
Sociology Essay Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020
List of 400 Sociology Essay Topics

The sociology essay topics build up a person’s sociology knowledge database because by reading through the different sociology paper topics, you can be sure that you will understand the people’s actions in a better way. As sociology studies the social and sociological aspects of the community, the students, with the help of these assignments, learn about the patterns and concepts of our society. Thanks to the public information and academic papers, we can use the safe startup for further research and for college students. If you want to make a new idea in 2019 while using the old concept, you can make this with sociology essay topics!

Now, writing on any social topic includes a lot of research that a student has to conduct. They can use various resources they need or turn to social clubs to deliver the professional essay with the highly interesting topics. The writing of sociology essay topics may require a lot of comparisons – the professional comparison of gun control in different states is a serious study and requires a lot of work. The students in this way can get ideas about the problems in society, which may influence them to write some different titles and present new ideas. Therefore, they can find new ideas and produce good writing where they can reflect on the earlier defined concept and back it up with the analysis from 2020 to show that most of the things did (not) change.

List of Sociology Essay Topics

  1. 15th Century and Modern Definition of a Family
  2. 9/11 Attacks Bringing Terrorism to the Attention of the United States
  3. Analysis of Capital Punishment within the Christian Frame of Ethics
  4. Beauty-Biased Society That Needs to Change
  5. Challenging Belief Stating That TV Doesn’t Control What People Do
  6. Better Alternative to Normal Relationship
  7. Bibliography of Articles on Inequality and Climate Change in Samoa
  8. Biography and Life Work of Leila Ahmed
  9. Heritage of Rosa Parks Protest and the Growing Movement of the Public Transportation
  10. Biography of Al Capone, a Historical Crime Figure
  11. Life of Alice Paul
  12. Personality of Alphonse Capone, the Rise to Power of the Mobster
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  14. Andrei Chikatilo, the Butcher of Rostov
  15. e Social Impact of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash a Micmac Indian Rights Activist
  16. Contradictory Nature of Bobby Sands
  17. Life and Works of Charles Frederick Warner
  18. Emile Durkheim Social Heritage
  19. Frederick Douglas a Social Reformer
  20. Howard Hughes an American Entrepreneur
  21. Jane Addams the Social Reformer
  22. John Wayne Gacy A Serial Killer
  23. Mahatma Gandhi a Leader to Remember
  24. Malcolm Little an American Muslim Minister
  25. Marcus Garvey and the Importance of his Activities
  26. Biography of Martin Luther King, an American Clergyman, Minister, Activist, and Leader
  27. Nellie McClung, a Canadian Feminist, Politician, Author, and Social Activist
  28. Olaudah Equiano
  29. The Life of Princess Diana of Whales
  30. Ricky Ross, a Drug Kingpin
  31. Rosa Parks an African American That Aimed for Changes
  32. Sojourner Truth, a Women’s Rights Activist
  33. Susan B. Anthony, a Women’s Rights Advocate
  34. Discovering Ted Bundy
  35. Al Capone During the Prohibition Era
  36. Early Life and Ideologies of Civil Rights Leader Malcolm Little
  37. Literary Works of Harriet Ross Tubman
  38. A Biography of the Life and Times of Hellen Nellie McClung
  39. Emile Durkheim and Her Role in Sociology
  40. Achievements and Impact of Mohandas Gandhi
  41. A Biography of the Mother of Four, Lucy Read Anthony and her Impact on the World
  42. Stokely Carmichael, a Civil Rights Leader
  43. A Black Man’s Point of View in Black Men and Public Space by Brent Staples and The Struggle by Issa Rae
  44. A Book Report about Living With Someone Who Drinks Too Much
  45. “Crucial Questions About the Future” Social Analysis
  46. Two Nations by Andrew Hacker Rhetorics
  47. A Breakdown of Marijuana’s Composition and Its Social Effects
  48. A Brief Analysis of Actions for Israeli Peace Mission
  49. Evaluation of the Classical and Modern Explanations of Social Inequality
  50. The Relationship between the Russian Avant-Garde and the October Revolution
  51. A Brief History and the Events in the Life of Richard Ramirez Ricardo Leyva Munoz Ramirez, a Serial Killer
  52. History of the Issue of Abusive Parents
  53. Legalization of Abortion in the United States of America
  54. Social Impact of the Synthetic Drugs LSD, PCP, and Quaaludes
  55. Introduction to the Conflict Resolution Process and the Presentation of the Arguments
  56. Multiculturalism in the United States of America
  57. Call to Action: We Must Stop Poverty and Violence in Third World Countries
  58. Call to Amend the Rules for Gay Men Donating Blood
  59. Social Rights and Canadian Identity Test
  60. Career Provides a Framework for Life Development
  61. Case Analysis of a Brutal Attack of a Young Man at Indiana University
  62. Illinois Police Officer Shooting Social Agenda
  63. Case Analysis of the Not-for-Profit Organization, LPP Homeless Hounds (HH)
  64. Use of Sweatshops in Developing Countries
  65. Charles Manson, a Serial Killer: Origins of a Madman
  66. Gender and Sexuality Issues at School
  67. Pedestrian Traffic at Journeys, A Retailer for Young Teens and Adults
  68. 30 Day Limited Warranty and the Beltermine Drug
  69. Childhood Obesity and the Solutions to the Problem
  70. Foster Care Demographic
  71. How Organizations Should Function in Demanding Social Environments
  72. Assessment, Crisis, and Strategy on the Logan Family
  73. Social Aspects of the Emerging Marijuana Industry
  74. Harsh Treatments of the Elderly at the Sparrow Elderly Home
  75. The Issues Encountered by the Jones Family in a Social and Education Intervention Context
  76. Major Problem of Single Parents in the Case of James and Sarah
  77. Murder of Hae Min Lee
  78. Physical, Mental, and Emotional Condition of the Mother and Her Three Children Social Model Case
  79. Relationship Between Globalization, Poverty, and the Architecture of the City of Rio de Janeiro
  80. Three Major Sources of Demographic Data in Zambia
  81. Chance to Choose a Change of a Lifetime
  82. When a Social Change is Long Overdue
  83. Changing History of Smoking and Society’s Modern Views on Smoking
  84. Child’s Outlook of Marriage and Family
  85. The Christian Perspective of the Ethical Dilemma Surrounding Abortion and the Solution to the Dilemma
  86. Cleveland Kidnapper’s Son’s Article about a Girl Abducted by His Father
  87. Taking a Closer Look at Social Behaviors and Political Activism within the LGBT Community
  88. Comparison of the Psychographic and Demographic Factors in Society
  89. Police Brutality and Shootings of Black People in the United States
  90. Commentary on the Issue of Poverty Throughout History and the Label of Underclass
  91. Communitarian-Inspired Model of Civil Disobedience as an Applicable Compliment to Justice-Based Accounts of Civil Disobedience
  92. Analysis of Historic Browne’s Addition Neighborhood
  93. Community Service Project by the Superintendent Youth Leadership Council
  94. Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Five Students and their Decision Making Process in Choosing a Hotel to Stay In Cancun
  95. Comparative Analysis of the Essays Home Spaces: Fences and Neighbors by Barrie Greenbie and Out the Country: Space, Time, and Stereotype by Aaron Fox
  96. Analysis of The Younger Generation by Catherine Ellis and Youth as Peril and Promise by Omnia El Sharky
  97. Comparative Study of the Social Behavior of Men and Women
  98. Comparison and Contrast in Two Ways to Belong in America
  99. Contrast Found in Adult Lives in Sociology
  100. Comparison Between Co-ed Schools and Single-Sex Schools
  101. Finding Similarities Between Crash and EDUC 2301
  102. Foot in the Door and the Door in the Face Technique
  103. Girls and Boys Social Analysis
  104. The Differences Between Homicide and Manslaughter in the Criminal Justice System
  105. Comparing Men and Women in Terms of Communication Techniques
  106. Single Mother Primary Care and Secondary Care Challenges
  107. Communitarian versus Cosmopolitanism Approach of Humanitarian Intervention
  108. Contrasting Approaches of Mahatma Gandhi and Osama Bin Laden
  109. Facts For and Against Capital Punishment
  110. Analysis of Male and Female Perceptions of Homosexual Men and Lesbian Women
  111. Comparison between New Year’s Celebrations in the United States and Vietnam
  112. Theories of Social Change of Karl Marx and Alvin Toffler
  113. Threats to Humankind’s Survival of the Modern World and the Past: Terrorism and Human Trafficking versus Slavery and Holocaust
  114. A Comparison Between the Toda’s and American Way of Life
  115. Unemployment Rates of the White and Black Groups in the City of Washington DC Using the Criteria of Education, Gender and Age
  116. Views of Peter Singer and Karen Green
  117. Traditional versus Minimal Marriage
  118. Vindication of Natural Diet and the Inhumanity of the Animal People
  119. Aaron Devor and Arthur Chu’s Views on Masculinity
  120. Abortion Views in World Religions
  121. Absurdness and Buddhism
  122. Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
  123. The Major Differences Between Andrew Carnegie and Robert Reich’s Idea of Wealth
  124. Animals and Humans in Francis Fukuyama’s Human Dignity, Hal Herzog’s Animals Like Us, and Carmen Velayos Castelo’s The Human Frontier
  125. An Antebellum Slavery and Slavery Today
  126. Arranged Marriages versus Personal Choice Marriages
  127. Comparison of Billie Holiday and Cassandra Wilson’s Strange Fruit on the Topic of Racism in the United States
  128. Childcare in the Workplace: From the 1990s to 2010
  129. Children Behaviours in Homosexual and Heterosexual Families
  130. Children Programs for Their Use of Cultural Diversity
  131. Social Traits Among the Children Raised by Single Parents and Two Parents
  132. Social Contrast Between Clarissa and Septimus in Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway
  133. Classicism and Positivism as the Two Theories of Criminology
  134. Nature of Communism and Socialism Approach
  135. Social Elements of Domestic Violence in Korea and the United States
  136. Dynamics Surrounding Family Formation in Sweden and Italy
  137. Social Culture of e-Cigarettes versus Regular Cigarettes
  138. Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Terms as Presented by Ferdinand Tonnies
  139. Gender and Sexuality in Arab and the Western Society
  140. Good Climate Friendly Inhabitants by Nadine Gordimer and You Can’t Get Lost in Cape Town by Zoe Wicomb
  141. Herbert Spencer and Franz Boaz’s Theories on the Social Evolution
  142. Horizontal, Vertical Social Mobility and Structural Mobility
  143. How Men and Women Handle Aggression
  144. Ideologies Between the Republican Motherhood and the Cult of Domesticity
  145. Analysis of Immigration Is Immoral by Davis Hanson and the Rise of the Occupy Insurgency, the World’s First Internet Revolution #OWS by Nozomi Hayase
  146. Invisible Connections in Won’t You Be My Neighbor by Peter Lovenheim and The Empathy Deficit by Keith O’Brien
  147. Jackson and My Experiences on the Detrimental Effects of Marriage, Death, Divorce, and Moving on the Physical and Mental Health of a Child
  148. Job Opportunities and Population Between the Philippines and the United States
  149. Leadership styles between Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King and The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X
  150. Living Qualities in Texas and New York City
  151. A Comparison of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr’s Protesting Style
  152. Stereotypes in Men and Women’s Abilities
  153. Michel Foucault and Truffaut’s Illustration of a Disciplinary Society
  154. Millennials and Baby Boomers Generation
  155. Mother-Daughter Relationships in America and Other Cultures
  156. My Personal Cultural and Historical Socialization versus the Values of A Dog Act
  157. Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner and his Definition of Poverty
  158. Parent Rights for Adoptive and Birth Parents
  159. Paul Keating and Noel Pearson’s Idea of Reconciliation among Australia’s Residents
  160. What Drives Peaceful and Violent Protests
  161. Peggy Orenstein and Elinor Burkett’s Views on What Makes a Woman, a Woman
  162. Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis
  163. Philosophies on Abortion by Don Marquis and Judith Jarvis Thomson
  164. Elements of Physical and Inner Beauty
  165. Positive and Negative Stereotyping
  166. How People Understand Poverty in Panama and in the U.S.
  167. Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Ideologies
  168. Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty
  169. Racism in the early 1900s and Today
  170. Rights of an Average Roman Citizen and a Modern Man
  171. Sexual Politics and No More Miss America
  172. Singer’s and Nazi’s Infringement of Human Rights
  173. Socialization of Men and Women
  174. Socio-Economic Factors in Tottenville Public High School and the Francis School
  175. Solomon E. Asch’s Article Opinions and Social Pressure and Doris Lessing’s Article Group Minds
  176. The Talk Shows: Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey
  177. Television Families and Real Life Families
  178. Abortion Issue: Birth Control or Legal Murder?
  179. Actions of Christians During the Crusades and the Actions of ISIS Today
  180. Activities of the Guerrilla Girls and the Black Lives Matter Movements
  181. The Arguments of Steven Pearlstein and Jared Bernstein on the Question of the Rise of Inequality in America
  182. An Attitude to the Institution of Marriage in Various Countries
  183. Attitudes of Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers on Abortion
  184. Black Lives Matter Movement & The Ideology of Martin Luther King Jr.
  185. Condom Distribution Versus Abstinence in the Schools of the United States of America
  186. Culture Shock in the United States versus Canada
  187. Study of the Degree in Which Diversity is Present and Accepted in America and Japan
  188. Difference Between Voluntary and Involuntary Unemployment
  189. Three Major differences Between Sex and Gender
  190. Understanding The Differences in the Social Dynamic of a Drug on Silk Road and the Typical Interaction Between Drug Dealer and Consumer
  191. Divorce Debate and the Making of a Divorce Culture
  192. Family Structure in the 1960s and 1990s
  193. Gay Community in Broadway Culture and in Broadway Nights
  194. Goals of Bell Hooks and Judith Butler in Terms of Social Change
  195. Importance of Television and the Printing Press
  196. The Ku Klux Klan in the 1860s and 1920’s
  197. Modern Life in the New Towns in the Countryside Versus the Existing Cities
  198. Methods of Disciplining a Child in China and the United States
  199. Parenting Styles of the Chinese and the Western Society People
  200. A Comparison of the Prisons in Scandinavia and in the United States and a Debate on Whether It Would Be Better if America Adopted Scandinavian Prison Models
  201. Analysis of The Public Opinion and Policy on Affirmative Action
  202. Leadership Styles Between Roman and Medieval Societies
  203. Similarities and Differences Between Morality, Law, and Ethics in the Practice of Social Work
  204. Gun Control Laws in Vermont and New York
  205. Social Structure Between the United States and the Mughal Empire
  206. Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs AA and NA
  207. Comparative Studies of Medieval Knights and the Modern Soldiers
  208. Social Control Theory and the Self-Control Theory
  209. Social Differences Between France and the United States of America
  210. Toronto Neighborhoods of Annex and North Riverdale
  211. Treatment of Homosexuals in America and in the United Kingdom
  212. Two Major Forces Shaping Humans Socially and Spiritually-The McWorld and Jihad
  213. Western Feminism and Matrilineal Culture in the Works of Laure Tohe and Roxane Gay
  214. White-Collar Crime and a Street Crime
  215. Theory of Differential Social Control by Ross L. Matsueda
  216. Control Balance Theory by Charles R Title in the Criminal Justice Field
  217. Three Types of Aggressive Behavior Among the Genders in the Workplace
  218. Toda and American Life
  219. Comparison of Violence Against Women and Pornography and an Analysis of the Issue of Rape
  220. W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida Wells and Booker T. Washington’s Argument on the Civil Rights Movement
  221. Women and Men Ability in Military
  222. Women and the Mismeasure of Thought by Judith Genova
  223. Variability Hypothesis by Stephanie Shields
  224. Advantages Between Polygamy and Conventional Marriage
  225. Crime Rates Between Adults and Teens
  226. Different Lifestyle of Men That Is Committed to a Woman and Those Who Are Single
  227. The Question of Equality in the United States and in the Middle-East
  228. Which is a Better Societal Order Between Mill and Kants’s Ethical Theories
  229. Analysis of Rural and Urban Domestic Violence Against Women
  230. Comprehensive Analysis for a Need for Gun Control Reform in America
  231. Altruism and Helping Behavior, an Article by Martin Gansberg
  232. Analysis of How Warren Buffet’s Son Would Feed the World, an Article by Nina Munk
  233. Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Argument on Abortion
  234. Child Safety and Domestic Violence in the United States of America
  235. Cigarette Consumption by Uneducated Youth, Mock Congress Bill
  236. Combat Against the Genital Mutilation in the Country of Sudan
  237. Development of Slavery in Carl N. Degler’s Book neither Black nor White
  238. An Impact of Gangs in Society
  239. Legal and Moral Basis for the Sanctions by Anthony D’Amato
  240. Was Martin Luther King Wrong? by Bruce Ackerman
  241. Overpopulation Social Problems
  242. Pornography and the Relation to the Rape in the United States of America
  243. Sociological Perspective on the Criminality in the Human Nature
  244. Speech Given by Spiro Agnew in Des Moines, Iowa
  245. Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt by Jean Kilbourne
  246. White Weddings, a Book by Chrys Ingraham
  247. Women and Their Role in Changing Society
  248. History of Racism in the United States of America
  249. Introduction to Human Services
  250. Analysis of the Pornography Issue Over the Internet
  251. Martin Luther King’s Work and Heritage
  252. Children Interacting With Television Advertising
  253. Classical Marxism in Social Mechanisms
  254. Modern Television as the Major Source of Violence
  255. Prison Reform to Help Reduce the Number of Inmates Detained in Prison
  256. Legal Rights between Man and Women in a Digital Society
  257. Compromise of the Freedom of Speech by Censorship in the United States of America
  258. Voicing The Concern on What Happens in California Night Clubs
  259. Constitutive Relation between the Individual and the Society
  260. Contrast and Comparison of Reamer’s Guide and the NONHSE Standards
  261. Understanding The Meaning of Marriage in India and America
  262. Social Controversy Regarding The Use of Marijuana in California for Medical Purposes
  263. Speaking Out a Controversial Opinion on the Topic of Abortion
  264. Cop’s Journey to the Achievement of Top Cop of the Year Award
  265. Analysis of Correlation Between Violence in the Media and Aggressive Behavior in Children
  266. Creative Essay on the Topic of Child Abuse
  267. Writing a Letter to Martin Luther King Junior on the Injustice of American Society
  268. Criminal Action of a Suspect Who Was Voluntarily Intoxicated
  269. Becoming an Alcoholic: Alcoholics Anonymous and the Reality of Alcoholism by David R. Rudy
  270. Can Teenage Defiance Be Manipulated for Good, an Article by Amanda Ripley
  271. Collaboration as a Social Action Strategy
  272. Identity Crisis and Oppositional Dress
  273. Mary Beth Norton’s Liberty’s Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women
  274. Quilombo, a Self-Governing Community in Brazil
  275. Reefer Madness, a Movie about the Effects of Marijuana
  276. Rho’s Article on the Aspects of Excellent Journalism
  277. Mcdonaldization of Society, an Article by George Ritzer
  278. Position of Women in the Military in the Essay Gender in the Military by Gina Carreno
  279. Analysis of Police Corruption
  280. Method of Participant Observation, a Type of Data Collection Method Used in Qualitative Research
  281. Critical Evaluation of the Study Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: The Millennium Survey
  282. Explanation and Evaluation of Malthus’ Population Theory
  283. Contradictions of Affirmative Action
  284. Critical Response of Janet Halley’s Opinion on Liberal Feminism
  285. Hardwig’s Paper “Is There a Duty to Die?”
  286. Jeremy Rifkin’s Views on Animal Rights
  287. Judith Jarvis Thomson’s View on Abortion
  288. Critical Review of The Divorce Debate Articles in the New York Times
  289. Child Marriage Problem
  290. Gandhi’s Nonviolent Direct Action
  291. What Motivates Gun Control Advocates
  292. Is War on Drugs Really Taking Place?
  293. Various Studies Examining Sexual Selection
  294. Margaret Thatcher’s Argument About There Being No Society
  295. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood, a Book by Kristin Luker
  296. An Article by George Bierson on Marijuana Use
  297. Grayson Bodenheimer on Mental Health Movements in America
  298. Critique of Boxers in Boxes, Danes and Drains, an Article by Gary Baker
  299. Analysis of Chapter 18 of the Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion, Edited by John R. Hinnels
  300. China’s Rift Between the Working and Educated Class in Kong Yiji by Lu Xun
  301. Community Service Programs
  302. Don’t Close Guantanamo, an Article by Jennifer Daskal
  303. Feminism and the Male Gaze Theory in Society Today
  304. From Sugar and Spice to Real Life, an Article by Mary Pipher
  305. Hugo Lbarra and Ross Sherman’s Being Here, but Not Here Social Controversy
  306. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?, an Article by Susan Moller Okin
  307. Milton Friedman’s Article on the War on Drugs in America
  308. Money and Class in America, a Book by Lewis Lapham
  309. Nonword Repetition and Child Language Impairment, an Article by Chris Dollaghan and Thomas F. Campbell
  310. Peter Singer’s Article “Singer Solution to World Poverty”
  311. Protection and Unequal Alliance, an Article by Gilles Havard
  312. Racial Attitudes and Opposition to Welfare, an Article by Martin Gilen
  313. Ryan Anderson’s Article Physician-Assisted Suicide Is Always Wrong Critique
  314. A Critique of the Bias in Neat People vs. Sloppy People, an Essay by Suzanne Britt
  315. Study of The Case for Torture, an Article by Michael Levin
  316. The End of Poverty by Philippe Diaz
  317. German Ideology by Karl Marx
  318. Criticizing the Idea That America Is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave
  319. Ineffectiveness of the Anti-Drug Campaign Ads by the Office of National Drug Control Policy
  320. Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History, an Essay by Jennifer Price
  321. Second Sex, a Book by Simone De Beauvior
  322. Singer Solution to World, an Article by Peter Singer
  323. When Elephants Fight: How Sensation Became Sensational, an Article by Steven C. Dubin
  324. A Dark and Sad Day at the Columbine High School
  325. Allowing Gay Teachers to Teach in the American Schools
  326. Legalizing Prostitution in the US
  327. Preferential Hiring Which Was Formulate to Create Harmony Between Different Races and Sexes
  328. Controversial Issue of Gun Controls in the United States
  329. Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicides (PAS) is Wrong
  330. The End-Of-Life and Euthanasia Debate in the United States
  331. Gun Control in the United States
  332. What Causes Increased Cases of Abortion Deaths
  333. Overspending of Public Funds to Incarcerate Nonviolent Marijuana Offenders
  334. Problem of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
  335. Society’s Refusal to Acknowledge Domestic Violence Against Men
  336. Does Uniform Make a Difference in Child’s Academic Performance
  337. Widespread Racism in Scientific Opinions and Views in the Society
  338. Will Affirmative Action Will Survive During the 21st Century
  339. Is Rape Motivated by Sex or Not
  340. Is There a Need for Gun Control t
  341. A Debate About Whether We Will Ever Overcome the Obstacle of Racism
  342. Feminism and Liberation Issue
  343. The Moral Aspects of Abortion
  344. Is Child Punishment Acceptable
  345. The Link Between Drugs Ads and Youth Violence
  346. Feminism is a Harmful Ideology
  347. Is Lowering the Drinking Age in America a Problem or a Solution
  348. Finding Connections Between Affirmative Action and Reverse Discrimination
  349. Abortion by Planned Parenthood, an Organization Headed by Deborah Nucatola
  350. Censorship on the Internet
  351. Discussing Controversial Subject of the Death Penalty
  352. The Nature and Existence of Love and Its Varying Forms
  353. Should The Teachers Be Allowed to Carry Firearms in American Schools
  354. Does E-books Culture Contribute to Literacy Decrease Among Schoolchildren?

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  1. Deborah

    You know that I just want to apply for my master’s degree in sociology and that I lack ideas on a subject to propose. But reading the topics and ideas above helped me a lot. Thank you