
Psychology Essay Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 10.02.2020
List of Psychology Essay Topics

Are you looking for a great topic for your psychology article? Sometimes it seems that to come up with a good idea for an article is more difficult than the actual research and writing. Fortunately, there are many great places to find inspiration, and the following list contains just a few ideas to get you started.

Finding a solid topic is one of the most important steps in writing paper. This can be especially important when writing a psychological research paper or essay.

When you start searching for a topic for your psychology article, it is first and foremost important to consider the guidelines set by your instructor. In some cases, for example, in general psychology classes, you might have the opportunity to choose any topic within the reach of psychology. In other cases, such as in an abnormal psychology course, you may need to write an article on a specific topic, such as a psychological disorder.

List of 350+ Psychology Essay Topics

  1. A Biography of Arnold Lazarus
  2. A Biography of Elizabeth Kubler Ross
  3. A Biography of Frances Cress Welsing
  4. A Biography of Hermann Ebbinghaus
  5. A Biography of James Clerk Maxwell, a British Physicist
  6. A Brief History of Psychology
  7. A Brief Psychological Overview of the Healing Process
  8. A Career Analysis: Psychologist
  9. A Case Study of Borderline Personality Disorder
  10. A Case Study of Janet’s Final Project
  11. A Case Study of Mental Status of Jonathan
  12. A Case Study on the Cognitive Ability of Amber
  13. A Characteristics of Charisma
  14. A Characterization of Frotteurism in During Adolescence
  15. A Closer Look at Mental Illnesses
  16. A Comment on the Theory of Socialization Process by Erik H. Erikson
  17. A Comparison of Freud and Skinner
  18. A Comparison of Physical and Psychological Addictions
  19. A Comparison of Piaget, Freud and Erikson the Theorists of Psychology
  20. A Comparison of Risk and Self-Command in Life
  21. A Comparison of Several Personality Theories from Different Scholars
  22. A Comparison of the Narrative and Memory Views of Identity
  23. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Dream
  24. A Day Care Environment: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  25. A Day in the Life of a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  26. Abraham Harold Maslow and a Summary of His Works in Psychology
  27. Aggression and Its Intricacies in Human Beings
  28. Albert Einstein from the First View, a German-Born Austrian Physicist
  29. American Developmental Psychologist Erik Erikson 1902-1994
  30. Analysis of the Article Major Depressive Disorder and Depressive Symptomatology as Predictors of Husband to Wife Physical Abuse
  31. Analysis of the Concept of Cognitive Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence and Their Application in Modern Organisations
  32. Analysis of the Effects of Deprivation on the Subsequent Development of Children
  33. Analysis of the Narcissistic Phenomenon, the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  34. Analysis of the Works of Frederick Winslow Taylor and Abraham Maslow
  35. Analysis on the Deprivation Hypothesis of Bowlby
  36. Anna Freud, the Daughter of Sigmund Freud, and the Founder of Child Psychoanalysis
  37. Authoritarian and Authoritative Styles of Parenting
  38. Baseline of an Undesirable Behavior of an Indoor Cat and a Method for Reducing or Eliminating the Behaviour
  39. Basic Information on Psychology
  40. Behavior and Habit Through Social or Cognitive Theory
  41. Behavior Therapy vs Cognitive Therapy
  42. Being in a Physical Abusive Relationship
  43. Belief Summary of Jesse Prinz’s Article and His Defense on Relativism as a Moral Theory
  44. Beliefs and Approach to Most Issues Between Sigmund Freud and Erich Fromm
  45. Better Life: Identifying and Reducing Stress
  46. Better Understanding of Attentive-Hyperactivity Disorder
  47. Better Understanding of the Narcissistic Phenomenon
  48. Better Understanding of the Process of Self-Discovery in Humans
  49. Better Understanding of the Psychology of Mass Hysteria
  50. Better Understanding of the Theory of Knowledge
  51. Better Understanding of What Causes Autism
  52. Bibliography of Booby Bleed Salot and His Inherited Hemophilia
  53. Bibliography on the Effects of Traumatic Experiences in Childhood
  54. Biography and Life Work of Sigmund Freud, an Austrian Psychiatrist
  55. Biography and Life Work of Stephen W. Hawking, a Theoretical Physicist
  56. Biography of Albert Bandura, a Canadian Psychologist
  57. Biography of Alfred Adler, an Austrian Psychologist
  58. Biography of Alfred Binet, a French Psychologist
  59. Biography of an American Psychoanalysis Erich Fromm Born in Frankfurt, Germany
  60. Biography of Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
  61. Biography of Edvard Munch, a Norwegian Painter
  62. Biography of Erik Erikson, a German Psychologist
  63. Biography of Frantz Fanon a Psychiatrist, Humanist and Revolutionary
  64. Biography of Freud Born in Freiberg Educated At the University of Vienna
  65. Biography of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov the World Famous Russian Physiologist
  66. Biography of Karen Horney a German psychoanalyst
  67. Biography of Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky a Psychologist
  68. Biography of Lucian Freud, a Master of the Flesh
  69. Biography of Philip Zimbardo, an American Psychologist
  70. Biography of the Most Dangerous Man in the U.S, Tim Leary
  71. Biography of Viktor Frankl a Neurologist
  72. Biological and Behaviorist Perspectives on the Effects of Solitary Confinement on Criminals
  73. Bob Donaldson’s Life with Cognitive, Behavioral and Existential Approaches
  74. Book Report On “Children with Autism: A Parents Guide”
  75. Book Report Toxic Parents by Dr. Susan Forward
  76. Book Review of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ “On Death and Dying”
  77. Book Review: Our Right to Drugs Written by Thomas Szasz
  78. Boy’s Point of View of a Family That Grew up in a Modest Fashion
  79. Brief Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Books About It
  80. Brief Biography of Alfred Binet the Psychologist and the Present Application of His Theory on Intelligence
  81. Brief Definition of Schizophrenia Disorder in Psychology and Psychiatry
  82. Brief Description of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Mental Health of the Persona
  83. Brief Examination of Human Memory
  84. Brief Foray Into Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences
  85. Brief Introduction to OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
  86. Brief Look at the Anti-Personality Disorder and Its Manifestation
  87. Brief Look into Disorganized Schizophrenia
  88. Brief Overview of the Theories of Personality
  89. Brief Story of My Battle with Bipolar Disorder
  90. Burrhus Frederic Skinner, an American Psychologist and Behaviorist
  91. Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
  92. Carl Jung, One of the Founding Fathers of Psychology
  93. Carl Rogers, an American Psychologist and One of the Founders of the Humanistic Approach
  94. Case Analysis of Panic Disorder and the Perspective of Barbara Harrison Through Her Experience with the Disorder
  95. Case Study of Bill Clinton’s Life from the Freudian Perspective
  96. Case Study on the Harmful Effects of Pornography
  97. Case Study on the Road Rage Shooting Case of Jim Stillwagon
  98. Cause, Symptoms and Effects of Bipolar Disorder in United States of America
  99. Causes and Management of Anorexia Nervosa
  100. Causes and Treatment of Epilepsy
  101. Causes, Manifestation and Management of Bipolar Disorder
  102. Changes During Adolescence and the Factors That Influenced an Individual’s Well-Being
  103. Character Analysis of Helena’s Behavior as a Characteristic of Anorexia Nervosa
  104. Characteristics of Hate and Love
  105. Characteristics of Introvert and Extrovert
  106. Child Observation Report
  107. Child Should Be Cared for and Nurture to Grow as Good Individuals
  108. Child’s Mind Is a Clean Slate Waiting to Be Filled With Knowledge
  109. Childhood Onset Bipolar Disorder (BPD) a Mental Disorder Affecting Children
  110. Choking and Panicking in the Article The Art of Failure by Malcolm Gladwell
  111. Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
  112. Clinical Depression or Ordinary Mood Swings?
  113. Clinical Description of Anorexia Nervosa and Its Causes
  114. Clinical Description of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  115. Clinical Description of the Brain Disease, Schizophrenia
  116. Clinical Picture of Dementia
  117. Closer Look at Procrastination
  118. Cognitive and Constructivist View of Learning
  119. Cognitive Development Theory and the Stages of Social Development
  120. Cognitive Dissonance and Its Effects in Relation to Arguments and Persuasion
  121. Comment on the Humanistic Approach to the Development of Personality
  122. Comparative Analysis Erikson’s and Vaillant’s Views of Development
  123. Comparative Analysis of Grit by Angela Duckworth and Mindsets by Carow Dweck
  124. Comparative Analysis of Psychotherapy Models
  125. Comparative View of the Concepts of Behaviorism and Humanism
  126. Comparison and Contrast of Serial Killers
  127. Comparison and Contrast of the Old and Young
  128. Comparison Between Archie Carroll’s The Pyramid Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
  129. Comparison Between Classical and Operant Conditioning
  130. Comparison Between Inherited Influences and Environmental Influences Development
  131. Comparison between Psychological Egoism and Ethical Egoism
  132. Comparison Between the Concepts of Dualism and Physicalism
  133. Comparison Between the Halo Effect and the Devil Effect
  134. Comparison Between the Ideology of Libertarianism and Determinism
  135. Comparison of an Only Child and a Child With Siblings
  136. Comparison of Anxiety and Fear in Which Emotion Is More Frequent
  137. Comparison of Different Theories of Aggression
  138. Comparison of Durkheim and Freud on Native American Culture
  139. Comparison of Emerson and Whitman Views of Self
  140. Comparison of Freud’s and Marx’s Viewpoints
  141. Comparison of Jung and Freud Dream Interpretation Theories
  142. Comparison of Loving Sex: Women vs Men
  143. Comparison of Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Experience
  144. Comparison of Psychodynamic and Behavioral Theories
  145. Comparison of Riding a Rollercoaster and Loving Somebody
  146. Comparison of Short-Term Memory and Working Memory
  147. Comparison of STM and LTM in Psychology
  148. Comparison of Stress in School and Vacation
  149. Comparison of the Psychology of Men and Women
  150. Comparison of Two Articles Dealing With Mental Illnesses
  151. Comparison of Two Articles on Brain Synapses
  152. Comprehensive Analysis of Claustrophobia That Causes People to Deviate From Confined Areas
  153. Comprehensive Analysis of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  154. Comprehensive Analysis of the Perils of Obedience, a Psychological Study by Stanley Milgram
  155. Confirmation of Horace’s Theory that Adversity Leads to Character Development in the Cases of Emmanuel Pacquiao and Martin Luther King, Jr.
  156. Connection Between Adolescent Depression and Teenage Suicide
  157. Connection between Colors and Moods
  158. Consumer Reports Study on the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
  159. Contrast of Counseling Versus Psychotherapy
  160. Contrast of Philosophies by Sigmund Freud and Rene Descartes
  161. Controversial Opinion on Spanking as a Punishment
  162. Correlation Statistical Analysis of the Symptoms and Function in Older Adults with Comorbidity
  163. Counseling Environments and the Importance of Multicultural Approach
  164. Creative vs Critical Thinking
  165. Critical Analysis of a Journal Article on the Major Depressive Disorder and Depressive Symptomatology
  166. Critical Analysis of Piaget’s Cognitive Development General Psychology
  167. Critical Analysis of Prisoners Dilemma by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dreshner
  168. Critical Analysis of the Concept of Dreams and The Destruction of the Dreamcape
  169. Critical Analysis of the Scholastic Approach to Religion
  170. Critical Analysis of the Self and the Future by Bernard Williams
  171. Critical Analysis of the Strange Situation, a Study by Mary Ainsworth
  172. Critical Assessment of Operant Behaviourism and Selection by Consequences by B. F. Skinner
  173. Critical Assessment of the Value of Quantitative Research Made by Reviewing Literature on the Treatments and Development of Anxiety Disorders
  174. Critical Discussion on the Psychoanalytic Concept of Repression
  175. Critical Evaluation of Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
  176. Critical Evaluation of the Cognitive Theory of Stereotypical
  177. Critical Examination of Rene Descartes Trademark Argument
  178. Critical Response to Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: Our Attention Span Is Not Shortening
  179. Critical Review of Recent Literature on Sex Differences in Behaviour of Preschool Children During Play
  180. Critical Thinking on Violence and Children
  181. Critical View on Intelligence Tests
  182. Critical View on IQ Tests
  183. Criticism of Psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud
  184. Critique of Amygdala Activity Related to Enhanced Memory for Pleasant and Aversive Stimuli
  185. Critique of an Article On Teens and Group Behavior
  186. Critique of Being Sane in Insane Places, an Article by David Rosenhan
  187. Critique of Efficacy of Psychodynamic and Cognitive-Behavioural Counselling Approaches
  188. Critique of Herbert Spencer’s Theory of Cellular Differences Between the Rich and the Poor
  189. Critique of Stanley Milgram’s Study on the Ethical Issues of Obedience
  190. Critique of the Myers-Briggs Individual Type Personality Indicator
  191. Critique of the Theories of Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcuse and Norman O. Brown
  192. Critique of Vanessa Pupavac Study on Therapeutic Governance
  193. Critique on Freud, Strengths and Weaknesses in His Works
  194. Cross-Cultural and Developmental Study of Facial Expression Interpretations
  195. Cultural Psychologies of America and the Rest of the World
  196. Debate of Nature Versus Nurture in the Case of the Twins Separated at Birth
  197. Debate on the Reliability of Memory and Types of Memory Failure
  198. Debate Over the DSM-IV Classification System
  199. Deeper Analysis of the Disorder Known as Autism
  200. Deeper Analysis on Adolescent Depression
  201. Deeper Analysis on Human False Belief
  202. Deeper Understanding of the Philosophy of Nightmares
  203. Definition and Discussion of Stress
  204. Definition and Effects of Depression
  205. Definition and Meaning of Responsibility
  206. Definition and Purpose of Physical Therapy
  207. Definition of Being Mature
  208. Definition of Bipolar Disorder
  209. Definition of Critical Thinking
  210. Definition of Depression and Anxiety
  211. Definition of Dreams & Dreaming
  212. Definition of Emotional Intelligence
  213. Definition of Gambling and an Overview of Addictive Gambling Behavior
  214. Definition of Identity and the Factors That Influence the Shaping of One’s Identity
  215. Definition of Intelligence from Psychological Point of View
  216. Definition of Justice That Appeals to Human Psychology Rather Than a Perceived Behavior
  217. Definition of Oikophobia, the Fear of Household Appliances
  218. Definition of Stress and the Body’s Physical and Emotional Response
  219. Depression and an Analysis of Tricyclic Antidepressants
  220. Description of the Organic Brain Syndrome “Dementia”
  221. Difference Between Counseling and Psychotherapy
  222. Difference Between Hard Systems Thinking and Soft Systems Thinking
  223. Differences Between Anger and Aggression
  224. Differences Between Counseling and Psychotherapy
  225. Differences between Functional and Structural Psychology
  226. Differences Between Knowledge and Wisdom
  227. Differences in the Abilities and Attitudes of Male from Those of Female Managers
  228. Dillard’s Essay About Her Mother and a Personal Relationship with a Mother
  229. Dominick and the Recommended Interventions in the Pervasive Developmental Disorder Case
  230. Drive Theory of Motivation versus the Incentive Theory of Motivation
  231. Ed Gein Born At the Turn of the Century into the Small Farming Community of Plainfield
  232. Effect of Treatment on Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression
  233. Effective Decision Making Process in the Airplane Cockpit
  234. Effectiveness of Modern Standardized IQ Tests
  235. Effectiveness of the Cognitive Interview Approach
  236. Efficiency of FDR’s Administration at Dealing with the Great Depression
  237. Emile Durkheim and Sigmund Freud on Different Views on Native American Culture
  238. Environmental Types and Intelligence Behind it
  239. Erich Fromm and His Theory on Irrationality of Mass Behavior
  240. Erikson’s Theory and Marcias Additional Advancements Apply to Identify Formation
  241. Erikson’s and Piaget’s Theories of Personality and Development
  242. Essential Sound Judgement and Implementation of Rules
  243. Existential and Positivist Approaches to Pathology
  244. Fanon’s Book The Wretched of the Earth and Foucault’s Discipline and Punish
  245. Fatalism and Determinism and their Similarities
  246. Father of Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud 1856-1939
  247. Features of Neurology and Psychology
  248. Five-Factor Model and the Six-Factor Model of Personality
  249. Freud versus Lewis: POV on Existence of God
  250. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky a Psychological Analysis of Human Faith and Soul
  251. Guardian Temperament and Idealist Temperament Type of People
  252. Heiman’s “Civilization over Nature” and McGregor’s “Nature over Civilization”
  253. History of Sexuality by Michael Focault to the Works of Sigmund Freud
  254. How Short-Term Memory Works in Humans
  255. Hygiene Theory and the Hierarchy of Needs
  256. Impact of the Studies of Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud
  257. Intellectual Development in Children and Teenagers
  258. Intelligence of a Mind and a Machine by Fodor and Searle in Examination of Functionalism
  259. Introduction to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) a Disruptive Behaviour Disorder of Childhood
  260. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky’s Cognitive Theories
  261. Jean Piaget, a Swiss Development Psychologist and Philosopher
  262. John D. Rockefeller as an Example of Freud’s Theory of Pleasure
  263. Ken Harrison and the Reasons for His Desire of Euthanasia in Whose Life is It Anyway?, a Play by Brian Clark
  264. Knowledge and Wisdom: How Are They Alike
  265. Kung San and Western Babies in the Crying Game
  266. Liberty by John Stuart Mill and Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
  267. Life and Times of Austrian Psychologist Alder Alfred
  268. Life of Medical Doctor and Psychologist Sigmund Freud
  269. Life Work of Abraham Harold Maslow, an American Thinker
  270. Life Work of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss Psychiatrist
  271. Mary Whiton Calkins, the First Woman President of The American Psychological Association
  272. Meaning and Definition of Fear
  273. Movement of Particles Across Membranes
  274. Noam Chomsky’s Analysis of Language Acquisition and B.F. Skinner’s Explanation
  275. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Its Example in the Case of John D. Rockefeller the Standard Oil Magnate
  276. Passive and Assertive Behaviors in Making Decisions
  277. People’s Personality and a Plate Full of Pie
  278. Personal Experience with a Child Who Has ADHD, ODD and Bipolar Disorder
  279. Personalities and Minds of Sigmund Freud and Nietzsche
  280. Phenomenon of Imagination in Human Beings
  281. Philosophies of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx
  282. Physical Development in Young Adults
  283. Piaget and Vygotsky on Children Cognition
  284. Piaget’s Constructivist Theory of Cognitive Development vs Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development
  285. Power of Mind and the Power of Appearance
  286. Presentation for the Competing Behavior Model
  287. Production Effect in Memory, an Article by Colin MacLeod and Glen Bodner
  288. Psychologist Alfred Binet and a Present Day Application of His Theory
  289. Psychology in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Picture of Dorian Gray
  290. Relationship Between Concussion and Neuropsychological Performance in College
  291. Response to Kristin van Ogtrop’s Home for the Holidays: Holiday Stress Among Parents and Children
  292. Review of a Court Martial Case Involving Lasan T. Harris
  293. Scientists Believe on Dreaming As a Natural Process of the Brain and Psychologists Believe That Dreams Are Secretive Emotions
  294. Shyness in Men and Women: What is the Difference
  295. Side Effects of Prozac and St. John’s Wort
  296. Sigmund Freud and an Overview of the Theory of Psychoanalysis
  297. Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson: Comparison of Theories
  298. Sigmund Freud and His Philosophies
  299. Sigmund Freud’s Model of Psychosexual Development and Erik Erikson’s Model of Psychosocial Development
  300. Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic and Humanistic Personality Theory
  301. Similarities and Differences Between Behaviourism and Psychoanalysis
  302. Similarities and Differences Between Childhood Studies and Child Psychology
  303. Similarities and Differences Between Piaget’s Theory and Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development
  304. Similarities and Differences Between the Two Theories of Conscienceness
  305. Stanford Prison Experiment, Shock Experiments and Conditioning of Little Albert Experiment
  306. Stanley Milgram and Diana Baumrind Experiments of Obedience
  307. Stanley Milgram’s The Perils of Obedience and Philip Zimbardo’s The Stanford Prison Experiment
  308. Starving or Acceptance, an Article by Margaret Rank
  309. Strengths and Weaknesses of One Biological and One Individual Differences Explanation of Addictive Behavior
  310. Structured Observation and Face to Face Interviews
  311. Study on Alcohol Addiction and Its Adverse Effects on an Individual’s Life
  312. Study on the Mental Health Problems of Ora and Will
  313. Study on Tyco International, a Company Accused of Fraud
  314. Summary and an Introduction to a Complex Partial Seizure
  315. Summary and an Introduction to Schizophrenia a Sever Brain Disease
  316. Summary of Robert P. Mahan’s Essay on Sleep Deprivation
  317. Symptoms of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Ita Cure
  318. The “Good Side” and The “Bad Side” in Relations to the Splitting of the Viscount
  319. Theories About Personality nu Alfred Adler, Karen Horney and Harry Sullivan
  320. Theories About the Experience of Pain: The Specificity Theory, Pattern Theory, and Gate Theory
  321. Theories Between Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget
  322. Theories by Eric Erikson and Jean Piaget
  323. Theories on Different Viewpoints on the Subject of Personality
  324. Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner and Triarchic Theory of Intelligence by Robert Sternberg
  325. Theory That Human Behavior is Controlled By Environment
  326. Timothy Leary the American Psychologist and Psychedelic Drug Advocate
  327. Traits of a Gifted Child and One with ADHD
  328. Treatment and Management of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  329. Two Great Men and Their Systems: Sigmund Freud vs. Erik Erickson
  330. Two Individuals in Neat People Versus Sloppy People by Suzanne Britt
  331. Two Interviews on the Subject of True Happiness
  332. Two Types of Serial Killers: Psychopaths and Psychotics
  333. Types of Good and Bad Stress That Can Benefit People
  334. Unique Approaches to Personality in Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
  335. Untold Truth of Stanford Prison Experiment
  336. Use of the Scientific Method in Psychology
  337. Using Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory and Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory
  338. View Comparison of Carl Von Clausewitz’s and Su Zi’s Approach to War
  339. View Comparison of Freud and Marx on Human Nature
  340. Viewpoints of Dave Barry and Judith Cofer about Stereotyping
  341. Views of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin
  342. Views of Scruton and Goldman on Sexual Ethics
  343. Views of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung in Personality
  344. Views of Two Distinct School of Psychology Behaviourism and Humanism
  345. Visual Sensation and Visual Perception in Our Surrounding
  346. Werner Heisenberg a German Theoretical Physicist
  347. What is Better: Observational Groups Research Techniques or Focus Group Research Techniques
  348. What is the Difference Between Motor Abilities and Motor Skills
  349. What Makes Today’s Women Believe that they,in Their Natural State,are Inherently not Good Enough
  350. Works Comparison: Freud and Nietzsche
  351. Works of Albert Ellis and William Glasser
  352. Works of Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner in Psychology
  353. You Just Don’t Understand by Deborah Tannen versus Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray
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One Comment

  1. Andrew S. Bryson

    These are some great thought-provoking ideas. I can say that you spend a lot of time compiling the lists. Any essay based on one of these topics would be worth the effort to write.