangers of homeopathic treatment
  87. The deeds of the AA should be more advertised and appreciated
  88. The E Coli bacteria is not explained properly enough.
  89. The effective methods to withstand stress factors
  90. The food industry should be blamed for obesity.
  91. The health benefits of dark chocolate
  92. The hidden threat of vaporizers
  93. The misused potential of gluten
  94. The morning-after pill must be freely prescribed in drugstores and pharmacies.
  95. The Morning-After Pill must be made available without a prescription.
  96. The myth of electronic cigarettes being less harmful than tobacco
  97. The negative long-term and short-term effects of steroids for farm animals
  98. The real and mythical dangers of smoking
  99. The underestimated importance of drinking enough water
  100. The underused potential of electroconvulsive treatment
  101. The unpleasant consequences of skipping breakfasts
  102. Tourette’s syndrome patients can’t help it, let’s help them.
  103. Until what age should mothers breastfeed their children?
  104. Using a known sperm donor is too risky.
  105. War veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress are not treated in time.
  106. We consume too much sugar
  107. What happens if one works for several years without a good vacation
  108. What is Red Cross day for?
  109. What new factors cause teenage suicide?
  110. Why and how should society confront mass obesity
  111. Why are healthy food products too expensive?
  112. Why is it important to pick the right toothpaste
  113. Why is the importance of good sleep underestimated?
  114. Why medical research would be rendered ineffective without animal testing
  115. Why people should donate their organs?
  116. Why positive thinking is good for you
  117. Why prescription drugs need to be more accessible
  118. Why we should be skeptical about diet pills
  119. Why we should consume as little salt as possible

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