
Finance Dissertation Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 07.03.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
List of 145 Finance Dissertation Topics

Economics and financing is probably one of the subjects everyone should know the basics of, but no one, other than the students majoring in it, does. As one of the finance students, you will need to write a dissertation, which is an incredibly time-consuming process. Because of this, we believe that choosing the right topic for your thesis is probably the most important step. Think about it, you don’t want to get stuck halfway through the dissertation only to find out that there’s not enough economic research, and you should start from scratch.

To save you from such a struggle, we have compiled a list of the best finance dissertation topics for you to choose from. We’re sure that some of them you already have the fundamental knowledge on, and most of them will be interesting for you. Whether your forte is the latest theories in microfinance or the improvement of financial policies, we have ideas for you. So, go ahead, review the list below, and start working on your dissertation today.

List of 150 Finance Dissertation Topics

  1. A comparative analysis of the application of continuous-time models in different financial environments.
  2. A literary discussion on the role of speculation in undermining banking stability in Asian markets.
  3. A multi-factor quadratic stochastic volatility model with applications in finance and insurance.
  4. A quantitative study describing the impact of innovation-related investment and management performance on corporate financial returns.
  5. A Study of Claims and Freight Payable
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  7. How Dose The Decision Of Closing Branches By Banks Effects The Customers Behaviour? A Case Of Nordea
  8. Kiko Usa Filing For Bankruptcy – What Went Wrong?
  9. Commodity Shocks And Other Determinants Of Inflation
  10. Determinants Of Fdi In Transition Economies: A Study Of Hungary
  11. The Influences Of Foreign Direct Investment On Economic Growth: An Empirical Evidence From The United Kingdom
  12. Affect of Branding on Consumer Purchase Decision
  13. Alternate Revenue Sources for the Bank
  14. American venture capital in a Post-American world: the role of firm resources and capabilities in U.S. Cross-border venture capital investment.
  15. An analysis of board structure, qualification and compensation in the top banking institutions in the UK.
  16. An analysis of corporate risk-taking behaviours in comparison with individual Board members attitude towards risk- evidence from the UK.
  17. Analysis of Cement Sector as an Investment Avenue
  18. Analysis of Demat Account and Online Trading
  19. Analysis of Financial Statement by Using the Technique of Ratio Analysis
  20. Analysis of Financial Statements of XYZ Company
  21. Analysis of Mutual Fund and Portfolio Management in Mutual Fund
  22. Analysis of Mutual Fund Schemes of Reliance Money
  23. Approaches to efficient investment in nonpoint source pollution management — a municipal perspective.
  24. Aspects of international banking in Risk management activities of Europe.
  25. Asset levels of service-based decision support system for municipal infrastructure investment.
  26. Attitudes and perception of UK investors towards investing in emerging markets.
  27. Audit Committees and agency problems with the combined code.
  28. Audit Of Bank
  29. Back Office Function in a Stock Exchange
  30. Bancassurance
  31. Bank community development corporation investments in community economic development.
  32. Banking System in India
  33. Barriers to credit and investment to minority business entrepreneurs: an investigation in the Rockford, Illinois, metropolitan statistical area.
  34. Brand Evaluation for Financial Investment and Customer Satisfaction Measurement
  35. Brand Image
  36. Brief about foreign direct investment effect on Asian Economies
  37. Capital Market Reforms
  38. Case study of social responsible banking system.
  39. Case Study on Accounting, Ethics and the links missing between them.
  40. Cash Flow
  41. Cash Management
  42. Charity organizations, resource allocation and trustee boards- tracing a working financial relationship.
  43. Cognitive moral development theory and moral maturity of accounting and finance professionals.
  44. Commodity Futures
  45. Comparative Analysis of NPA of Public Sector Banks,Private Sector Banks,Foreign Banks
  46. Comparative Evaluation Strategies in Mergers and Acquisitions
  47. Comparative Study on ULIPS in the Indian Insurance Market
  48. Comparative Study: Financial Innovation in Asia and Europe.
  49. Comparison between Investment in Equity and Mutual Fund
  50. Comparison of Assets under Management for Different Years
  51. Comparison of Initial Public Offer in Infrastructure Sector
  52. Competitive Analysis of Depositary Service Provider
  53. Convergence and likelihood of convergence between the EU and the US.
  54. Cooperation and opportunism in venture capital financed companies.
  55. Corporate Control and Value Destruction
  56. Corporate finance decision making in unstable stock markets- evidence from Africa.
  57. Corporate finance literature from the UK- sorting all the facts to construct a clear picture.
  58. Corporate Governance
  59. Creating and Measuring Shareholder Value
  60. Credit Analysis of Personal Loan
  61. Credit Appraisal Process at AXIS Bank
  62. Credit Appraisal Process in SME Sector of State Bank of India
  63. CSR issues in banking industry.
  64. Currency Derivative Business Perspective
  65. Derivatives
  66. Descriptive Qualitative Approach towards the Financing Needs of Indian Telecom Sector
  67. Determinants of financial policies in banking and non-banking institutions- case study UK.
  68. DICGC and Deposit Insurance
  69. Direct Selling
  70. Discuss importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for investment banks of the UK.
  71. Emergence of Initial Public Offers as an Investment Avenue
  72. Equity Analysis of Banks
  73. Equity Valuation of Public Sector Enterprises of Nifty 50
  74. Evaluation of Capital
  75. Explain Market efficiency considering emerging economies.
  76. Exploring opportunities and obstacles for foreign direct investment in Pakistan’s energy sector.
  77. Export Marketing Entry Strategy
  78. External Debt Management
  79. Financial Instruments
  80. Financial management of multinationals- practices and challenges.
  81. Financial Planning and Forecasting
  82. Financial viability of some commercial products available in the local market.
  83. Foreign Direct Investment
  84. Future of EU’s stability and growth pact considering financial aspects of the UK
  85. Future Prospects Of Broking Firm
  86. Gender and development through western eyes: an analysis of microfinance as the west’s solution to third world women, poverty, and neoliberalism.
  87. Global Economic Crises
  88. How does the age of an institution determine choices for its capital structure? Evidence from the UK.
  89. How is cost of investing in the mutual funds is related to the returns?
  90. How is CSR is less a choice and more of a necessity for businesses to flourish in recent times?
  91. How is financial decision-making considered in family-led institutions? An investigation from different European countries.
  92. How is lifecycle for different financial instruments evaluated within the UK’s financial sector? An investigation.
  93. How to Plan Invest In Insurance Sector And Tax Planning
  94. Impact of Macroeconomic Factors On Money Supply
  95. Impact on Shareholders Wealth in M&A Episode
  96. Implementation and evolution of investment banking in the emerging markets.
  97. Importance of Partnership Between Private and Public Sectors.
  98. Improvements in assets-liability management framework of UK-based banks in the recent years.
  99. In-Depth Study of Housing Finance Sector
  100. Innovation in corporate finance- gathering academic evidence to understand the impacts of the phenomenon.
  101. Innovative method to guide university accounting and finance students about the importance of ethics.
  102. Intellectual capital- gathering evidence from the literature to understand the financial significance.
  103. International Financial Reporting Standards
  104. Inventory Management and Budgetary Control System
  105. Investment Opportunity in Stock Market with Special Focus on Oil Sector
  106. Investors and private equity market in the UK.
  107. Islamic Financing
  108. Kaleidoscopic View of Banking in India
  109. Key Performance Indicators of Supply Chain Retail
  110. Load Testing of Loan Search
  111. Location Choice and Host Country IPR Protection
  112. Merchant Banking in India
  113. Micro-finance awareness and impact on developing economies
  114. Micro-finance in UK’s Banking Industries.
  115. Optimal capital structure for retail banks of UK.
  116. Organizational perks- analysis of the relevant financial decisions from literature across multiple sectors in the UK.
  117. Overseas credit management of major banking institutions across the globe- an evaluation.
  118. Practical implications to all organisations implementing the International Financial Reporting Standards in the UK
  119. Practices and regimes of banks in CSR.
  120. Promotional Mix of Insurance Products
  121. Rapid Development in International micro-finance
  122. Reason of growing popularity of mutual funds and index.
  123. Reasons for increasing demand for disclosure of social and environmental information? What are its implications for big organisations?
  124. Recent improvements in CSR work by the banking industry participants.
  125. Responsibility Accounting
  126. Risk management within financial institutions due to Foreign exchange in the UK
  127. Role of financial stability of banking systems in the emerging countries.
  128. Role of retail and commercial banks in boosting agriculture productivity via credit flow.
  129. Role of retail banks in the UK and financial services provided to the rural population.
  130. Sustainability reporting in the UK and impact on the public sector.
  131. Terrorism financing and financial institutions.
  132. The effect of auditor’s liability on the accounting profession and organisations in UK.
  133. The Effect of Bond Rating Changes on Stock Prices
  134. The Effect of Changes in Credit Ratings on Equity Returns
  135. The Growth of hedge funds being the reason for a sustained progress and its effects on the investments market of the UK.
  136. The hypothetical relevance of cash flows in financial institutions and reconciliation with practical examples in the UK.
  137. The impact of firm size on financial decision-making- evidence from the UK.
  138. The performance of the Earnings management ratio based on fluctuating policy changes over short time periods- an assessment.
  139. The role and impact of government intervention in volatile financial markets across the globe- creating an understanding for best practices.
  140. The role of technological connectivity in integrated financial management of multinationals- a global perspective.
  141. The role of technology in crowdfunding and impact on conventional contracts practices- an investigation.
  142. The sole entrepreneur and his financial decisions- does culture have any impact on the situation?.
  143. The tangibility status of financial assets and contribution to firm development in the UK.
  144. Tracing lifecycles of financial products in the banking sector in the UK.
  145. Unit Linked Insurance Plans ULIPS
  146. Valuation of cash flows and relevance to financial and non-financial institutions in the UK.
  147. What are Hedge Funds? How is that an investing alternative for institutional investors and the advent on the retail market?
  148. What are sustainability reporting and its standards?
  149. What is Audit risk? Is it rhetoric of rationality?
  150. What is Engaging contradiction? How is it an expansion of Corporate Social Responsibility discourse?
  151. Working Capital Management

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    Are there any studies on BANKRUPTCY LAWS