
Expository Essay Topics For Middle School

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020
Expository Essay Topics For Middle School

List of Expository Essay Topics For Middle School

  1. Books or movies? Why do some people prefer cinemas to libraries?
  2. Does having a part time job lead to making mistakes in choosing the correct career options?
  3. Does percentage directly correlate to efficiency in work places?
  4. Does the internet give access to information or misinformation?
  5. Does the present education system ascertain the appreciation of merit?
  6. Does the World Wide Web ignites curiosity or kills it?
  7. Does too many options makes the youth incapable of choosing the right career?
  8. How can obesity affect people’s social status?
  9. How did the Industrial Revolution in England in the 18th century impact history?
  10. How does diversity affect the classroom?
  11. essay samples 

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  12. How does the Internet influence business communication?
  13. How does the quality of one’s life depend on one’s education?
  14. How does weather affect our mood?
  15. How does your mood affect your memory?
  16. Influence of the Internet on our lives
  17. Is dropping out of school always a negative?
  18. Is innovations like smart phones and tablets ruining the childhood of modern kids?
  19. Is it human nature to pick up the bad traits and not the good ones from one’s company?
  20. Is it important to have a mascot for everything?
  21. Is it necessary to make teacher recruitment criteria more stringent?
  22. Is it practically feasible to quit a job and resume studies?
  23. Is the advent of technology a disaster in disguise?
  24. Is the pressure of the society still a major factor in deciding a career option?
  25. Is there a general misconception of regarding diet as starvation and not a balanced healthy calorie intake?
  26. Is there a need for amendments in adopting laws?
  27. Reasons for the popularity of science-fiction books nowadays
  28. Should non academic extracurricular activities be made compulsory?
  29. Should sex education be made compulsory in high school?
  30. Should there be reservations and quotas in higher education?
  31. What are the consequences of obesity for a person and society in general?
  32. What can be done to overcome the effects of a bad childhood?
  33. What changes are necessary for your school lunchroom?
  34. What does it mean to be a smart consumer?
  35. What does it take to be a smart consumer?
  36. What is a smartwatch and why do people need such a device?
  37. What is a tornado and how does it form?
  38. What is an ecological footprint and why do scientists calculate it?
  39. What is the condition of homeless people in different cities and countries?
  40. What is the effect of social media on modern life?
  41. What is the relationship between education and quality of life?
  42. What kind of effect can a pet have on your mood?
  43. What kinds of effect can getting a driving license have on a teenager?
  44. Why do fantasy books become bestsellers these days?
  45. Why do people write cover letters when they are looking for a job?
  46. Why do some people like cats more than dogs?
  47. Why do students use social networks all the time?
  48. Will genetics collide with religious beliefs?

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